How fking weird did he look,having 5'6 proportions at 6'2 sounds pretty crazy to me.
His torso is extremely small and so is his skull(and clavicles)
a person at 6 ft 2 has got a 23.5 - 24inch skull and his skull looks like it is 22inch. He wears baggy clothes to mask his stupid proportions lol.
He can't even run, he married a negress and has got 2 mulatto kids, he tries so hard to be a singer and is also a wannabe actor.
His face is extremely homo looking tbh, especially when he smiles, its sort of like a chipmunk but the one that it takes it up from behind.
You will start to hate him even if you have never interacted with him before just by reading what he has done to others.
He ruined lives tbh.
Here is the archived encyclopedia
you will know everything you need to know about him here here are the leaked emails of him discussing with other doctors to start a business with him.
He was sending members to be guinea pigs for the butcher doctors... shows 0 remorse for what he has done.
and the ultimate cringe
his music video.
Normie 101.