It's most likely your personality rather than your looks that are holding you back. I'm arguably less good looking than you, especially since I'm somewhat overweight now due to all the lack of exercise, muscle atrophy and lowered stamina after recovering from LL. And I'm shorter than you when you wear 2-inch lifts, but I'm attracting all sorts of attractive girls, including a high fashion model last week. So, it's not your looks. Maybe it's a little bit of your looks, but since I'm not as good looking as you and I'm doing pretty well in the dating scene, I'm going to guess that looks is not the major factor here. If you were ugly, I would have said it's your looks, but you look fine to me. Only thing is that you're not so super attractive that you don't need a personality to pull in girls. And no, being 2 inches taller still doesn't make you super attractive, sorry. Maybe if you being ripped, you might, though. So, you still need to supplement your looks with a good game/routine/whatever you want to call it.
I can't give you a detailed reason as to what it is about your personality unless you post like a transcript of how you talk to girls you're interested in - though, you probably shouldn't do that since this is a public forum. But here's a quick guess: You say that the girls who you don't like, like you. But the girls you do like, don't like you. This might mean that you're treating these two types of girls differently. A common mistake that people make when trying to attract someone is to be too nice to someone. If you don't appear busy or have a lot going on, then it's not attractive. You might appear busy to girls you don't like, because you're blowing them off or not showing much interest. This is attractive to girls, because you don't lower your value to them. You're telling them subtly that you're a higher value than them and that they have to earn your time. You probably aren't doing this to the girls you are attracted to, so they think less of you because you're too friendly to them i.e. you're making a great case for them to be your friend, not girlfriend. I recommend doing research on how to improve your personality and attraction to girls - dating books, blogs, and even YouTube videos. This will help you much more than getting taller. The best improvement you can do in the dating world is to be happy with yourself and your life first. If you aren't even happy with yourself, then why would someone else who's not you be happy with you?
Not all hope is lost, though, because I didn't know how to attract girls when I was younger, too. It's a skill that you can hone and practice to become better with. Some people are born naturally charismatic, but you don't have to be. I certainly wasn't. The other good thing is that there are always new girls out there for you to practice with. Once you meet a new girl, it's like a clean slate. You get to start all over again, and not make the same mistakes this time around.