You're missing the point. All i'm demonstrating is that comparison to family members is relevant. Who the fck cares about robert deniro or jack nicholson's brothers? We're talking about a trio of family members who are all in the industry and recognizable. Now, remove the celebrity status and make it 3 regular brothers from NYC. You think if the 3 brothers are 6'3, 5'9 and 6'3, that when they go out on the town, the smaller one isnt going to be called out for being so much smaller than his brothers? Of course he is. And thats the original point, if these are people you grow up with and "society" associates you with each other, then it's totally understandable if that brother feels a bit of insecurity.
You talked about 5.9 which is even less than average.
What about a 6ft brother compared to 2 6.5 brothers?
The one has a great height but the other ones are ankwardly tall. Who has the problem here, the shorter one or tha tallers? Of course the seconds.
So everything has to do with the average person. If you are way taller than average it is not a benefit but a drawback.
And that has nothing to do if you have brothers as tall as dinosaurs. They have the problem, not you.
Biggerdreams, if someone is happy with his life then of course he has no reason to do LL.
But if someone differs a lot from the average person in one or more traits then it is harder to be successful and haooy in his life
A 5ft man is very hard to have successes in all the aspects of his life. The same an 100kg woman, someone with a huge nose and generally people with OBJECTIVE problems.
A more than average height man objectively has no problem with his height so it is insane to do a so hard cosmetic surgery to change it and he has a major possibility to be mentally ill, is it so hard to understand it?