Very sorry for the shamefully late reply, I am doing very well, thank you for asking. Iv'e been absent form the forum due to some family matters. It's really hard to get back in the swing of posting once you get away from it for a while. I don't plan on being real active on the forum going forward but will periodically check in on others.
A few weeks ago I crossed the point of knowing that all is well and I will be notch on the LL success totem pole. I am walking at a near normal gait now and am slowly rebuilding the strength in my knees. Walking up stairs is fairly routine but i still need to take a step at a time when going down stairs. I'm expecting to be fully recovered at about a year from stage one surgery....that is with lengthening about 7cm.
I can attest to the fact that the fitbone nails will take a lot more weight than advertised. I have been doing some amazing weight bearing feats out of necessity for the past couple of months and xrays show the nails are in good shape.
There is a ridiculous amount of controversy surrounding Dr. Mongegal, I want to say that in my book he is a terrific person and Doctor. I have absolutely no complaints; other than he is a bit absent minded about sending my xray orders with out a few nudging. As I mentioned in previous posts, one you leave Barcelona, he is not going to be holding your hand but he is always a WhatsApp ping away. For you Monegal naysayers, you are absolutely wrong about him; I'll have his back for a lifetime.
I'm toying with the idea of maybe doing my tibia's.........hummm, I need to think long and hard about that but i do its back to Dr. Monegal.
A shout out to Roy Boy, Auron and Music Maker. You all made this experience a lot less fearful that it would have been otherwise without your support.
- Cheers!