To be male and below 165cm is hell.
No good looks, no achievements in life nor any amount of self-confidence, coolness and pickup skills will help you with girls.
The only thing you can do is focusing on short girls in your height range. That's it. Nothing else can be done.
But the problem with short girls is that there are only a few of them, especially when you look at younger generations.
If I wanted to date a 60-year-old *lol* there are about 20% at that height (<165cm). But there are less than 10% in the 20-30 years range.
I know, the statistics say otherwise, but I've been looking for and counting short girls like forever.
But that's not all: those girls are typically taken like most other girls too. If one of them happens to be single, this rare girl still has to find you handsome and to like your personality.
You guys know how hard it is to find the right girl. If you're shorter than 165cm, you have up to 90% less chance than that.
And you still have competition from all the taller males.
But there is even more in your way: Even if one of those <10% short girls happens to be single, finds you handsome and likes your personality, chances are pretty high that even she thinks that you are too short for her, even though she is in your height range. It's because short girls feel short too. They don't think of them as physically normal compared to other regularly tall people around them and they know you're not normal as well. Girls always look for the best option and you are clearly not the best option if you are a short man. Have fun convincing an equally short girl otherwise.
Now, I'm not saying it's impossible.
I was 161cm and even I got lucky once in my life with a short girl.
But it is very, very hard (emotionally) and you need a lot of time, efforts and most of all: LUCK.
Nothing else will help you, except for LL.