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Author Topic: Suggestions about money and excuses to give people  (Read 836 times)

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Suggestions about money and excuses to give people
« on: March 16, 2017, 06:04:07 PM »

Hi all.

I've been lurking in this forum for almost 2 years, now I decided it was time to become a member, and start moving towards limb lengthening.

I'm a 25 years old guy, between 5' 8 and 5' 9, not rich at all (this is my biggest problem), and determined to get my limbs lengthened.

Some of you might be surprised to see much determination in a guy that is not formally considered short. Well, the reality my friends is that nowadays, in 2017 (I live in Europe) being around 5'8-9 is kinda short. A few times I've being mocked by girls about being short (and I can say I have quite much success with them, I know the Game), and around my mates I am one of the shortest, so I feel like a boy.

Average height has definetly risen (I could say that in my country, Italy, among 18 yo guys is about 5'10.5), society has become more competitive in all fields, and as we all know, height matters.

Height improve all fields of life: dating, relationships (yes, most of us are here for this), career, social relationships.. If you want to live a easier and fuller life, you need to be tall, or at least taller than average.

I'm determined to get this surgery done. I aim to 5-6 cm so I can get to 180 cm (5 feet 11). I'm sure it's worth it, since I tried lifts (5 cm), and I experienced that people's perception of me changes. And I'm talking about friends, girls, and strangers.

So, after this introduction, that is just my humble point of view but comes from personal experience, let's go straight to the point.

I have only (only..! Yeah.) two huge problems.

1) I need money. Since I have just about a thousand euros of savings, and I am still studying in university, this is my biggest problem.

Unfortunately I chose a degree that here, in Italy, is not that useful, and even if I'll graduate in September, I decided that after graduation I'm going to get the degree in dentistry.

That will bring me great incomes, but it means 6 more years away from money.

That's why, since I want this surgery to be done as soon as possible, I'm looking for ways to make money. I am already studying Forex and Stocks trading for almost a year, but still I'm not seeing huge incomes.

2) I need to find excuses to tell people for the time I'll be "out".

External tibia would be cheaper, but you can't hide frames. Internal femurs is more expensive, but after lengthening you can go home, so it would mean just 3-4 months away from home.

I'd appreciate to get your inputs, experiences, ideas and everything that could help me to reach my goal.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Suggestions about money and excuses to give people
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2017, 07:27:19 PM »

As a student, with 6 years of university ahead, I would take a student loan and a part-time job.
Then, after 3 or so years, suddenly have a traffic accident while being on vacation and both of your legs broken.
Take one semester off.

Good luck!

Ps: 5' 8/5' 9 is still a good height and you know the game as you say. I wouldn't do it if I were you.
I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
I'm no longer participating in this community.


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Re: Suggestions about money and excuses to give people
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 11:08:05 AM »

I'm shorter than you, also young, and I live in a taller country. Among my peers in university, I see dozends of men every day who are my height or a little bit taller or a little bit shorter, while I also see a lot of middle-aged and even older men who tower over me. So average height seems to pretty much stay the same.

About height helping you with your career, dating ,etc., yes, it can help you, but it doesn't have to be necessary. Being physically healthy also helps your career and dating, so think really hard if you really want this. If you do, I wish you the best of luck.
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It's a long way to find peace of mind, peace of mind.


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Re: Suggestions about money and excuses to give people
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 12:13:18 PM »

Ciao sono italiano come te e nel caso ti decidessi vorrei delle informazioni.

I am Italian like you I would like some Informations.
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