Boys and Girls,
I have decided to go to Pretoria for surgery. I could not believe how close I was about to select other doctor. This was not easy decision, agonizing over this for few months. Lost the motivation and hardly focus on, sports etc. Believe or not I was calling Dr. M's office for surgery date just yesterday. One PM from Amatan (thanks Amatan) and Dr. B gracious posting to the forum aid to the decision.
My surgery is booked for
June 4th. I am most likely to stay for entire lengthening period and insert titanium for faster consolidation and mobility. I may opt for second tibia surgery. Dr. B and I decided on wait and see approach. I am planning to work remotely from Pretoria. I will have to see how that will pan out. If the telecommute does not work than I might come back after femur and do tibia later.
I been researching over this almost two years. I profiled almost all the best LL doctors and exchanged email with almost all around the world. I communicated to Dr. Rozbruch (consulted), Dr. Paley (email), Dr. M (consulted), Dr. Jamal, Dr. Lee, Dr. Guichet, Dr. Salemah and obviously Dr. Franz. You can see I went around the globe on quest to find LL doctor that suits my requirement
. I was determined to do this but was not sure when, where and how. The Korea Precise issue put me on hold for sometime as well
Now I made up my mind, thank goodness! I will be focusing next few months on stretching and following Precise diary to gain some perspective and what not. If you anyone wants to chat, ping me on Skype @ cooperlengthening.
Best wishes,