Planning to get LON this year - either tibia or femur (yes i know femur is painful, but proportion wise and money wise would suit me so much better).
I also don't want to stop working out, i know that i'd be able to do a few weight training exercises as it involves laying down however with legs ... i don't want to be the guy that's all upper body strength and no legs although in my mind i know this is likely going to happen.
Has any body here done light training on their legs that isn't stretching so that overall you only lose a little muscle as opposed to a lot?
or do i have to suck it up and accept ill lose all my muscle in my legs.
I asked the same question as you when I started lengthening!
There are dIfferent opinions:
Dr. Rozbruch seems to recommend almost no workout.
Dr. GUichet seems to recommend a lot of workout and early on.
Dr. Monegal recommends:
Bedtime first week, standup only after one week
Wheelchair until you have good bone formation (usually for the first 1-2 months)
Walk in between parallel bars and start cycling after after 2 weeks, but still in wheelchair
Walk in water after wounds are 100% healed after 3- 4 weeks
Any kind of exercise for upper body
Any kind of leg exercise where you are not putting weight on your body
Increase exercise depending on how much bone has formed
I have lengthened 5 cm so far ( will do one more cm) and have good bone formation. Thus I can do most muscle exercises and have almost gone back to original muscle strength.
So I was able to keep the muscle atrophy to a minimum! But I did spend a lot of time one stationary bike, and doing other leg exercises.