I am sorry but this plug is shameless. Are you a staff member or the doctor himself? It seems this type of self promotion has been going on for a long time with this doctor: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=150409443&pagenumber=4 ...scroll down and you can see that the Dr himself was posting and luring. And why would anyone not go to Rozburch in US for only $35k more?! If you are a REAL patient as you say, why do you feel the need to spam this site with promotions? Do you get paid or a discount, because I have seen similar post by you on other diaries.
All I want to do is help other potential patients who want to go through the procedure.
For most of the potential LL candidates it is a considerable expenses. For that reason there are still people, I would actually expect the majority of patients, who are doing lengthening with an external device!
On the issue: I have done a lot of research before deciding on the procedure and it was clear I was going to do internal and I was doing it in North American or Western Europe. Thus the options were:
Rozbruch, New York
Paley, West Palm Beach
Baumgart, Munich
Guichet, London or Milan
Betz, Frankfurt
Monegal, Barcelona
There was a lot of contradictory and unreliable information our there. But I could not find a clear indication that Rozbruch and Paley, who are most expensive, were better than Baumgart, Guichet or Betz, or that those were better than Monegal, who was least expensive. So I admit, that the decision between the above doctors was mainly based on price.
However, I have also talked to rich US patients here, that say they did not decide on Monegal because of the price, but because of the expected quality as well as the higher anonimity being outside the US.
I am using my time for the benefit of all of you and seem to receive only "negativity" in return. :-(
So I won't be posting here anymore.