Do you honestly think that 175cm is a great height for a male? I didn't say it's bad either. All the stats from well developed European countries confirm that it's mediocre height.
Yes, 175 can be a great height for
one particular male. People like Robert De Niro or Tom Hardy absolutely ace that height and I would love to have their looks or charisma. You have to understand that height follows a normal distribution, a bell curve. That means no matter how tall people are, many will be below the average and there is nothing that can be done about it. And many men do great at that height. Like it or not, but that's a truth you cannot deny.
For a guy who is below 170cm 175cm can be a great height but stats are brutal and you are only mediocre in Germany if you are this tall and pretty short among young people.
You said 181 is the average in your country. In Germany, the average is "only" 178 among all people (yound and old). The younger generation might be taller, but even this trend is questionable since native Germans have low birth rates and migrants (shorter on average) have a lot more kids. So I think that even in Europe, this height will remain solid for the future.
As I said before, your feelings of unhappiness are valid, but please try to stay objective and not get carried away by your height neurosis. And don't say crap like "short guys are jealous and rude", that's a really terrible and toxic thing to say. Say "User xxx is rude" instead.