It comes into play. A guy who's 6'2 is going to on average be better off that someone 5'5. I'm saying 2 inches makes next to no difference.
That's why people do 2 segment lengthening to gain 4-5 inches. Each segment being within the safe limits i.e. 5cm tibiae and 6cm femurs. That would be a huge significant improvement in contrast to just 2 inches. (and it might still be worth it depending on the individual to what impact his height effects him psychologically/mentally/physically in life even if it requires lot of time and money). A few months of suffering is still better than suffering for the rest of your life from:
a) Less respect from other people due to shorter than average stature.
b) Less success with women due to shorter than average stature. (There have been studies that shorter than average guys enjoy a less blissful romance life compared to tall men) Of course, there are other factors like personality and sense of humor but when one is handicapped (huge comparative disadvantage) a rather huge chunk compared to their tall counterparts due to being short, it's not really motivative to improve on these other factors and be fully dependent on them.
c) Less potential success in career i.e. management positions, pay, promotion and advancement discrimination (positions where there is power, authority and control) due to shorter than average stature. (There have been studies that people who are short are paid less on average)
d) Low self esteem and confidence due to the above. Wearing lifts does make you feel better temporarily but then again, it's not who you really are and you feel miserable and ungenuine wearing them => Causes a large backfire effect when you take them of.
Of course, first priority should always be a good reputable surgeon. Nonetheless, it's still a significant improvement going from 5'7 to 5'9 since you will come closer (if not at) to the equilibrium (assuming live in USA/Canada). Equilibrium, being the average cut-off point. 2 segments would mean 5'9 to 5'11 which would be beast and have an edge.