Due to the increased activity of the forum, the site moderators are looking to add two additional moderators to the team in order to keep it running smoothly. The role of the mods will be to ensure that site rules are enforced, which would include removing posts that fall under commercial spam or harassment. Being a moderator is entirely voluntary, so we are seeking trustworthy users with good intentions. Replies to this topic will be for the purpose of nominating additional moderators you think would be a good fit.
You can nominate 2 users to be moderators (including yourself) and can include your reasoning in your post if you would like.
Example: I nominate X and Y to be added to the mod team (Optional: Because...)
The users with the most nominations will be contacted later to confirm their candidacy. If they decline, then they will not be included in the final round of voting between nominated candidates.
Nominations will be open for 5 days after today's date.
Note: We are only counting nominations from users who have a post count above 30.
Current Moderators: KiloKAHN, Medium Drink of Water, TRS
Active Moderators: KiloKAHN, TRS
New Moderators: To Be Determined