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Author Topic: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia  (Read 416410 times)

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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #248 on: April 12, 2014, 08:49:32 PM »

Funny because now that im 172 I still don't feel good about my height. It is really a never end story when we keep compering our selfs. So much insecurity I dislike it. Today I just got some girl s number but I still feel kinda weird about it because even thou she flirted with my and gave me a lot of rapport,  the fact that im walking with a crutch and I stil havel a frame on my leg makes me feel like a little strange, specially when I know ill be free of frames on Monday this anxiety of being there but not there yet is killing me. And I have few girls ill be dating next week and the insecurity of walking like a handicap is hunting me haha. All I can do is just do it, im sure these feelings will go away. The funny thing is that I didn't feel like this two months ago. Because I wasn't comparing my self to anything I was only living in the present moment. I need to get back to that mind set.

Yeah, I can feel you bro. I also feel the same way before when I try to mole myself into the image that women wants... tall, handsome, rich and anything and everything. I never live up to their expectation.

However, nowadays I really falter in the dating department. You have gone farther than I have. If anyone ask me if my chance of scoring more women after LL, my answer would be no. It is much worst now. I met 6 women last month. I filter down to just 2 hottest ones. Now yesterday, I cut off the last beauty queen because I find that she was a bit annoying.

I find that my left-hand gave me more intimate experience than any wowan I ever had, no pressure to perform and I can go at my own pace (not the "faster faster BS").... and I hadn't had sex for a year. At 5'8, we are already very close to average and if we want, 2 layers of insole in the bottom of our shoes would be sufficient and natural... and we can wear shorts during the summer. Life is not about women. It's about you.

Being average or close to average is ideal. I find that tall people who exceed their height spectrum (over 5'8 for women and 6'1 for men), find that their height becomes more of a hindrance. My orthodontic who is 6'4 always have to droop downward. My ex manager who was 5'11 always wish she was smaller. If you go to the gym, you'll see that people who are in shape and are proportional (close to average) are ideal, for both men and women.

To overcome your insecurity, I just go to the gym and make myself into a godly figure (try to)... ripped arms and 6 packs. Your muscle body armor will shield you from all the insecurity. And also work on your skincare routine. I usually exfoliate, cleanse and nourish my skin with head to toe every day. If you have an symmetrical face, close to average height, clear skin, and body of muscle armor, then you will be impenetrable.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 09:10:18 PM by Smallguy »
I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #249 on: April 12, 2014, 09:12:45 PM »

Thank you bigguy!))

I think im also feeling like this because I had sex with this one girl and I can't stop thinking about her, and I tell to my self I need to f**k another girl to forget about her. In regards of my height I almost feel the same way as before. I think even worse than you im trying to live up to me own expectations or better say hallucinations of what I could achieve "only if I" seriously this girl is driving me nuts!! The worse part is that she has a boyfriend,  I think the fact that she does has a bf makes me want her even more  >:(  I even look for pornography with girls that look just like her haha lol good news is I have been in this situation before and I know this feeling will go away))))

Anyway Monday I hope to jave good news)) I hopefully be free of metals!) Thanx again for your words and the video, that's a classic)))
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 09:17:21 PM by RGKEY »
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #250 on: April 12, 2014, 11:50:53 PM »

Bigguy (yeah I don't want to call you smallguy anymore),

Great advice man. I'm even sicker in the head that I want to take it to the next level: FAME. That's when you become absolutely impenetrable. (Fame with a sixpack, lol) I'll let you guys know if I ever succeed. In all honesty, I don't want to be successful with women, I want more. I want to torture them a bit. I've always been the "good guy" type. I'm sick of it. I haven't seen any benefit there, so no more Mr. Nice Guy. I want to look into the mirror and see a godlike physique. I know it sounds very narcissistic. Can't help. I'll post all my workout before-after photos for motivation!

Rgkey, date other girls, sleep with others, that's the best way to forget. I still can't forget this girl too. It's stupid. Why do we value people who hurt us and why do we want them back, why are we careless towards people who love us? The whole human mindset is crazy.

*P.S: Not ALL women! I meant the ones who really ask to be tortured. Lol
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 11:57:12 PM by ChrisIsaak »


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #251 on: April 13, 2014, 05:47:46 AM »

Hahaha thanx Chriss!))
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #252 on: April 13, 2014, 12:04:03 PM »

Hey guys, so the end of my journey is becoming a reality. Yesterday I had a lot of mix feelings, in terms of my reality, actions and
overall my existence. I thought of why I started a diary in the first place. Im glad I found my answer to a question I wasn't completely sure i could answer a a little while ago. I came to the conclusion that first Im not a bad person which makes me sympathize with others and try to help. Second for my own amusement. I enjoy expressing my self, sharing my experiences, and interacting with other people, reading to your messages and replies, it was fun!) These reasons being said, I am a very selfish person. Everything I do I do it because I want to, and because it makes me feel good, I'm not different from anybody else. While I was doing LL this forum was a help in the sense that it kinda filled up my lazy time, so I had something to do. I need to be honest also, I would probably not make much posting after i get my frames removed, because my guess is, my life will be busy doing something else. I will try but I can't guarantee, I don't know maybe my desire to help will make me do it, will see. I would like but I don't need people to like me, respect me, agree with me, validate my actions or approve what I say or I do, I only purely care to live my own truth. I can not change anybody's mentality or decisions, I can only provide with information, from my knowledge and from my opinions, it is op to you to decide for your self what to do. So, before I take a break from this forum i want to take you to my journey before leg lengthening, so maybe just like me, you can find happiness which I found a little while before I did this surgery. I don't expect anyone to understand my reasons for doing this surgery and I honestly don't think it is important to know. But maybe if you go through my journey before LL you kinda understand my view, which maybe or maybe not will help you.

Again I'm only here to provide with information. So I would like to live you with some quotes that I remind my self constantly, all this quotes were with me during my whole Leg lengthening process. The last quote is the last and the last the first I made or put on my brain.

"No one should ever be satisfied with only ok. You should get only the best from life. The best experiences, the best love, enjoyment, and over all happiness. Life means nothing without enjoying every time of your life. Give your life a high value!! You deserve it)) Take risks)) Live life responsibly but don't take it so seriously. I wish when I was 18 years old I knew everything that I know now))) Everyone deserves the best. Stop living in your little bubble and be happy)) Find your own truth"

"I rather be the weirdo who lives his own dreams, than the average person who is ruled by everyone else's expectations"

"I respect my self for having the courage to put my self in the most difficult and painful situations to achieve what I want. I don't need people to like me, respect me, approve or validate my actions. I only care to live my truth"

"Next time you,

Worry, stress out, are negative, act from anger. Remember you will not fix anything this way, you can only make things worse. On the other hand, when you focus on the positive, smile, laugh, and never let your negativism conquer you and your actions, you might have a better chance to change things for better. Negativism and anger defeats only the weak and confused people. Stop being so serious! serious faces are not attractive at all and it will not get you anywhere in life! Be your best self, be sexy, be that person that you are when you take a hot bath or drink a fine wine, or with your family, enjoying life, or having amazing sex. Identify the best person you can be and be it!! every fking single day of your life!) Make being the best of you your everyday habit"

"There is not such thing as a bad spirit. There is only confused minds, which leads to misunderstandings between people, which leads to conflicting actions"

"Happiness is not a feeling, it's the highest stage of body and mind"

"you are gonna love me, you are gonna hate me, but Im gonna be me"

Kanye West-

"Life is so unpredictable and difficult, so why working so hard for an easy and comfortable life, when we could invest and work on our own self to be happy and comfortable even in the most difficult situations"

"Anger is like stabbing your self in the heart and expecting the other person to die"

"Having a defined taste for something is useless. However, knowing whether you like something or not, it's much more realistic"

"music exists way before it even makes a sound"

"You want a hot body? You want a Bugatti?
You want a Maserati? You better work bitch
You want a Lamborghini? Sip martinis?
Look hot in a bikini? You better work bitch
You wanna live fancy? Live in a big mansion?
Party in France?
You better work bitch, you better work bitch
You better work bitch, you better work bitch
Now get to work bitch!"

Britney Spears

"When you face Fear every day for a long time, you realize Fear never really existed. It was all part of your imagination. So why in the fk our brain creates and imagine such thing that makes us sweat and panic? Very simple, the only reason for Fear it is to stop us and prevent us from getting hurt, but at the end of the day, fear only stop us from taking action but not from getting hurt"

"If you are going through hell, don't stop, just keep walking"

"The day you ask your self, am I a crazy person? There is a possibility that you are completely fine, but everyone else is crazily insane"

"The best way to pray is to take massive action, the best way to take action is to believe, the best way to believe is to have faith, the best way to have faith is to be happy, the best way to be happy is to live the moment, the best way to live the moment is to pray"

"A rich person doesn't have a lot, a rich person needs very little"

"Art is everywhere, but not everywhere it is visible"

"Saying I believe is not enough. What you do, and why you do it is what you believe"

"The source of real freedom comes from the mind. Hybrid freedom relies upon relativity"

"I am 30 years old. I've experienced pain, love, sex, anger, hunger, comfort, anxiety, fear, disappointment, peace, and almost all there is to experience. But somehow, Life was always remained the same and never was as I expected it to be"

"While everything remains the same, everything changes in your mind"

"Life is a dificult gift to understand"

"I am born every day"

"Redefining Success
Success Is Personal: Society has defined what success is, but unfortunately, society is wrong. What society really means, for the most part, is luck. Success is individual, I'm the only one who can measure my own success. Success can be measure not by the outcome but for what it is done to accomplish it. In other words i'm not entirely responsible for what I accomplish, I can only be responsible and take credits for what I do. This society in which we live in needs the perfect image, the perfect story, needs a model of what life must be. Without this bull  we would have a completely different society. Maybe better, maybe not, but definitely different, and perhaps happier"

"To be mentally strong: most people don't have a clue what that really means. It is the ability of making decisions even against your will to achieve mental and spiritual clarity. To get this ability, For most people, it means facing their deepest fears and going out of their comfort zone. Every time you find your self making very logical excuses for not taking action. It might as well mean, that your brain and every molecule of your body is trying very hard to stop you and to prevent you from getting hurt, not only physically but also mentally. Remember, at the end of the day a stronger person is a happier person (freedom!) And yes, it is possible to become stronger, and so, happier. The same way people go the gym for fitness it is possible to get mental fitness as well"

"Right and wrong only exist in people's mind"

"so people keep blaming others for their tragedies"

"more important than what you say it's how you say it, more important than what you do or accomplish is how you do it"

"The fear of not finding the right person makes you stay with the wrong person"

"Next time you think somebody is weird, think again, you might be the weirdo for letting society dictate your reality"

So that being said. Here is me back at 16 years old.

In High school, short and chubby, I was super superficial, using color contact lenses, I fked up my eyes, i was never happy with my appearance. I hated the fact that i was short and chubby and had brown eyes. anyway time passes, i got in shape and that helped my confidence I was able to get dates and some girls, but never as hot as i always dreamed of. so when I was 23 I met this girl that I really liked and we started dating, this relationship was the beginning of the end and of a new beginning, a new me. We dated for 5 years and lived together also. I got super fat, i was stressed all the time, we had crazy fights, even physical fights. I remember I was so unhappy, i felt like   but the end of it. I was 100 kilograms, I was even fking prostitutes, don't ask me why because I didn't even know, I was lost. So finally after many attempts from me to leave her, she finally took the decision of leaving me, I cried and cried. So that is when my life turned around. I was either gonna die or be born again. Well i decided to get in shape. And I also thought of how I could meet women, so one time i remember taking a   in my bathroom and I goggled "how to talk to girls" or something like that. And that is when I found "the pickup community" I couldn't believe it. So I started learning about it, and getting more information. Until I found "Adam Lyons" I liked him and I signed up for a bootcamp, by this time I wasn't fat I was kinda chubby but short, it was a weekend bootcamp, it was painful, but by the end of that weekend, I remember on a Sunday, I stopped this Thai girl, and we end up having lunch together and on that night went to the club and I got my first real fk!!! I was so happy I couldn't believe it!! I couldn't believe I managed to meet a girl and have her on my bed that same day. So after, I kept improving my pickup skills, I met up with many pickup instructors and other bootcamps, My game was ok, by this I mean, I was getting a lot of phone numbers but many of them didn't end up in anything, many flake numbers. I had an awesome one on one seeing with a great instructor for a whole weekend, this session costed me 2500 dollars, but by the end of it I knew pretty much all I needed to know at least the basics. But most importunely he introduced me to a great book and youtube video, please look for this guy "ANTHONY DE MELLO" he talked about happiness and about waking up and how everything is only in our mind, well this was the real beginning of my transformation. After I got all this down, my game was good, I was able to be my self and be successful with women. While I was doing all this I was also working on my fitness and getting a black belt in Judo. I got to be 70 kilograms and somehow I discovered about leg lengthening on the internet. I didn't give it too much importance but I was real curious and I wasn't obsess with being taller but I thought it would be awesome!! I was using elevator shoes and all that, and I was content with that really. I met another great instructor, probably the best pick up artist I have ever seen in my life, " JUSTIN WAYNE" he is amazing he does something called romantic connection, it is great. By this time I was happy with my life and I realized that it didn't matter what I went through I was always gonna enjoy my self and every time of my life regardless of the reality, and I wasn't gonna let my fears conquer me. I was always gonna face my fears no matter what. I came to many realizations. When finally i came to the conclusion that LL was the greatest thing I could do to my self, not only growing taller will be awesome, but also the challenge that it requires would help me test my believes and if for some reason I became a handicap, I was going to be happy with it or learn to accept my self. my mind set was " there are no tragedies in reality, tragedies only happen in my mind" So I was really trying to test my believes, and of course I loved the idea of being taller. So that is how I found many places for LL and I decided to go for Russia. Because, there is where everything started, and many doctors went there to train. Also, I was always intrigued with the russian culture and women. I came with the mind set to have the best time of my life, and boy I did!! No vacation or trip to the moon will ever compare to the experiences I had here for the last almost 11 months. I experience everything there is to experiences in life in 11 months. The good, the bad, the great and the worst. I would do it all over again in a heart bit.

So my last thought, I would say, "life is not short, it is fking long for most people, but time and space can be very short and badly wasted" All you need to achieve what you want is The right information, and massive action, or a lot of luck.

From an objective view, before I did LL, I got in god shape and improved my social skills tremendously!! I spent time and about 15k in my social skills. I went from the short fat guy who couldnt get girls to a short decent looking guy who was having amazing sex and romantic connection with beautiful women.

here are some videos and links of the people helped me finding my path.

Adam Lyons
DJ fuji
Justin Wayne
Athony de mello (must see)
Look for "the 21 convention"
Rob Judge
And I guess everyone knows Mistery))

Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #253 on: April 13, 2014, 01:11:27 PM »

you can were 4cm lifts  176cm is a good height


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #254 on: April 13, 2014, 11:42:15 PM »

Im happy for you. Your LL journey is almost end. I hope you  to Have lucky and get your fixator out today.  Your new height will give you better opportunities in your life and will make you fell much better about your self and the way others see you .you are a hero for me. so All i can say is enjoy your new life , be happy and fk with all the girls you can, that will be a lot.
Thank you brother for write your diary. It has been very  Helpful for us.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #255 on: April 14, 2014, 12:15:18 AM »

Congrats on the end of your LL experience, enjoy your new height Rgkey. 


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #256 on: April 14, 2014, 12:59:43 AM »


Thank you for sharing your journey. I've been reading Anthony de Mello quotes all night and I've been very inspired and touched. Thank you for your suggestion. We constantly try to build things, don't we? Be it ourselves, relationships, height.. I hope you're now able to look at yourself and realize the great person you are, as I do now when I look at you. You've tried to build yourself in wisdom and have acquired so much more than centimeters. A great life lies ahead of you. Your soul will pull it off. Best of luck.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #257 on: April 14, 2014, 01:50:12 AM »

Thanx to all!)) yeah Chriss Anthony de mello was the last piece of my puzzle, after him I really reached my self in a very high and deep level, I rediscovered my happiness thanx to him!))

So yeah, ANTHONY DE MELLO was the voice that saved my life)))) btw, he is not the only one saying what he is saying, but he was the one that at that particular point of my life woke me up with how he said things. His message somehow got deep into my head and really woke me up from my nightmare. But of course everything I did before leaded me to him. Maybe if I didn't experienced everything I did before him, he wouldn't have meant anything to me.

I respect all theologies and religions, to me all of them have the same great message of happiness, I just couldn't see it before. But, no, im not a religious person at all, I respect all religions but I just don't believe in them. I only care about their message, and all of them to me are great!)))
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #258 on: April 14, 2014, 04:32:11 AM »


I never heard of Anthony De Mello but I just watched a video of him and it was pretty good.

Have you read many of his books?  Is there one that you would recommend?

Btw thank you for writing this diary and congrats on what you have achieved.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #259 on: April 14, 2014, 06:27:15 AM »

Thanx man)))

Awareness and Rediscovering life.
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #260 on: April 14, 2014, 10:56:13 AM »

surprise surprise!!!!! Bone is not stable enough so I must walk with crutches for at least 2 more weeks. I will also have X-rays next week to see how the bones are before I go home.

Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #261 on: April 14, 2014, 05:40:03 PM »


Since you seem to be the master in the subject, I'd like to ask you something. I know it varies from person to person, but on average how long after frame removal can a person start walking without any support (canes, crutches)? For instance, if I lengthen tibias 6cm with external only and they remove my frames, what's the safe amount of time to wait before I can start walking with no aid devices and i can start working out (squats, lunges, leg curls, leg extension machine)? Thank you


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #262 on: April 14, 2014, 07:08:16 PM »

All depends in your bone regeneration
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #263 on: April 14, 2014, 07:09:19 PM »

)) I love Russia))
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #264 on: April 15, 2014, 04:56:21 PM »

today spent all day in the mall!! legs are very sore. I bought new pants. somehow i still see people with larger legs than me in proportion to their torsos. Somehow I still feel I have short legs lol And I think the correction of my left leg has moved just a little bit. I think it was my bad thou, I walked sometimes without crutches, I can only blame my self for that. But I dont think is that noticeable. I still like my legs a lot more now than before op. Today one of the ladies who was helping me with pants at the store saw my scars when I was on my underwear and she said to me "ilizarov ah"? I said yes, then she said, "you had bowed legs, you corrected your legs"? i said yes. she said "they look good" Funny how she didn't notice my leg disproportions. Now that I see my self, I can definitely go for 5 or 7cms on femurs lol not that I will do it, but it will be on the back of my mind))

Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #265 on: April 15, 2014, 07:12:20 PM »

You definitely could. I think you legs just look small because they are skinny. Add muscle to them and they will look better. How do you feel your wingspan to height looks?


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #266 on: April 15, 2014, 07:19:00 PM »

It's hard to believe you lengthened that much.  Your tibias don't look out of proportion at all.  It looks like you could easily do 5 or 6 cms on your femurs.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #267 on: April 15, 2014, 08:11:37 PM »

Thanks for a wonderful diary and the positive energy.  :)    I hope you continue updates about returning to a normal sporting life.  I agree your proportions is possible for longer femurs.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #268 on: April 15, 2014, 09:35:54 PM »

I agree with the others, you look perfectly proportional, honestly it is hard to imagine you actually had 9 cm shorter tibias before, ot would be weird to see a pre-op picture of your legs now.

If you have the time and money you could definitely do femurs as well.

Btw how does walking feel? Do you look normal while walking or are you kind of limping?


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #269 on: April 15, 2014, 10:20:26 PM »

Maybe it's the angles, but it sure doesn't looks like you've lengthened 9cm.

173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #270 on: April 15, 2014, 10:29:50 PM »

RGKEY do you have any pics of your legs pre-operation? it would be nice to see the comparison  :)


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #271 on: April 16, 2014, 01:44:58 AM »

Thanx people for the kind words!!))
ill try my best to keep you all updated.
Wingspan looks fine to me, but it's hard to tell because im on crutches all the time, but when im standing and see my self on the mirror it looks fine to me and others I think.
Here is a picture of me pre-op is the one on the left, the one on the right is just me at 177.

I honestly think that what you end up looking like post op is different than any mockup photo!)))

Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #272 on: April 16, 2014, 12:51:06 PM »

Can you post a detail description of your current athletic ability ?


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #273 on: April 16, 2014, 01:59:54 PM »

Can you post a detail description of your current athletic ability ?

Athletic ability!!?? Haha sounds funny... I can barely walk lol
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #274 on: April 16, 2014, 03:22:13 PM »

Planning to put lifts on this bad boys!!)))

Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #275 on: April 16, 2014, 11:23:06 PM »

Looking good bro, looking good! I think you should still use your crutches as much as recommended by Dr. Barinov. It does look like your legs are nice and sturdy now though!


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #276 on: April 17, 2014, 12:34:53 AM »

Yes im trying but it's hard
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #277 on: April 18, 2014, 02:18:47 PM »

So these are the results, once I start getting more muscles I think my legs will look even better!))

Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: 9 centimeters on tibias with Dr. Barinov, Volgograd-Russia
« Reply #278 on: April 18, 2014, 03:25:58 PM »

So these are the results, once I start getting more muscles I think my legs will look even better!))

  just perfect
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