He also thinks flexibility is built over years, so a few stretching exercises pre-OP wouldn't do that much.
He's probably very demanding of physio during the process though.
Chose general anesthesia because I want the catheter in me as less as possible.
He says during lengthening, he doesn't encourage sleeping pills or pain killers unless absolutely necessary.
Physiotherapy starts the day after surgery.
Agreed, shld never nail the knee.
I don't think it's possible to lengthen without sleeping pills or painkillers (they DO slow down the bone calcification a bit) but I really don't think it's humanly possible. Everyone in my group on codeine have cried their eyes out, men and women!!!!!!!!!
General anaesthesia is great! Also, they DON'T NEED to insert a catheter in you yet. You should ask them to give you a chance to try pee naturally (even if 1 hour) than insertion because it's more painful and deeper for men. And one of my compadre's had a bleeding penis that freaked him out. So you don't need that extra stress. It's YOUR CHOICE.
Remember, your goal should be easy to reach and he's right, flexibility takes years to train, not months or weeks before a surgery. Even me who's extensions go beyond 180 degrees past my head has been reduced to 130 degrees now. And I can't bend my knees past 90 degrees properly. SUCKS! I'm working on it.
Do abs muscles, will help you control your spine later. And cycle a lot (Guichet makes a do about 3-4x 20-30 min sessions per day). For me, it's the best exercise ever, keep your muscles supple, elongated, warm, blood pumping, heals faster, and pain goes away!!!