Yesterday the morphine was stopped and as it wore off and i felt seriously constipated it was horrible. I was moved to the toilet twice yesterday and only managed to go on the second attempt. I sat on that toilet fir 30 minutes questioning my sanity about doing this. Only a few days before this i was squatting on my hip belt machine in the garage with 280kgs for 20 reps below parallel. The catheter came out as well and it makes you feel like you are pissing acid its fkn horrible.
The internet here is sh@t the tv is utterly sh@t as well, there are olympic weightlifters on tv reminding me of what i cannot do at the moment and reminding me of how atrophied i am. Im still in bed most of the time and get the impression the little nurses dont like moving an 80kg guy around but theyve got it easy in comparison to what i was in April at 103kgs. They are afraid to let me eat in case i need to go to the toilet. I eat nothing in comparison to what i do back home so i think thats contributing to my atrophy. Pain wise my days of rugby and my weight training has made me pretty resilient to pain though this is worse. Prior to coming here i drastically changed my training and diet, i started eating twice a day instead of 5-7 times, i also started doing what id class as pain threshold training whereby i did extremely high rep sets with rest pause style reps. An example of this would be say i was hitting legs it would be 1 x 100 reps leg curl where id do 35-50 continous reps then rest 10-15 secs then bang out 8-10 i continue in this fashion till i get the 100 reps, i would then do the same for hip belt squats, i did 1 x 100 with 100kg, next workout i did 110kgs x 90 then 80 reps with 125kg 75 reps with 140kgs. These type if sets will have you breathing like hell far far worse than any aerobic exercise you can think of. i did similar with biceps id do 1 x 350 set (50 rep goal over 3 sets with 2 minutes rest between sets) id then finish with rest pause barbell curls aiming for 100 reps i got up to 78 reps with 30kgs (66lbs). My advice to people here thinking of this surgery is to make sure you are strong enough physically to undertake this procedure especially if tou go to the cheaper places as help past the initial surgery is small to say the very least, make sure you take stuff to entertain yourself here as well as the mental aspect is huge as well, here everything you use pretty much is fkn banned. The logic here is also strange they seem to think cheap noodles are good for you nutrition wise when i know they are complete garbage yet im not really allowed to have the fruit i bought which at least hydrates you and has lots of vitamins in it. Being a strength/physique trainer has educated me hugely on whats good and what isnt.
Im doing external tibias here if people want to know.
Just a warning to people here as well you really need to question if this surgery is for you especially if you feel your height though problematic doesnt impact you as much as you think. There is a difference between being despondent or annoyed with your height as opposed to being near the brink of suicide because of it which i feel i was and have been for years and years before this. Growing up i was happy till about 14-15 i think but since then ive suffered some serious misery because of it and tbh i dint know what feeling happy would feel like anymore as ive been miserable my entire adult life.