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Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« on: July 14, 2016, 03:38:33 PM »

Hi guys

Im heading to Beijing very soon. I plan to get around 7-8 cms done on my tibias.

Reasons im doing surgery

I have always felt that my height has held me back especially with women, it seems to be too much of a mitigating factor for them to look past it. I also feel that it has held me back in employment and my own personal development. I often catch women looking at me and do get approached by women in bars (if i am sitting) however when i stand up their body language seems to change. I think after years you develop a sixth sense for sensing peoples negative reaction to your height.

For years i have been into weight training as i enjoyed it it took my mind off my height somewhat but i wasnt doing it to compensate as every tall idiot out there seems to think every short guy is doing it for that reason. However this year i had a bit of a meltdown regarding my height then i had a major issue with a girl (she is married) which massively effected my self confidence. If you guys want to hear the story you can feel free to ask and il tell you, maybe you can give your opinions on it.

My weight training i enjoyed built up to the following poundages

Safety bar squat 250kgs 5 reps
Hip belt squat (plates between legs not machine) 225kg x 20 115kg x 100
Single leg calf raise with dip belt 145kg x 10
Stiff leg deadlift with dumbells 60kg x 20
One arm floor press 72kg 5 reps
Dumbell side lateral 28kg x 20
Wrist curl with dumbells 45kg x 10
Dumbell curl 38.5kg x 5 reps
Tricep ez extensions 65kg x 10
One arm shrug 75kg x 15
Finger guillotine gripper 143kg x 5 reps
Barbell curl 82.5kg x 5-6 reps 30kgs x 82 reps

Thats off my head im sure im forgetting a few exercises

However due to this surgery being on my mind i have nit weight trained seriously in 3-4 months and i have eaten a lot less to reduce my bodyweight for the comfort of this surgery. I have reduced from 102kgs to 83kgs or so. I have also vigorously stretched my calves.

Out of interest i was just wondering for the people who have completed this surgery the following things

1) have you noticed more attention from women?
2) have you noticed people in general treat you better or differently since getting taller
3) do you feel a lot better about yourself?

Thanks guys. If any of you are in Beijing i look forward to meeting you and getting more friends


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2016, 03:55:21 PM »

I can tell you based on accounts of post LL people I have spoken to.

1) women's attention: You do get more (dont know how much more). but if you were a loser before with women you will be just a taller loser

2) No changes

3) The biggest change. All post LL patients I have spoken to said that they do not regret the LL and if they would be able to go back in time, they would do it all over again (well... Actually almost everyone. One guy who was 154 before the procedure and became 161 said that life remained the same and he regrets it)
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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2016, 05:28:51 PM »

good luck,what is your current height?
What method did you choose?


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2016, 06:18:11 PM »

Thanks for the response

Ive always had attention from women but my serious lack of self confidence due to my height has just ruined any chances, i also get really really down hearted when i see the way women just automatically respond to tall guys even when they are not in good shape and not particularly attractive.

The last girl i felt was attracted to me was unfortunately married, i worked with her, she arrived over here as she had gained a visa by being married to the handyman he was 45 hes now 49/50 she is 32 im 33. When we worked together i was attracted to her but knew she was off limits as she was married, she gave me this vibe that she fancied me and even took the liberty of telling me on the second day i worked with her that he wasnt her type but married him because he pursued her, a very strange thing to tell a stranger i thought at the time. She friended me on facebook and came running to me anytime she needed anything and i was there for her as much as i could be (i didnt answer the questions she asked me 100% truthfully as at the time i thought she was a bit sensitive to hear the truth. She caught her husband touching one of the cleaner girls at work and came running to me for advice saying 'i shouldnt have married him, he cheated on me before we were married, etc etc' i told her to tell him to knock it on the head. Months later it happened again and she came running to me i said the same thing. She came back telling me that he accused her of always messaging me and doing things with me, she found this very funny to the point i got the impression i thought she actually wanted it to be true. She then told me her husband felt threwtened by me as the women at the other building (who i had never met) all fancied me (she then told me that it was her who had built me up by telling them stories) again i got the distinct impression that she fancied me and it worried me at the time as i didnt want any drama at work. One night i picked the girls who worked there upand they had been drinking on the way back the girl in the passenger seat said 'btw @@@@, @@@@ well fancies you, shes always talking about how you and her talk on facebook and how strong you are' i was mortified and tried to laugh it off but i knew it was true. I recieved numerous messages from her saying how she felt alone, unlived, like a failure etc and i reassured her she wasnt i couldnt say anything else as i didnt think it was appropriate. Anyway i left the work place and seen her with another ex work friend and we occasionally met up for food and films etc, everytime we met she moaned about how she was sick if her husband but at the same time how she wants a baby (im sure she has convinced herself a baby will fix her marriage and fulfill her ambition to have kids just like her friends) she also told me everytime we met that the women at the other building though i was 'hot' (but i doubt this story i think it was her who thought this). Her husband was an   and actually got her transferred to anither home to get her away from me as he thought i was after her apparently (i think he sensed she liked me). He also told stories about me which were untrue and spread rumours. The guy was a prick and he didnt deserve to be with her. The last time i saw her she was in the car and she was moaning and looked very deflated, she said her husband was always moaning and being grumpy, i started feeling bad for her and for some reason empathised with her as i felt we both shared similar feelings (unfulfilled,sad,feel like failures etc) we arrived at the meal and she was discussing about when her and her husband were iut and about but she fkd up and instead said when her and i were out in town, i said to her you mean your husband @@@@@. She laughed and went 'oh yeah'. After this last meeting i realised i didnt owe this guy anything, he was an   who was nasty to me for no reason other than the fact that he thought his wife fancied me. Needless to say i started messaging her to see how she was but she wasnt as responsive as before to cut this story short i told her (i went way way ott) that i would give her the things she wanted, world trips, babies etc i also confronted her and asked her if i had asked her out before he met her if she would have said yes she eventually told me basically she would have said no, i told her this was crap and told her i knew she liked me when we worked together she again denied this and told me her husband was her type (funny she told me twice he wasnt) the situation ended up with her unfriending me on fb and not talking to me. I genuinely love this girl but i am left seriously confused and low in confidence due to the way she treated me when i confronted her. People have told me she went into denial when i called her on it and the reality of leaving her husband was harder than actually doing it. I had major major issues after this and decided i was no longer going to be a doormat for people and that i wouldnt allow my height to be an issue anymore i would go and get it fixed. I will miss my weight training but i will rebuild when i am back muscle can always be built but im not going to go back to 225 il stick to 190-195. I want to look back on 2016 as a year that was really tough but i ultimately sorted a life long problem. Im also looking forward to my experience in China and meeting people who have had similar issues to myself

I appreciate the responses guys. Maybe you can give your opinion on the problem i had


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2016, 06:28:30 PM »

Thanks Peaceout

Im going for the external tibias in Beijing i think its the only one they do. Im around 171-171.5 the last time i was measured. I think i may have compressed my spine somewhat with years of heavy barbell squatting. I think i may have been 172-173 at one point

Where i stay the average make height is easily 6' (in my age range anyway) the average female is around 5-7 its not a pleasant life being short. When i was growing up i wanted nothing more to grow up normal height but it just didnt happen its scarred me psychologically since


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2016, 06:35:27 PM »

7-8 on tibia is not a good idea..


Yeah, besides that story being structured and formatted horribly (sorry it gave me a headache to read that giant line of text), I really don't see that connection between your height and your story about this girl... she seemed to already like you. Let's face it, the idea of leaving her husband for you was the single thing that kept you too from being together. She was already (from what you've written) into you... it was reality that pulled her back, nothing else.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2016, 06:36:00 PM »

interesting story.

 But why do you conect between that and your height? did she said you were short or anything height related? It is very easy to blame the height for such stuff (not very clear). Especially if you are very self consciouss about your height.
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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2016, 06:39:03 PM »

I'm around your height and I think everyone in this forum shares similiar storys. At the end of the day the goal is the same, to get taller.
The scarring of external tibias scares me, thats one of the reasons I'm avoiding that method. Anyways, good luck!


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2016, 06:40:41 PM »

Btw tibike, have you completly given up on LL or are you still considering it? Sorry for double posting.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2016, 06:45:10 PM »

No im sorry

I was writing fast trying not to forget stuff that i just wrote it all down and didnt structure it well

I wasnt making a connection with my height and what happened with her i just decided after that incident with her that i was going to sort my life out and go and do something for myself instead of being there fir everybody else and ultimately getting nowhere.

Ive thought of this surgery for years i think now is the time to do it


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2016, 06:46:08 PM »

Btw tibike, have you completly given up on LL or are you still considering it? Sorry for double posting.

I am going to do it
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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2016, 06:46:56 PM »

No im sorry

I was writing fast trying not to forget stuff that i just wrote it all down and didnt structure it well

I wasnt making a connection with my height and what happened with her i just decided after that incident with her that i was going to sort my life out and go and do something for myself instead of being there fir everybody else and ultimately getting nowhere.

Ive thought of this surgery for years i think now is the time to do it

If you think that will make you happy go for it. Btw, where are you from that the average is 6'? Netherlands?
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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2016, 06:49:17 PM »

I dont think it did

At the time when i was answering her i didnt answer the way i wanted to as even though i did like her she was married and the other reason was that because of my height i have always felt undeserving of having anybody. Just feel unworthy.

My height as i entered adulthood greatly changed my personality, i feel like i am putting on an act other than being me. This has led to me becoming very defensive and at times moody. I think she started to see these traits in me


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2016, 06:51:20 PM »

Thanks pal

I stay in Aberdeen Scotland. I have two friends one is 6-0.5 and the other 6-2 both of them say they feel the average is around 6-0



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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2016, 08:35:50 PM »

37 people died from smoking in the time it took me to read that.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2016, 08:44:07 PM »

Well if they didnt smoke theyd have been alright


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2016, 09:21:34 PM »

I dont believe even half of those weight claims. 38.5 KG single arm curl ! ... that my friend .. is bull .


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2016, 10:46:08 PM »

Well if they didnt smoke theyd have been alright
lol :D


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2016, 10:58:54 PM »

Why dont you? I dont give a   personally if you dont believe them. I was obsessed with bodybuilding and being as strong as i looked. Just because you couldnt do them 'my friend' doesnt mean others cant. It takes huge drive, determination being a slave to food to get those weights. I have always been naturally stong. I have paid for it with numerous injuries over the years and have suffered a lot to get there. Weighing 83kgs theres no chance i could do them now plus i havent trained in 3-4 months to reduce bulk and weight for this op.

I microloaded my way to those weights over 12 years adding 1/8kg - 1/4kg each session and cycling my intensity

I have a number if these lifts on video as well. They were done raw and at a bodyweight of 220+ lbs (i took 200mgs of test cyp a week for the last year or so as well which would have helped as im older now and felt my test levels werent what they used to be)

Tell me some of your lifts if you even lift at all


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2016, 11:07:22 PM »

Do you think your proportions can handle 7-8 cm?Or i should ask first what is your opinion about proportions?Some people dont care much about it and some do.
Btw i really dont think pushing that far on tibias is a good idea


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2016, 11:14:27 PM »

If you are lengthening 7-8cm on one segment it's not about proportions anymore but risks that you will end up crippled.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2016, 11:56:44 PM »

Im not too bothered about proportions tbh. 3" isnt that much and i never hear of any girl rejecting guys because of long tibias but i hear plenty rejecting because of overall height.

I shall se when the time comes and se if my tissue can take the lengthening. If i stop below 3" i know il regret it. I doubt il be satisfied being below 5-10


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2016, 11:59:27 PM »

Idk if i could enjoy my new height sitting on a wheelchair.

Your money your health but before deciding to lengthen that much i recommend to talk with people like sweden.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2016, 12:04:02 AM »

My doctor flat out refuses to let patients lengthen over 6.5cms on tibias. I second that you should talk to people who lengthened that much on tibias and see what happened to them.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2016, 02:35:30 AM »

Well if they didnt smoke theyd have been alright

Haha! Good response my man.

I dont believe even half of those weight claims. 38.5 KG single arm curl ! ... that my friend .. is bullcrap.

My brother in law does 45kg single arm curls (100lbs)

My max is 27kg (60 lbs) single arm curl.

If you are lengthening 7-8cm on one segment it's not about proportions anymore but risks that you will end up crippled.

I agree with this.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2016, 10:08:23 AM »

Do you know your wingspan?


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2016, 11:52:56 AM »

Its around 67/68" buddy


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2016, 11:54:50 AM »

Haha! Good response my man.

My brother in law does 45kg single arm curls (100lbs)

My max is 27kg (60 lbs) single arm curl.

I agree with this.

My goal was 100lbs as well. I git close ive had two set backs in each arm over the years which somewhat stalled my progress. Tennis elbow in both arns and tendon issues in my forearms. A real nuisance


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2016, 12:41:28 PM »

No im sorry

I was writing fast trying not to forget stuff that i just wrote it all down and didnt structure it well

I wasnt making a connection with my height and what happened with her i just decided after that incident with her that i was going to sort my life out and go and do something for myself instead of being there fir everybody else and ultimately getting nowhere.

Ive thought of this surgery for years i think now is the time to do it

This is the only way to live as a man. (see bolded)

That's the type of man that men and women both like to be around as well. Seems selfish at first, but really it isn't. (at least it's selfish for the right reasons)

Took me a long time to realize this in my own life.

Excellent lifting numbers, seems like fitness is a big part of your life. If you want LL, go for it. But think long and hard about recovery.

Read KiloKhan's diary. He's a weight lifter, is 25 months post operation, and just now getting back to heavy leg lifts. (correct me if I'm wrong Kilo)

He only did 6cm.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2016, 06:21:35 PM »

Thanks pal

Lifting is and was a big part of my life but i feel its time to change

At one stage inwas so depressed (still am i guess) i was planning on just hitting weights and ramping up my steroid use till it killed me. But i feel i have things to do in this life and feel that my height has held me back psychologically with a lot of things.

Imwanted to safety bar squat 370+ kgs but i realise now that the threshold to happiness doesnt exist past some number i lift in the gymnits just never going to happen.

Il get back to hitting legs some day, legs were never that big on me either 27.5" thighs and 17.33" calves at 220 odd.

My new adventure willmbe to get taller, meet new people, take in a new culture and then get back recover and lead the life i deserve to live and not feel like im as low as whale   just because my heads closer to the ground.

I know this sounds bitter but i hope there is an after life and short guys get a chance at being tall whilst the tall guys get a shot at being short.

Im going to learn to start saying no to people when i come back, if i cant help or don't want to help im not doing it, sick if oing unreturned favours and being used by people.

Im going to make sure the next time my little heart breaker sees me she will regret stayingnwith her 50 year old (he looks 60 as well) husband who treats her like crap.


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Re: Heading to Beijing for 25th of July. General questions
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2016, 06:40:13 PM »

I was considering Beijing before I met with Pili.

I'll be interested in reading your diary. Good luck
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