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Author Topic: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016  (Read 44607 times)

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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2016, 10:39:06 PM »

Don't feel to bad if you're lowering your goal to 5 CM. From your Starting point, that's a great increase, no doubt. Also, 5 CM provides great, and I really mean great, recoveries.



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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2016, 12:39:36 PM »

Hang in there man. Things will get better. See how you're feeling once you're close to your 5cm goal. You may want to do more. I would recommend going for as close to 7cm as possible, given all the money, time and pain you're investing for this. But listen to your body. Safety first.

I sometimes wish I could have done 8cm or more...but then again, given the safety factors, recovery time and proportions...I'm mostly happy with 7cm. But you do what's best for you, and above all, if Dr. G tells you to stop clicking, stop clicking!


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2016, 07:37:51 PM »

170 is a world away from 165 man, it's a good gain and a good end height, so don't despair.

Personal question: what was your wife's reaction to LL?

I'm married as well, and I'm pretty sure my wife would freak out, so that's why I ask.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2016, 02:14:28 AM »

LLUser1, Alu, YellowSpike, CCMidwest, thank you all for your kind words. I really need them  :)

CCMidwest: I managed to get her consent, though it took me a load of work ;)

I was discharged from the hospital today. Dr. Guichet visited me and then Francesca and Mattia showed a couple of hospital nurses how I walked and biked, and they agreed to let me go home. Mr.S, a young American who had the surgery two days after me, with the accompanying of both his parents, also walked to the hospital gym to bike. He was doing well.

An Italian friend of mine kindly arranged to have his friend to pick me up from the hospital and drive me home. His friend is an elegant, interesting, beautiful, and considerate lady who not only came up my hospital room to help pack up my stuff and also got a home helper for me. As I once imagined, getting on or off a regular car was tough. When getting on the car, I probably tried too hard and did the actual walking for a couple of steps, though with the support of the walker or the car seat, which I can't remember exactly. This kind of actual walking is forbidden by Dr. Guichet in at least the early phase of lengthening for the risk of damaging nerves. But it was too late for me to realize what I did. I will ask Dr. Guichet if this had caused me issues, but what happened had happened 8I

When we came back to my apartment, the Italian lady suggested me to have the home helper stay for the whole night as this was my first night at home after the surgery. I thought that I just needed the helper at some hours that can be pre-planned, but I still agreed to have him stay at my place for the night as he looked like an honest and responsible guy. This decision turned out to be a very correct one!
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 02:42:00 AM by dream_catcher »


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2016, 10:20:21 AM »

dream_catcher hang in there. However, your account is making me uneasy, which might be a good thing.

Re; the question CCMidwest asked about your/his wife's reaction? What was it like persuading her? My wife is incredibly hostile to my plan to undergo CLL. She will not help me in any way, in fact, she is threatening divorce (Married 30yrs! Makes me wonder... what was all that about?)
Ht 169.5 cms. Wingspan 165cms. Arms 72cms. Femur-tibia length ratio = 56/44. Wants 175cms. Tibias only


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #36 on: June 25, 2016, 10:39:22 AM »

It seems like you are not really listening to your doc's raccomendations...
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #37 on: June 25, 2016, 12:14:18 PM »

dream_catcher hang in there. However, your account is making me uneasy, which might be a good thing.

Re; the question CCMidwest asked about your/his wife's reaction? What was it like persuading her? My wife is incredibly hostile to my plan to undergo CLL. She will not help me in any way, in fact, she is threatening divorce (Married 30yrs! Makes me wonder... what was all that about?)

Mine threatened me too.

I just said, "luckily for me there are three and a half BILLION other vaginas on the let me know what you decide"

That made her cry and leave the room. I enjoyed the quiet for some time, then she came back, apologized, and said she would support me through LL if that's what I wanted. But I have my doubts.

Dream catcher, apologies for the thread jack. Praying for you man, hang in there. And listen to Guichet!

Edit: paddyton, I'm not recommending you talk to your wife the way I spoke to mine. I'm sort of a d*ck.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 01:00:08 PM by CCMidwest »


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2016, 11:10:59 PM »

paddy10tellys: I think that a wife's first natural reaction to her husband doing LL is insecurity: is he getting bored of me (I guess at least from time to time every husband is) and going to pursue some other girls? CCMidwest's answer was indeed a good one because it actually cleared his wife's doubt. If you try to give her other reasons, it's hard for her to believe you and she will be more refusive.

TIBIKE200: It was an incident that kind of out of control at the time, but you're right: I should strictly keep the foribbden things in my mind.

Thanks for your guys' caring. I don't really feel any unusual pain or further loss of motion functionality, and the clickings seem to contiually work properly. So I guess I'm fine.

Last night I was still fighting with my indigestion system, which caused me super uneasiness, pain, and most importantly the gradual losing of my apitite. If I can't indiigest the food well, how can my body grow? With this worry, I was inpatientent and in total spent three hours in the bathroom in two trips, each of which caused me more frustration, exhausting, and more pain. The LL procedure is indeed a comprehensive test of your body. Any weakest link will definitely results in issues. It was probably only the feeling of security that there was someone who could help me at any time in my apartment allowed me to have a bit of sleep.

Today with lots of prayings and generous intake of honey, the issue with my indigestion system was gone for the moment. I made two tries to ride my exercise bike at home.In the first try my legs were too stiff to bend and move onto the pedals though my helper pulled me onto the seat sideways. Thus I did a bit inflex exercises to warm up my legs before the second try and managed to ride 36 minutes in a row. However, the outside of my hips and the top of my thighs hurt a lot after biking.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 12:31:10 AM by dream_catcher »


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #39 on: June 25, 2016, 11:18:05 PM »

Seems like the pain is a little bit more bearable right?


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2016, 11:19:17 PM »

are you in Milan? Maybe I could come see you in a weekend if you dont mind as I live a 1 hour train from there
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2016, 12:36:49 AM »

paddy10tellys: I think that a wife's first natural reaction to her husband doing LL is insecurity: is he getting bored of me (I guess at least from time to time every husband is) and going to pursue some other girls? CCMidwest's answer was indeed a good one because it actually cleared his wife's doubt. If you try to give her other reasons, it's hard for her to believe you and she will be more refusive.

That's actually almost exactly what my wife said to me.

Today with lots of prayings and generous intake of honey, the issue with my indigestion system was gone for the moment.

Good call on the honey. Use raw honey if you can, local raw honey if you can get someone to go buy you some. It's expensive for sure, but one heck of a probiotic.

My mother is a chronic pain patient from a surgery on her ankle. She's been on oxycontin pain killers daily, for over 10 years. Pain killers will destroy your intestinal bacteria and make you constipated. They also cause the lining of your intestine and stomach to not as efficiently absorb nutrients and medication including your pain killers.

She eats massive amounts of raw honey to keep her stomach and intestines in good shape.

Not sure what pain killers you are on, but most of the major one's (anything with "oxy" or "codone") will cause these issues. Oxycodone (percocet) and oxycontin especially. Any probiotics you can get will help for sure. Raw local honey, anything that's fermented (like cheese and sour kraut), and of course there are probiotic pills and powders too. If you get pills or powders, keep them refrigerated, but not in the back of the fridge where they could freeze and kill the bacteria. There are probiotic powders made for kids that you can put on any food that will absorb it, or in any beverage, and they are tasteless.

For constipation, use the enema's for kids that they sell at all major drug stores. They are mostly saline. The adult one's are really strong and can give you diarrhea, but the kids one's are very mild.

Edit: If you go with probiotics, keep in mind that the body reduces blood flow to your intestines during a major injury, which can cause the same intestinal issues. So I would keep up the probiotics even if you reduce or eliminate the pain killers.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 12:59:44 AM by CCMidwest »


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2016, 08:52:32 AM »

dream_catcher, CCMidWest, thx for two good answers. My wife is a Queenbee. It's usually her-way-or-the-highway. Highway, most probable at this time. We will see. Anyway, no more thread-hijacking from me. Chin-up, head-high dream_catcher.
Ht 169.5 cms. Wingspan 165cms. Arms 72cms. Femur-tibia length ratio = 56/44. Wants 175cms. Tibias only


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2016, 10:29:54 AM »

Seems like the pain is a little bit more bearable right?
Not really. I think this is probably not a linear process. This morning my left knee started to hurt sharply and I couldn't move it, which didn't happen before.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2016, 10:50:06 AM »

I see. How can you describe your first week after operation? More difficult that your imagined or you was prepare to that?

How was your first day at your appartment? your helper stay for the night?

If i am right, you will start to train at the Iso center anf gym in couple days.

ps: Thanks for posting your daily journey, it helps me to prepare my D-Day in couple weeks and gives me courage.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #45 on: June 26, 2016, 12:24:13 PM »

are you in Milan? Maybe I could come see you in a weekend if you dont mind as I live a 1 hour train from there
  Yes, I'm in Milan. You're welcome to visit me. Maybe after next weekend when hopefully I'm in a bit more sane state ;)


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #46 on: June 27, 2016, 04:51:03 AM »

Thanks for your detailed explanation, CCMidwest. As you said, I think the combination of reduced bloodflow to indegistion system, using painkillers, intaking a large amount of calcium pills and much more than regular daily food causes me constipation. By having honey in milk as breakfast, I haven't had it for two days  8)  And I agree that probiotic products are the best choices for me now.

That's actually almost exactly what my wife said to me.

Good call on the honey. Use raw honey if you can, local raw honey if you can get someone to go buy you some. It's expensive for sure, but one heck of a probiotic.

My mother is a chronic pain patient from a surgery on her ankle. She's been on oxycontin pain killers daily, for over 10 years. Pain killers will destroy your intestinal bacteria and make you constipated. They also cause the lining of your intestine and stomach to not as efficiently absorb nutrients and medication including your pain killers.

She eats massive amounts of raw honey to keep her stomach and intestines in good shape.

Not sure what pain killers you are on, but most of the major one's (anything with "oxy" or "codone") will cause these issues. Oxycodone (percocet) and oxycontin especially. Any probiotics you can get will help for sure. Raw local honey, anything that's fermented (like cheese and sour kraut), and of course there are probiotic pills and powders too. If you get pills or powders, keep them refrigerated, but not in the back of the fridge where they could freeze and kill the bacteria. There are probiotic powders made for kids that you can put on any food that will absorb it, or in any beverage, and they are tasteless.

For constipation, use the enema's for kids that they sell at all major drug stores. They are mostly saline. The adult one's are really strong and can give you diarrhea, but the kids one's are very mild.

Edit: If you go with probiotics, keep in mind that the body reduces blood flow to your intestines during a major injury, which can cause the same intestinal issues. So I would keep up the probiotics even if you reduce or eliminate the pain killers.

That's actually almost exactly what my wife said to me.

Good call on the honey. Use raw honey if you can, local raw honey if you can get someone to go buy you some. It's expensive for sure, but one heck of a probiotic.

My mother is a chronic pain patient from a surgery on her ankle. She's been on oxycontin pain killers daily, for over 10 years. Pain killers will destroy your intestinal bacteria and make you constipated. They also cause the lining of your intestine and stomach to not as efficiently absorb nutrients and medication including your pain killers.

She eats massive amounts of raw honey to keep her stomach and intestines in good shape.

Not sure what pain killers you are on, but most of the major one's (anything with "oxy" or "codone") will cause these issues. Oxycodone (percocet) and oxycontin especially. Any probiotics you can get will help for sure. Raw local honey, anything that's fermented (like cheese and sour kraut), and of course there are probiotic pills and powders too. If you get pills or powders, keep them refrigerated, but not in the back of the fridge where they could freeze and kill the bacteria. There are probiotic powders made for kids that you can put on any food that will absorb it, or in any beverage, and they are tasteless.

For constipation, use the enema's for kids that they sell at all major drug stores. They are mostly saline. The adult one's are really strong and can give you diarrhea, but the kids one's are very mild.

Edit: If you go with probiotics, keep in mind that the body reduces blood flow to your intestines during a major injury, which can cause the same intestinal issues. So I would keep up the probiotics even if you reduce or eliminate the pain killers.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #47 on: June 27, 2016, 09:15:38 AM »

hey dream catcher i sent you an in box.please reply


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2016, 10:03:14 AM »

I see. How can you describe your first week after operation? More difficult that your imagined or you was prepare to that?

How was your first day at your appartment? your helper stay for the night?

If i am right, you will start to train at the Iso center anf gym in couple days.

ps: Thanks for posting your daily journey, it helps me to prepare my D-Day in couple weeks and gives me courage.

The first week after surgery is way beyond my imagination and preparation. To be honest, I am considered to be quite tolerant to pains by a lot people since I was a child. But the first week is like hell not only because of the pain as the direct result of the surgery and the pain caused by the required intense exercises and daily activities, but also the serous issues with my indigestion system as a by-product of the surgery, medcines, and food. I don't know how anyone can really prepare for this better.

For days after you come back home from the surgery, my advice is to get a good home helper for 24 hours for at least the first two to three days. I was very lucky to find a nice, experienced, and responsible home helper almost at the last moment before I left the hospital. He stayed two nights at my home. Trust me. You will need it. Losing the mobility gives very very serious issues for merely the minimum basic daily life, not to mention the pains and various unexpected situations like accidentally spilling water on your bed or having healthy issues. For example, my back started to get very itchy after sweating crazily every a couple of hours at the hospital. Without the home helper regularly cleaned my body and changed my shirts, my life could have been way more terrible.

I was supposed to start my physiotherapy today but I'll see if I'm fit enough to go there. I've not become experienced at standing up and sitting down with the walker. And I get exhausted after a very short walk.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #49 on: June 27, 2016, 10:04:45 AM »

hey dream catcher i sent you an in box.please reply

I don't see your message.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #50 on: June 27, 2016, 10:13:53 AM »

wow...your comment scaried me a little bit...thank for your honesty.

As i mentioned, i will be operate in about 10 days. I don't have an helper as i come alone just like you. How do you get yours?

Maybe i can ask to Dr Guichet?


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #51 on: June 27, 2016, 11:26:39 AM »

wow...your comment scaried me a little bit...thank for your honesty.

As i mentioned, i will be operate in about 10 days. I don't have an helper as i come alone just like you. How do you get yours?

Maybe i can ask to Dr Guichet?

You can ask Francesca, Dr. Guichet's personal trainer, the contract info of some home helpers.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2016, 11:53:50 AM »

Thanks for your detailed explanation, CCMidwest. As you said, I think the combination of reduced bloodflow to indegistion system, using painkillers, intaking a large amount of calcium pills and much more than regular daily food causes me constipation. By having honey in milk as breakfast, I haven't had it for two days  8)  And I agree that probiotic products are the best choices for me now.

Excellent. Glad to hear it.

Regarding the first few days of hell, that makes me think that a helper who is not also your lover (wife, girlfriend whatever) is a wise choice.

There's been a couple of instances where it was their girl that helped and it ended badly for them (difm comes to mind)

No way I'd want my wife to see that, I'm too proud.

Good info, good diary.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #53 on: June 27, 2016, 01:28:39 PM »

Yesterday my morning started with a sharp pain on my left knee, which didn't hurt before. I couldn't move my left leg to do any stretch or exercises. Just at the time, Mr. D messaged me. So I told him about the pain and he said that both his legs couldn't be moved yesterday but eventually he were able to stand after 3 hours non-stopping massage, icing, and trying. In total, he took 7 codines the day! Learning from his experience, I also managed to relieve the pain on my knee. But my scheduled morning clickings were delayed by 3 hours.

In the afternoon I was by myself the first time after the surgery as my helper took time off to be with his family as he usually does. Suddenly the pains of my legs began to increase very quickly and my legs felt like they were on fire. I put the ice bag that my helper left with me to try to soothe the pain. Unfortunately the ice were melting like they were put on fire and it didn't take long for the melted ice to leak from the ice bag and onto my bed. I managed to move my legs out of the wet area but I didn't want to risk getting more bed wet by using the leaky ice bag. I remembered that Dr. Guichet once said that biking  can reduce the pain by increase the bloodflow in legs. I have an exercise bike in my apartment but it is difficult to get on it even with the assistance of my helper. A quick thought crossed my mind: why can't bike on the bed.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #54 on: June 27, 2016, 01:34:37 PM »

Excellent. Glad to hear it.

Regarding the first few days of hell, that makes me think that a helper who is not also your lover (wife, girlfriend whatever) is a wise choice.

There's been a couple of instances where it was their girl that helped and it ended badly for them (difm comes to mind)

No way I'd want my wife to see that, I'm too proud.

Good info, good diary.

I totally agree. This is one of the last situations that I want anyone that I love or who loves me to see. And indeed a strong male helper is much more useful for this situation.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #55 on: June 27, 2016, 01:40:01 PM »

There are several diaries where they mention doing the motion of biking, without the actual bike, while lying on their bed. One guy on the old forum said he did this several times per hour to keep the stiffness and pain from catching up with him from not moving around.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2016, 02:04:51 PM »

There are several diaries where they mention doing the motion of biking, without the actual bike, while lying on their bed. One guy on the old forum said he did this several times per hour to keep the stiffness and pain from catching up with him from not moving around.
That's exactly what I did! I guess I just missed those posts. It seems that buying an exercise bike myeelf is not really a good idea. I probably won't be able to get on it by myself during the entire LL procedure.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #57 on: June 27, 2016, 02:13:15 PM »

That's exactly what I did! I guess I just missed those posts. It seems that buying an exercise bike myeelf is not really a good idea. I probably won't be able to get on it by myself during the entire LL procedure.

I wouldn't assume that. Stay optimistic bro. Plus, I think Dr. Guichet will insist on the bike.

He seems like kind of a hardass. Which is good, in my estimation.

Jessie Believer

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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #58 on: June 27, 2016, 02:26:06 PM »

Hi dream catcher! Thanks for your nice diary and you sharing. Does dr. G. tell his patients any stretching methods (brochure or sth)?

If yes, does he have any special advise for it-band and hip flexors?

And another question: how much calcium and Vit d do you take daily?

Thank you :)

Jessie Believer

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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #59 on: June 27, 2016, 02:29:23 PM »

Ah and another thing: you should really try to use your bike. It saves my life during lengthening! I remember me sitting on it 2-3 times per night in the beginning when my knees where very stiff. Released them in minutes. And more important: the bike helped me not loosing too much muscles. Otherwise I think I couldn't be able to walk that good without it.


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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2016, 03:33:58 PM »

Hi dream catcher! Thanks for your nice diary and you sharing. Does dr. G. tell his patients any stretching methods (brochure or sth)?

If yes, does he have any special advise for it-band and hip flexors?

And another question: how much calcium and Vit d do you take daily?

Thank you :)

Hi Jessie, each of Dr. Guichet's patients gets a nicely organized brochure with lots of detailed information and photos, which is supposed to be returned after LL.  It shows specific exercises for lt-band and hip flextors.

I eat two 1000mg calcium pills and 10 drops of vitamin D each day. How much did you eat during your LL?

Jessie Believer

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Re: Dream_catcher: Dr. Guichet internal femur - summer 2016
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2016, 04:29:51 PM »

Wow! That's a huge amount. Betz advices to take the normal amount which would be just 800 mg and 400 I.E. Vit D. But I take double the amount (2 tablets).
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