Having had LL with him myself...I don't think Guichet is a bad doctor or surgeon. When I did my LL, I saw many patients who had fantastic results, including a guy who did 9cm in one go and was walking fairly normally about 8 months post-op. Granted, he was super young (young 20s), but he was doing fine. I saw many female patients who did really well, including two who were on their second femur LL (to re-break the femur, and get more height)! He has had many success stories, and I think is still among the best (Guichet, Rozbruch and Paley). I'm not sure about Rozbruch (but he removed a screw for me, and I love him personally), but I know Paley has been seen as arrogant and has had complications as well.
All that said...I definitely do think he is arrogant, impatient and disorganized/scatterbrain-ish. The main issue with him I think is that he operates in two different countries. I remember I wanted to stay in Milan, but after the pre-training, had to do the actual surgery and recovery/clicking in London. He visited me a few times, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel abandoned by him at times. I know I was under the care of the isokinentic center (and the doctors and PTs there were fantastic), but it wasn't the same not having the actual surgeon who did the surgery on you readily available.
I still don't regret going to Guichet. The weight bearing nail was what enabled me to do what I did and get back to work ASAP without effing up my career. However...if American doctors start using a weight bearing solution...then it would be a lot harder to recommend Guichet, unless one lives over near where he operates.
I said it once a while back and I'll say it again...LL is like a box of chocolates...you really never know entirely what you're going to get. The more prepared you are and the better doctor you go with minimizes the probability of issues...but never entirely. And people need to remember that. Some doctors are better than others, but no doctor is immune from complications, and sometimes patients themselves screw things up (which isn't the case of Unicorn, but just saying). You are never guaranteed an easy ride, and most doctors (including Guichet, who you have to give credit for the fact that he makes you read about the risks and really know what you're getting into) will straight up tell you this. Even Paley says to have like $30K extra saved in the event of complications/follow-up surgeries, etc.