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Author Topic: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016  (Read 251812 times)

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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #403 on: March 08, 2017, 11:57:00 PM »

Unicorn don't give up.
You are not a cripple and the non union you have CAN be fixed. There is nothing irreversible in your case so please find a good doctor and fix your legs.

Guichet proves for another time that he is not a doctor to be trusted and I never considered him as a good option for LL.
The hard work out routine that obligates his patients to do before LL is completely nonsense and no respectable doctor makes his patients do such things.
Guichet seems to follow his own formula but the usually bad outcomes proves that he is just a doctor with a huge ego and nothing else, compared to good LL doctors.

So, after your case and the behaviour of this doctor plus his insane price and the nonsense workout routines, I can't really understand how someone would consider this doctor for LL.

But calm down Unicorn, go to a capable doctor and your legs will be back to normal. After all, all these will make you stronger than ever.
And everyone remember, LL is only for the strong ones.



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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #404 on: March 09, 2017, 12:06:22 AM »

This story is very sad, don't know how anyone can consider him as their doctor if they're lengthening a lot. Unicorn you may have to pursue another doctor an orthopedic surgeon. Doctor Rozbruch in the U.S. fixed a guy named cooper's leg after he had a not so good experience with dr. monegal in Spain. He charges a fortune though. The sad fact is that he is not treating you as a priority, which is completely UNACCEPTABLE.

If money is not a problem I would go see an American surgeon ASAP. If money is a problem try to wait it out a little bit, if the improvements don't come I suggest talking to good but affordable doctors such as Dr. Parihar or since you're in Italy Dr. Catagni is also respected. He specializes in tibias mostly but I'm sure he could assist you.

Bodybuilder is also right, your non-union can be fixed. We wouldn't be saying that if we did not mean it. Frankly I've never understood the obsession with Guichet, the dude advertises 10cm lengthening in one segment like it's nothing.

Although this is definitely not appropriate care by Dr. Guichet. Let's not turn this thread into a doctor bashing thread, I'm sure Unicorn doesn't want to hear about that in her state of mind. She's obviously devastated so let's just find ways to actually help her situation as much has we can.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 12:32:44 AM by vegeta24 »

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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #405 on: March 09, 2017, 05:11:03 AM »

Sorry to hear this Unicorn, but i think this is the right time to go and see him with no fking appointment, and face him about the date of your surgery.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #406 on: March 09, 2017, 01:29:38 PM »

Dr. Guichet is still a good surgeon, but I think the main issue is that he takes on more than he can handle. It also doesn't help that he works out of two locations in two different countries. If he had one "headquarter" like Paley and Rozbruch, maybe it would be easier for him to stay organized.

The main draw for him, in my opinion, is the weight bearing nail. If Dr. Paley or Dr. Rozbruch had such a weight bearing option, I think then the only issue would be the cost.

I'm not sure about Rozbruch, but I think Dr. Paley had had complications too. Look at DIFM. He's recovered well for the most part, but I think he might have to get a bone graft on one leg, and he said his gait is still a bit off.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #407 on: March 09, 2017, 06:21:08 PM »

So sorry that you are still waiting for your leg to be resolved. Hope you have stuff to keep you busy and that you are not in pain.

Are you not too harsh on Dr. Guichet? Every doctor can have such a fracture as the femur is always slightly bent. Even Dr. Monegal has a similar case with Musicmaker. In fact, it was that case that made him realize that it was better to insert the nail from the knee rather than from the hip to avoid too much curvature of the bone.

About fixing: I kind of think the best doctor to fix it is Guichet himself, even though I know that Dr. Monegal has also "fixed" complications of Guichet patients.
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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #408 on: March 09, 2017, 10:31:17 PM »

Hey Unicorn

I'm sad with the way things have gone with you. Let me share my problems over the last few weeks, may be they'll make you feel better (not because I'm suffering but because we're not alone in this journey).

I got bad skin infection/itch near one of the pin site. I found out the next day that I got it from one of the servant here who cleans up my room. He had a bad infection on his toes, and he cleaned my room with the same dirty hands he uses to scratch his itch on his toes. That's gross and he didn't bother telling me until it's too late.That's unacceptable, and I forbid him from entering my room from that day. The infection was spreading badly, so I went to a near by dermatologist. I spent 15 mins and explained my whole story. After listening to everything, he outright refused to treat me. He said he hasn't dealt with an infection involving external frames, and I should seek medication from no one else but my orthopedist. Then I had to go to another orthopedist, who said it's a superficial skin infection (which means its just peripheral infection over the skin and not a deep infection, which could potentially lead to bone infection) and only a dermatologist is the right person to treat it. Then I had to find another dermatologist with good ratings on the internet, as the first one refused to treat me. I took an Uber cab to get there. After reaching the destination,  I found out that the address posted on google was obsolete. I was just left there alone with dirty and crowd roads. I couldn't ask the same cab to continue the journey because he got another ride. Then the unexpected happened. I lost mobile network coverage in that area!!! I had to walk past couple of lanes on these metal frames while everyone on the road are watching me, had to restart my phone twice, and then the signal was back. Then I finally got the signal back and booked a cab again to go the dermatologist.  I got there, waited for 30 mins as there were other patients waiting in the queue, and then I got to meet her(dermatologist) and spent time explaining the whole thing again and she prescribed some medication and antibiotics for 5 days. I took the medicines for 5 days but was no improvement and I had to go back to her after 5 days and she gave me another ointment. I took them for 5 days and now the infection has spread to all the other pin sites. Good thing is that this new ointment healed the infection that I originally had. So at least I now have hope from that it works, and I have to apply that to all the pin sites. I'm also getting blood tests and skin culture tests performed tomorrow, just to be sure. Remember I was all alone and had to go everywhere on foot with these big metal around your legs, you become an eye magnet.

I could never afford a doctor like Guichet or Paley in my lifetime. So I had to deal with third world problems like poor sanitation, crowded roads, long waiting queues at the clinics, haphazard mobile network coverage on a regular basis. No doctor that I dealt with ever called me to check how I am. It's always I who  takes the initiative and calls them regularly to make sure I'm okay. Some people around me, not all, who knew that this was a cosmetic surgery frown upon me, despite the pain I go through. Their stares always convey the same message - "See, I told ya!!!". What Dr. Guichet did to you is sort of an accepted norm in India. But you paid such a premium, so I don't deny that you deserve a much better quality service than me. All I'm saying is that we both are both fighting against all odds to reach our destination. We both have many reasons to fail and very few reasons to succeed. So focus on reasons to succeed. Be positive that you're in a first world country and you can afford the best technology available in the world to get you there. You're a strong woman and I wish you nothing but the best. I want you to reach your goal and enjoy your new self, and remember that any obstacles you face will be temporary and will not matter once you finish this journey. Stay strong and don't let anyone or anything hurt you mentally. I used to read your diary when I feel low on self esteem. So hope my words would restore some of your strength and give you the momentum to stay on track.
Pre-Op Height: 160.5 cms
Surgery performed by Dr. Manish Dhawan at Sir Gangaram Hospital on 4th April 2016
Lengthening stopped on 14th Sept 2016
Current height: 165 cms (5 cm)
Frames removed on March 19th 2017 | Diary:


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #409 on: March 09, 2017, 10:36:23 PM »

Helloworld inserting the nail by the knee doesn't solve the problem because you get permanent knee pain. You're saying Dr Monegal offers a miraculous solution Dr Paley, Dr Rozbruch and Dr Guichet couldn't think about? Come on! These world good surgeons avoid knee insertion for a reason and that reason is permanent knee pain. Many patients complain of knee pain 2 years after surgery. Hip insertion can cause problems in some cases as Unicorn or Musicmaker but they are one among one thousand and they have happened with women always. In general knee insertion is WORSE for men and women.

If I were Unicorn I would sue Dr Guichet for greed. If I were you and Musicmaker I would sue Dr Monegal and Fitbone. You've got them by the balls.
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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #410 on: March 09, 2017, 10:40:17 PM »

Poor Fujitora. Both of you keep strong. You don't deserve being treated like  . None of us deserve this. Cheers
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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #411 on: March 09, 2017, 10:45:45 PM »

So sorry that you are still waiting for your leg to be resolved. Hope you have stuff to keep you busy and that you are not in pain.

Are you not too harsh on Dr. Guichet? Every doctor can have such a fracture as the femur is always slightly bent. Even Dr. Monegal has a similar case with Musicmaker. In fact, it was that case that made him realize that it was better to insert the nail from the knee rather than from the hip to avoid too much curvature of the bone.

About fixing: I kind of think the best doctor to fix it is Guichet himself, even though I know that Dr. Monegal has also "fixed" complications of Guichet patients.
I'm harsh not for the complication but for Guichet's dealing with that.
It is unacceptable for a doctor (epsecially a highly paid one) to have this behavior to his patients and don't help them overcome their complications.

After all, if Guichet's patients has complications (and more frequent than most respectable doctor's patients) and he doesn't care to help them as fast and good as he can, then why is he considered a top doctor?
Imo Guichet is just an experienced doctor and nothing more. Almost any other doctor in his price class or even slight more is a better choice for me.
And I know that I sound harsh but I can accept such behaviours in fellow LL'ers.
LL is a hard procedure and doctors should support their patients at max. Anything else makes the doctor irresponsible and a bad choice for me.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #412 on: March 09, 2017, 10:59:38 PM »

Bodybuilder, Dr Monegal did the same with Musicmaker. If Dr Guichet deserves bashing Dr Monegal deserves bashing too. Both seem dishonest persons but I would say Dr Guichet is better as a surgeon because he is more experienced.
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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #413 on: March 09, 2017, 11:25:49 PM »

Notimportant I wrote my opinion about Guichet here, not Monegal.
Your obsession with Monegal starts to seem ridiculous.
Also, don't forget that I am a veteran LL'er and I can judge with my own eyes doctors's work from xrays of their patients and most Monegal's patients seems to do great except they post fake xrays which I don't believe.

And finally almost any of Monegal's patients write good things about him while for Guichet and especially his personality even his own patients (and many of them that have good outcomes) write bad things which is very important for a doctor together with his abilities.

So don't try to do this thread a Guichet vs Monegal match.
Unicorn wrote about her bad experience with Guichet and her complication that this doctor doesn't seem to care to solve, at least presently, and this must be taken very seriously by any future LL'er who considers Guichet dor this surgery.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #414 on: March 10, 2017, 12:00:14 AM »

It's not a Monegal vs Guichet match. My case here is most LL doctors are dishonest. Perhaps Unicorn should see a trauma surgeon to fix her problems, not a greedy LL surgeon who turned to cosmetic to make money. Most of them are similarly dishonest but among dishonest people there are different degrees of dishonesty and different degrees of experience. Dr Guichet beats Dr Monegal in experience and I would say that also in honesty. Don't bash him and praise Dr Monegal because it's not fair. Look. Don't trust the patients' words, look at their actions. Look at their weird reactions and read the posts by the doctor himself behaves like a madman with a bad tantrum. All my respect to victims of these greedy doctors, Unicorn, Musicmaker, Cooper and many others.
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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #415 on: March 10, 2017, 12:19:40 AM »

How the hell do you know if  Guichet is dishonest , terrible of whatever? You only know one side and without any details. I love how those Internet warriors pretend to know everything after reading  5 post on this forum...


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #416 on: March 10, 2017, 01:15:34 AM »

How the hell do you know if  Guichet is dishonest , terrible of whatever? You only know one side and without any details. I love how those Internet warriors pretend to know everything after reading  5 post on this forum...

yup. For all we know they can both be dishonest. Or they can both be great with a few bad patients. The more I read in the patient diaries section, the more I can see that this is no minor surgery. More likely than not, you will have complications doing this surgery, even if you choose Paley or Rozbruch.

This is an intense surgery and you have to prepare for the worst and assume the potential risks . I agree with one thing though.

When you pay upwards of 50k, it is a doctors ethical duty to care for their patients. Thats when patients need them the most and to simply dismiss a patient because you already did the surgery and you were already paid is so unethical that its not even funny. This goes for any doctor not just Monegal or Guichet.

From an unbiased point of view, its clear that both doctors have had complications and thats ok. Complications can happen to anyone, especially in limb lengthening. But it is how the doctor reacts when complications arise that would concern me. Some doctors view this simply as a business, whereas some really do care for their patients.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #417 on: March 10, 2017, 04:54:45 AM »

I had a nail inserted by Monegal. I have zero knee pain. Maybe I wouldn't have pain even if I had the rod inserted another way. I can't know for sure, but I definitely   do not have any knee issues

Helloworld inserting the nail by the knee doesn't solve the problem because you get permanent knee pain. You're saying Dr Monegal offers a miraculous solution Dr Paley, Dr Rozbruch and Dr Guichet couldn't think about? Come on! These world good surgeons avoid knee insertion for a reason and that reason is permanent knee pain. Many patients complain of knee pain 2 years after surgery. Hip insertion can cause problems in some cases as Unicorn or Musicmaker but they are one among one thousand and they have happened with women always. In general knee insertion is WORSE for men and women.

If I were Unicorn I would sue Dr Guichet for greed. If I were you and Musicmaker I would sue Dr Monegal and Fitbone. You've got them by the balls.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #418 on: March 10, 2017, 05:51:06 AM »

Like Yourspace wrote " tibias is Catagni and for femurs a few too".
Budget will determine my future.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #419 on: March 10, 2017, 06:04:07 AM »

Hi Unicorn,

I'm a current Femur patient doing Precise II. I just went through your diary and my heart is broken for the tough experience you're having. You were extremely prepared and you have a strong & positive attitude that should've led you to become a successful case. I cannot judge Dr.Guitchet but from reading your diary, I really think Dr.Guitchet should have given much more attention and care for your left Femur that was damaged in the process of 1st surgery. It seems like he carelessly pushed you and treated you the same way he would for patients with no damaged bone, and I think this caused the unfortunate fracture. As a fellow LLer, it is disappointing to see a doctor who doesn't take the full responsibility for a patient with such complication, but turns to potential patients for more monetary gains.

I wish you best of luck onwards. Stay strong and you'll get through this, eventually.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #420 on: March 10, 2017, 08:47:22 AM »

This is painful to read. It's even more painful to know that not only the doctor is avoiding you but that your mates aren't supporting you as well. It surely isn't the case here, my doctor is visiting me every day and his current patients who are now my friends will gather up to come to the clinic today to check up on me.

I still share the same opinion as helloworld, Guichet should be the right doctor to fix you up because hes been following your journey since the beginning and he has the skill to do it. I honestly hope he leaves the money greediness aside and takes your case in a more serious away. If that doesn't happen, and as helloworld has said, you wouldn't be the first patient from Guichet that Monegal has to fix so don't abandon hope.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #421 on: March 10, 2017, 09:28:34 AM »

This is painful to read. It's even more painful to know that not only the doctor is avoiding you but that your mates aren't supporting you as well. It surely isn't the case here, my doctor is visiting me every day and his current patients who are now my friends will gather up to come to the clinic today to check up on me.
I thought we were going to surprise you :-(
1,80 -> 185
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surgery Nov/Dec 2016, stopped lengthening April 2017
Dr. Monegal patient


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #422 on: March 10, 2017, 09:32:02 AM »

I thought we were going to surprise you :-(
You can still surprise me in many ways  ;D


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #423 on: March 10, 2017, 02:54:24 PM »

Unicorn, just skimmed through your entire diary, and I have to say, it brought back a lot of bad memories for when I was going through this sh*t. Dr. G is a very good doctor, and he means well...but he doesn't have a kind bedside manner (neither does Dr. Paley, from what I hear, although Dr. Rozbruch is very nice and a lot more patient - I used him to remove a screw on my hip last year), and I think he's stretched too thin between working in Milan and London.

There were a number of times when I was think the thick of the pain/lengthening/PT when I felt abandoned by him. He really only visited me like twice after I had the surgery, maybe three times (but I can only vividly remember two times). But I knew what I had to do, and I was determined to get taller. That's how I know I did this for the right reason. If I had done LL to impress any hypothetical female or women in general, I'd have never made it past 4cm. LL is probably the hardest physical challenge (let's hope!) that we will face in our lives. But the reward is not only being taller, but knowing what you had to endure in order to achieve your new height. You'll never take walking for granted again, that's for damn sure.

In your case, you had a pretty serious complication/setback, and that I'm sorry I can't relate to. I think Dr. G is maybe not giving you the attention he could because maybe something more urgent came up and maybe he figures that he can sort of do your second surgery "whenever." I'm not trying to make excuses for him...I do agree he should be paying you more attention right now. But overall, I think he's a very skilled surgeon and very brilliant in general (maybe too much so - he's a tad arrogant sometimes), just unorganized and kinda scatterbrain-ish. But I AM confident he will fix you very soon and you will eventually come out of this nightmare.

At the end of the day, just know that your current state isn't forever. I know it seems like it is right now. I remember how depressed I was throughout the process, lonely, horny (lol), hated being crippled (self-inflicted), my walking looked terrible for so long...LL is a looooong ass process. The diaries I read really made it seem to easy. I based my decision to go to Dr. G really because of ShyShy's diary, and I wonder if I was wrong to rely on just that one seemingly ultra successful case. I DO believe he is real, but I don't think his ultra fast recovery is the norm.

Hang in there Unicorn. You will get through this.

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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #424 on: March 10, 2017, 08:15:45 PM »

Hey Yellow Spike what i know you walked normally 6 months post surgery right? of course without running and sports just walking normally. right?


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #425 on: March 11, 2017, 12:42:46 AM »

Why has the post by Helloworld here been removed? Is there a hidden agenda in this forum? Whenever a Dr Monegal's patient posts something that demonstrates bad management it's deteled from the forum. Helloworld said I was right and then his post was deleted. Are you collaborating with this doctor?
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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #426 on: March 11, 2017, 12:47:43 AM »

Why has the post by Helloworld here been removed? Is there a hidden agenda in this forum? Whenever a Dr Monegal's patient posts something that demonstrates bad management it's deteled from the forum. Helloworld said I was right and then his post was deleted. Are you collaborating with this doctor?
I wouldn't be surprised if something like that was going on 😒


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #427 on: March 11, 2017, 06:51:58 AM »

Why has the post by Helloworld here been removed? Is there a hidden agenda in this forum? Whenever a Dr Monegal's patient posts something that demonstrates bad management it's deteled from the forum. Helloworld said I was right and then his post was deleted. Are you collaborating with this doctor?
God, you're the most paranoid troll I've ever seen. You say Dr. Monegal in every post, you think of Dr. Monegal every day, you dream about Dr. Monegal, you breathe Dr. Monegal.

People are allowed to delete and edit their posts at their own free will, I've done it countless of times. Get over it.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #428 on: March 11, 2017, 08:08:23 AM »

I didn't remove the post, but I'm going to kindly request not to derail this thread into a Monegal debate. This is Unicorn's personal experience and she's going through a tough time.


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #429 on: March 18, 2017, 01:12:08 PM »

Hi UNICORN, how is your feeling to your Lengthened leg now, have you confirm for the new operation date


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #430 on: March 28, 2017, 08:01:55 AM »

Hi UNICORN, any update, we worry about you


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #431 on: March 28, 2017, 02:18:27 PM »

Hi if anyone have the official email of dr.guichet. that would have been very helpful. Im gonna book my operation 28 may


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #432 on: April 03, 2017, 12:19:40 PM »

Hi UNICORN, hope you well, you recover better?


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Re: UNICORN - Dr. Guichet Internal Femurs 8cm - Summer 2016
« Reply #433 on: April 03, 2017, 08:38:21 PM »

When people don't answer it's usually a bad sign
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