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Author Topic: Info on the LL "industry" and why you should reconsider some of the surgeons  (Read 30771 times)

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Stripes: Dr. Barinov, Russia
RGKEY: Dr. Barinov, Russia
Crimsontide: Dr. Bagirov, Russia
Sweden: Dr. Sarin, India
Krp1: Dr. Monegal, Spain
Musicmaker: Dr. Monegal, Spain

Did I miss anyone with a "bad" outcome?

Seems to be a theme here...don't use a sh*t doctor.

Excuse my language here but what the fk are you talking about? Have you even read my diary? How on earth have I had a bad outcome? You literally have no idea what you're saying. You clearly haven't read RGKEY's diary either or done enough research on Paley.


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excuse you.

I've spoken to Tbike off the forum as well, and tbike did nothing for the forum

He  sent me messages asking for  any negative information I had regarding Drs. 

I was the one that kept telling him not to do it, while he said I did not know what  I was talking about

 Tbike created the fake account when he had changed his mind from positive to negative.

Now that he's changed it again, no need for that account

 It makes zero sense why a relative  would create a fictional account, then  admit to it(thereby blowing  their cover) and then handing over the password

If you believe this story, that is your choice. I won't mock your intelligence, but the story is quite unbelievable.

Luckily, this board has very very active members now, so it does not really matter.  I don't think this board gets Dr's even 1   additional patient, so I'm not going to complain too much about it.

We have stories like this, fake diaries and threads, etc. Maybe 1% of  the members that had this surgery are still active.  It's bizarre threads such as this that are the reason.

Is Sweden around?  Musicmaker?  Kirk?  All these members had the surgery, but rarely if ever post.

Which thread should I read now?  Stripes? 

Tbike, I'd love to respond to you, but can't be sure if that's really you, or  some relative.  Surely, you understand

Have a good day, gentlemen.


musicmaker doesnt post because she is fked up and she doesn't want to say bad things about Monegal. She's the worst case in LL history yet she loves that egomaniac doctor and feeds his ego. Crimsontide seems crazy too but remember crazy people tell the truth  just as kids and the drunk. In the future some of you will think : this mad crimsontide was right all along about LL just as Lluser was right about Monegal

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You clearly haven't read RGKEY's diary either or done enough research on Paley.

RgKEY had a very bad outcome with very bad Xrays, awfully bent legs. His writing his happy but his Xrays tell the truth. Very bad results
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Excuse my language here but what the fk are you talking about? Have you even read my diary? How on earth have I had a bad outcome? You literally have no idea what you're saying. You clearly haven't read RGKEY's diary either or done enough research on Paley.

Yes, I read your diary, even commented on it.

I put the word "bad" in parentheses because I was being sarcastic towards Crimsontide and his doom and gloom attitude.

It was not my intention to offend.

And RGKEY has misalignment, that's a big complication.


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RgKEY had a very bad outcome with very bad Xrays, awfully bent legs. His writing his happy but his Xrays tell the truth. Very bad results

Right, but it wasn't due to the doctor it was because of his actions after. He left russia with straight legs and when he got back home didn't follow instructions - started walking without crutches, lifting heavy weights and using lifts.


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I thought Kirp1 was doing relatively ok?

With really get what you pay for. Doing LL with a bad doctor to save money is a bad, bad idea. A recipe for disaster.


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You don't know what you are talking about. Some patients have had non union for genetic reasons, but many patients from Monegal have developed non union as a result of a poor osteotomy. I can give names if you want. SOme of them in the forum.

*drinks Jägermeister*

I was waiting for you, my paranoid friend  :)

So you are basically saying that some non-unions are caused by genetic reasons, and others are the doctor's fault. Cool! If you read my post again (see: "complications can appear because a doctor is not competent..."), you will see that is exactly what I said (except for your anti-Monegal verbiage that you are mentally or contractually forced to add in any of your pathetic interventions)

Once again, LL can go wrong for multiple reasons. Sometimes is the doctor, sometimes is the patient's genetics. Someone is the patient's behaviour. The point of my post was that is not always fair to say that a bad outcome is the doctor's fault. Patients can lie, too.


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talking about getting off tracks....
I learned some stuff during this time


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*drinks Jägermeister*

I was waiting for you, my paranoid friend  :)

So you are basically saying that some non-unions are caused by genetic reasons, and others are the doctor's fault. Cool! If you read my post again (see: "complications can appear because a doctor is not competent..."), you will see that is exactly what I said (except for your anti-Monegal verbiage that you are mentally or contractually forced to add in any of your pathetic interventions)

Once again, LL can go wrong for multiple reasons. Sometimes is the doctor, sometimes is the patient's genetics. Someone is the patient's behaviour. The point of my post was that is not always fair to say that a bad outcome is the doctor's fault. Patients can lie, too.

LOL Ozymandias. Nothing bad against you. I only want to warn against bad doctors and I know monegal's cases very well.
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talking about getting off tracks....

This is an interesting forum for sure.

Not sure if I'm here for the knowledge or the drama...


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This forum is losing its knowledge value! Come on now guys let's stop the hearsay and show some proof. As far as "bad" outcomes go we can list DIFM and programdude under Paley, and YellowSpike under Guichet, but then again is that a "bad" outcome or just delayed recovery! (no offense to either and I don't believe any had a bad outcome) If we are going to use words that are ambiguous, like good, ok, bad, let first define these terms so we are on the same page! Lastly, nothing in life is as you plan, there will always be unexpected surprises and unplanned situations.

As far as LLUser goes please provide proof! We know about Cooper as he has come out and voiced his troubles (I hope he is doing well), but how do we know you are not Cooper under a different account.



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This forum is losing its knowledge value! Come on now guys let's stop the hearsay and show some proof. As far as "bad" outcomes go we can list DIFM and programdude under Paley, and YellowSpike under Guichet, but then again is that a "bad" outcome or just delayed recovery! (no offense to either and I don't believe any had a bad outcome) If we are going to use words that are ambiguous, like good, ok, bad, let first define these terms so we are on the same page! Lastly, nothing in life is as you plan, there will always be unexpected surprises and unplanned situations.

As far as LLUser goes please provide proof! We know about Cooper as he has come out and voiced his troubles (I hope he is doing well), but how do we know you are not Cooper under a different account.


PD had a complication...but as for DIFM and myself...I think it goes to show that true recovery takes a lot longer than we are lead to believe. I've been mostly complication free so far (still don't know for sure if I need a bone graft on my left leg or not). But ShyShy ("overnight") recoveries are rare and you shouldn't expect to be like him. Unless you completely pause your life and don't have any responsibilities. And OBG lengthened I think just under 6cm...its above 6cm where recovery starts to take a lot longer.


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This forum is losing its knowledge value! Come on now guys let's stop the hearsay and show some proof. As far as "bad" outcomes go we can list DIFM and programdude under Paley, and YellowSpike under Guichet, but then again is that a "bad" outcome or just delayed recovery! (no offense to either and I don't believe any had a bad outcome) If we are going to use words that are ambiguous, like good, ok, bad, let first define these terms so we are on the same page! Lastly, nothing in life is as you plan, there will always be unexpected surprises and unplanned situations.

As far as LLUser goes please provide proof! We know about Cooper as he has come out and voiced his troubles (I hope he is doing well), but how do we know you are not Cooper under a different account.


I know about Cooper but I'm not Cooper. Check my IP. Not the same for sure.
What about Musicmaker? Still at guesthouse after 2 years and 10 surgeries. Still unable to walk. Crippled. Is this false?
What about Aimhigh being crippled with a large discrepancy because he didn't come back to SPain, for a good reason?
What about many others?
All my claims have been supported by facts or members of the forums who have met Monegal's patients personally. Do you need more proofs? Even Monegals patients admitted that these cases and many others were a disaster when they were exposed in some threads of this forum.
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LLUser1, To start off, I would like to address that I am not a proponent or opponent of either of these doctors. My only concern is that it feels like you have a dog in the fight. Why so much hate against Monegal? Also, as far a AimHigh goes I have had some PM exchanges with him and he never mentioned anything about being crippled. There were more to his situation that I will not reveal here. Also for MusicMaker, didn't her complications began after she had fallen during her extraction phase?

PS Isn't Monegal approved by Wittenstein as capable and competent to use their nail? Would they have not revoked his license if he was messing people up with their name attached to it? It would just make no business sense for a company to approve a terrible incompetent doctor.


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Aimhigh did only one leg. Thus he is crippled. Last news about him were he was having knee issues. He said it may had to do with his age. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

You're confusing Programdude (fracture after extraction) and Musicmaker (fracture only first days after first surgery and she didn't fall down). That wasn't her only issue: after iatrogenic fracture, she had misalignment, pseudoarthrosis, malfunction of implants, nerve bone and soft tissues issues. Guinnea pig for Monegal for many untested procedures. Worst case in LL history. The doctor didn't tell me about her case (he hid her from me) but patients told me the truth about her case and situation. Disabled now. She doesn't accept it and lies to the forum but it's a fact. She's manipulated by Monegal.

Why so much hate? I trusted him and I found he deceived me. He lied once and again. I don't trust him anymore. Don't let him fool you!!!! He seems nice at the beginning but he is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It's scary.
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LLUser1, so are you saying he has not had any patients with good outcome?


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Hey ! I had good outcome with Monegal. Read my diary before say that things...


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Aimhigh did only one leg. Thus he is crippled. Last news about him were he was having knee issues. He said it may had to do with his age. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

You're confusing Programdude (fracture after extraction) and Musicmaker (fracture only first days after first surgery and she didn't fall down). That wasn't her only issue: after iatrogenic fracture, she had misalignment, pseudoarthrosis, malfunction of implants, nerve bone and soft tissues issues. Guinnea pig for Monegal for many untested procedures. Worst case in LL history. The doctor didn't tell me about her case (he hid her from me) but patients told me the truth about her case and situation. Disabled now. She doesn't accept it and lies to the forum but it's a fact. She's manipulated by Monegal.

Why so much hate? I trusted him and I found he deceived me. He lied once and again. I don't trust him anymore. Don't let him fool you!!!! He seems nice at the beginning but he is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It's scary.

What were your complications?
170-176 cm, May 2016 still consolidating


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Tbike created the fake account when he had changed his mind from positive to negative.

Now that he's changed it again, no need for that account

 It makes zero sense why a relative  would create a fictional account, then  admit to it(thereby blowing  their cover) and then handing over the password

If you believe this story, that is your choice. I won't mock your intelligence, but the story is quite unbelievable.

Truth is served.

I can't believe all the 'regular' members here who believes this crazy ass story lol. Even guys who I thought were previously level minded. So ridiculous it made me laugh first time reading through.

Pretty much all the guys here have low confidence, and probably depression. When you've been crying in your room for months over a girl and hate yourself because you're only 5'7.275", you're gonna develop some severe mental problems. Chemical imbalance in your brain = silly threads like this one.

I mean we have a guy in this forum who's been obsessing about a female patient he's never met for over 2 years now, and 70% of his posts mention her in some way. Tell me thats not weird, even terrifying.


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Truth is served.

I can't believe all the 'regular' members here who believes this crazy ass story lol. Even guys who I thought were previously level minded. So ridiculous it made me laugh first time reading through.

Pretty much all the guys here have low confidence, and probably depression. When you've been crying in your room for months over a girl and hate yourself because you're only 5'7.275", you're gonna develop some severe mental problems. Chemical imbalance in your brain = silly threads like this one.

I hate to fuel the conspiracy theory, but it is a bit unbelievable. even if he told his family and friends about his plan to do LL, how could they possibly know about the forum unless he told them about the forum too and that he spends a lot of time here. also did he tell them his username too? how else could they know it was him to respond to his posts? I guess it's all possible... but it's kind of far-fetched.

I also don't get why this thread is stickied? I thought the forum administration was not supposed to have any biases for or against any doctors?  by stickying this thread that bashes specific doctors and without much evidence of any of it, doesn't that imply a bias by the forum? OP was clearly biased when he would constantly promote tibia LL over femurs, criticized top internal femur doctors, literally said he never saw any good femur outcomes, and called all femur diaries with good outcomes fake. it's horribly ironic that he is now considering femurs after all his posts on how internal femur LL was so bad. 

The evidence leads me to agree with what LLcaptain and crimson are saying... tibike, there might be some other subconscious mental stuff going on other than your height dysphoria.


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I hate to fuel the conspiracy theory, but it is a bit unbelievable. even if he told his family and friends about his plan to do LL, how could they possibly know about the forum unless he told them about the forum too and that he spends a lot of time here. also did he tell them his username too? how else could they know it was him to respond to his posts? I guess it's all possible... but it's kind of far-fetched.

I also don't get why this thread is stickied? I thought the forum administration was not supposed to have any biases for or against any doctors?  by stickying this thread that bashes specific doctors and without much evidence of any of it, doesn't that imply a bias by the forum? OP was clearly biased when he would constantly promote tibia LL over femurs, criticized top internal femur doctors, literally said he never saw any good femur outcomes, and called all femur diaries with good outcomes fake. it's horribly ironic that he is now considering femurs after all his posts on how internal femur LL was so bad. 

The evidence leads me to agree with what LLcaptain and crimson are saying... tibike, there might be some other subconscious mental stuff going on other than your height dysphoria.

 Yes. My family knows about the forum. I showed it to them in order to show them diaries and proportions pictures. Also, my proportions pics were taken by my family.
 About how they knew that this username is me, it's because it closely resembles my real name and again, because my user said he was going to Catagni and who knew about me going to him if not my family?
  Again, only people who are enough deranged would believe that I will actually "convince" myself to do this thing. If you guys can come up with this "conspiracy" it means it is something you are capable of.

And bashing me as mentally deranged because I am attacking one of the most so called best doc also adds to my suspiscions about him... So thanks for that.
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Can this topic come back to it's origins rather than circlejerking TIBIKE?


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I can vouch for tibike , this is just a confusing misunderstanding and his biggest mistake was being too honest in an open forum, giving people ammo

Just remember he could have said nothing or quietly asked the moderators to delete the post. This is really a none issue that people aren't letting go
170-176 cm, May 2016 still consolidating


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Tibike, you been sitting in your room crying for months?

Then where did all those pictures of you and the hot girls come from that you shared with me? The pictures of you and friends out doing stuff?

Weird.  ;)

Yeah, I can vouch for tibike as well.

Think what y'all want, doubt tibike gives a sh*t.

Nice to see the community come together and support a guy that has decided to do LL, and has the added stress of family members being exceptionally resistant.

Two of the Dr. Mahboubian patients I spoke to said they were aware of the forum but didn't make a diary because of the toxic atmosphere here.

And why wouldn't family know about the forum? Mine does.

Hell, my wife knows who tibike is even (I never shared anything tibike said to me though) she saw a picture of tibike and said he was hot.

Is there a point to all of this??


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I mean we have a guy in this forum who's been obsessing about a female patient he's never met for over 2 years now, and 70% of his posts mention her in some way. Tell me thats not weird, even terrifying.

Now this I agree with. Why he hasn't been banned when he is in clear violation of the forum rules is beyond me.

Who's running this joint anyway? Nobody?


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I'll try to get in touch with people who have been operated by G in France

otherwise I have a question which has no relation. Is there any risk of infection (I guess so) with externals and are we are cases on the forum?
Looking for Pili


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Infections with externals are very common and rarely serious. Infections with internals are rare but can be serious
170-176 cm, May 2016 still consolidating


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Infections with externals are very common and rarely serious. Infections with internals are rare but can be serious

Some patients have had internal infections then non union and then... ask Dr Betz
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Re: Info on the LL "industry" and why you should reconsider some of the surgeons
« Reply #91 on: September 13, 2016, 10:42:56 AM »

This thread is 99% misinformation and calls into question the credibility of the forum


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Re: Info on the LL "industry" and why you should reconsider some of the surgeons
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2016, 11:06:36 PM »

Every doctor does have bad outcomes, and bad is a broad term. I think there is a decent chunk of the community for example that would be thrilled with my outcome, and also a decent chunk who either because they wouldn't have the desire/ability to cope with delays and complications in recovery.

For me personally I'd classify my outcome as unideal/problematic but bad sounds misleading since being crippled etc. comes to mind.

I've always said though, theres no doctor you can go to for a guaranteed good experience. Going to the better ones just reduces the probability, sometimes drastically, in my opinion.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
My Diary for those who want a real play by play to know what to expect:

Starting height: 5 8
End Height-:5 11 +
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