Hi Bob,
Here your answers:
1. Was it confusing for you to change flight in Moscow to get to Kurgan ?
Not, Alejandra Vdovitsyna (worker with Ilizarov Centre from Spain) send me a web link with cheaper flights from Moscu (Vnukovo airport). It was easy for me because I arrived in the same Moscow's airport (Vnukovo) and a women from Ilizarov Centre waiting for me in Kurgan's airport.
2. Can you say anythig about the cost for the surgery - If it is private just ignore this
question - I understand.
The cost for correction two months ago was 404.000 rubles (good for me because ruble's price is down with dollar).
Cost include: surgery, anesthesia, medicines, physio, 90 days in a share room (from 4 to 6 peoples)
Note: the Ilizarov's device is not in the price, I was 54.000 rubles in cash (not credit card is possible).
For payment is better with credit card, because with international Swift transfer I had problem with delays (3 weeks!!!)
Advice: to bring more that one credit cards, my credit card is not working and I had a lot of problems, I used my debit card but in Ilizarov Center you can not pay with debit card.
3. How long will you stay at the hospital ?
Now, I has two months after surgery. I hope stay one month o one month half. It is depends of my doctor.
4. For how long will you have the devices on your legs ?
Answer in 4 question.
5. Is your plan to get remove the devices in Kurgan or at the hospital in your home town ?
My planning is remove the devices in Ilizarov Center, I afraid with a infection o broken wires in my country!
At Ilizarov's hospital every day nurses take a temperature, each two o there weeks you have a blood test, you have support from doctors if you have any questions or problems.