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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #124 on: July 04, 2017, 06:04:34 AM »

Yes. 100% comfortable.
No exercises that I can´t do.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #125 on: July 04, 2017, 09:51:00 AM »

Great that you are almost 100%. That gives us hope!

I also find that running has been my biggest challenge but I can see it is improving. So it is good to know that you had the same problem but you arrived at almost 100% pre LL running speed.
1,80 -> 185
185 wingspan
surgery Nov/Dec 2016, stopped lengthening April 2017
Dr. Monegal patient


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #126 on: July 04, 2017, 12:06:55 PM »

I think this is the most confusing diary / case of LL...
I was overwhelmed to see the end result of OBG, a normal looking walking, even running (normally looking!), even extreme sport!!
Im at 35 not sure i am able to do all these agility sport manuvers and ive never had ll !
at first its a major boost to motivation of considering the operation.
He does make very good point about the aftermath, considering all aspects of life, not only the CM gain to stature.
I suppose some things in life can only be learnt by actual experiencing them. like climbing a long ladder (of life), the higher u climb the more of the view you see, and understand the bigger picture.
I specifically lingered and thought about OBGs remark about thinking of short-successful guys as role models.
I actually pretty much certein that even the most successful of them, would admit that amidst their normal-good-happy life, they'd here and there suffer from the thought of being short and the unfairness of the cards theyve been dealt. 

I think OBG is very intelligent, definitely made me think deeper.
wishing you all the best, finding your happiness!


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #127 on: July 04, 2017, 01:04:00 PM »

Interesting question is ,his results if he would made it with bigger amount of cm
Height 5 ft 10 ( 178)
Goal 6 ft 2
wingspan 6 ft 2 (188)


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #128 on: July 04, 2017, 05:22:41 PM »

Interesting question is ,his results if he would made it with bigger amount of cm
And I would say at your current height of 178 a more reasonable goal is 6 cm femur, which would make you 184, max 185.
That is save.
I did 5, from 181 to 186.

1,80 -> 185
185 wingspan
surgery Nov/Dec 2016, stopped lengthening April 2017
Dr. Monegal patient


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #129 on: July 05, 2017, 08:47:07 AM »

And I would say at your current height of 178 a more reasonable goal is 6 cm femur, which would make you 184, max 185.
That is save.
I did 5, from 181 to 186.

yup,i will try 6 or 7 at most ,safety is first but sometimes thoughts about 8 cm make me crazy ;D
Height 5 ft 10 ( 178)
Goal 6 ft 2
wingspan 6 ft 2 (188)


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #130 on: November 23, 2017, 03:58:05 AM »

But apart from the -relatively- positive outcome I have had  I advise against LL.
I know it is hard,  but just try to accept your body as it is.
Don´t choose tall guys as your role-model. Choose short or super-short guys which walk happily through life with lots of charisma. Talk to them, even tell them honestly about your problem and ask them how they handle it. Remember: it´s all in your head.
There are ways to treat this problem and if you can overcome it you will be strong for the rest or your life.
Also remember that you are irreversibly changing the physiognomy of your body. If you are already thin and lean, your legs are gonna be even thinner and leaner and it will be difficult to add a lot of muscle because the muscles are so stretched. It is at least possible that you will not like this aspect of LL.

If LL is your very last resort, ok. But everything else is better.

You are probably right, but it is still hard to take in, specially considering the story you posted in this same thread about the "model" girl.

The majority of straight women only require you to be just about their height when they're looking for a very serious relationship - generally when they're older. The other, the minority, doesn't have height as a deal breaker when looking for a serious relationship; they generally care more about other things, like your intelligence, financial stability, how well you click, and your emotional support instead.

I think having LL for others is wrong. But it's undeniable that you increase your possible partner pool a lot until you get to about 175cm, which I feel is the main cutoff point. Women above that height are probably open to dating men around their height, and none of them would reject "marriage material" just because the person is a tiny bit shorter. I'd say 180cm is the final cutoff point and no one around (178+) that height should do LL, unless they're doing it exclusively for themselves. Any woman above 180cm is already used or unopposed to dating shorter men.

I intend to get LL for myself someday. I'm not particularly interested in significant others who care so much about something like that. You never know when you'll be confined into a wheelchair because of any random accident. There goes over half of your height. I only want to feel better about myself. With that said, I'm making this post because it's also easy to see the benefits a lot of people see from doing LL.

Who knows, though - I'm quite young. Maybe I'll completely agree with you when I hit your age. Maybe I'll regret LL. Still, such is life. This is my opinion at the current moment in time.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #131 on: November 29, 2017, 11:57:05 PM »

Oldiebutgoldie, first of all thank you very much for sharing your experience with LL.i have read your diary carefully and it helped me learning more about LL. I look forward to do LL with Betz next Year in 2018.

I am in my middle 30s and just thought about the „happy“ thing you wrote. The LL has risks ,no question.And I am ready to take it or not. If it goes wrong of course it was not worth. But let us say the Surgery and lengthening etc worked well like yours.
I don’t think that a few cm more can make out of me a happy person. Because happiness is a general term and to be happy needs a lot more than to be tall. Otherwise every tall guy would be happy, singing and dancing all the time.but But i will have one problem less in my life. but all other problems or fights we have to fight in life will stay. I don’t expect miracles from LL but if Iam a few cm taller I will be maybe more confident and satisfied with my self.and these are just little parts of happiness. It means a lot to me not to be always the shortest guy in the room. To be normal height is what I want . But normal doesn’t make a person automatically happy. My wife told me once  : after your LL I don’t want to hear anything criticizing in your life !“ I said stop,youre crazy! I will be the same guy with the same problems. Maybe just not that uncomfortable as before with my height. I will be just normal and not Superman!
The LL surgery is a big risky thing and expensive. That’s maybe why we expect so much and are disappointed after we check we are the same actually.  I have read in many diary’s „ I don’t realize anymore that I am taller , it feels like I was always this height „. I think we take the risk not to be happy but not be unhappy..
I know it’s easy to say all this without going through LL , I respect what you did a lot 💪and I think you did it right.

Best wishes and hope to start next year my diary



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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #132 on: July 10, 2018, 02:35:15 PM »

Hey MC,
I dońt know if you read this because your post is 7 months old. I haveńt been on this forum for almost a year now.
But I wanted to thank you for your post even if my thank you comes a bit late.

Here comes a (very short) summary of what is going on in my life:
I dońt think about my height at all any more.
Other things are much more important.
I do lots of sports, I play a lot of tennis , I play senior tournaments (turned 50 in march) , I am not the best tennis player but I am probably faster and fitter than anybody else on the court.
Please, keep in mind that I only lengthened something like 5cm or a little bit more. That makes a huge difference compared to, for example, 7 or even 8 (!!) centimeters.
I dońt want to repeat all the things I have posted so many times, but -ok- once again: Happiness is not about height! Try all other things before you undergo this invasive surgery. Take a look at some super-short super-happy dudes!! Or super-thin super-happy ones. Or at people who might have lost an arm, a limb or whatever, but still smiling from inside.
If you absolutely have to do this, ok. Go ahead, but listen to your body. Lengthen slowly. If you are already of average height, dońt get greedy.
If you are very much into sports, try to lengthen as little as possible, then you will get back to the same level you had before, no doubt.

Ok, there was nothing new in this post, sorry. Just wanted to let you know that I am perfectly ok and pretty much convinced that there are not going to be any long-term complications (at least not in my case because of only 5cm, dońt know about others who lengthened more...).


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #133 on: July 10, 2018, 05:42:25 PM »

Nice update!
And yes, a sensible lengthening with a good doctor play the most significant role on LL.
Good job Goldie. Keep strong!


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #134 on: July 11, 2018, 11:51:47 PM »

Nice to see you still kicking around.

173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #135 on: December 03, 2018, 05:14:51 PM »

I love this Diary, Its awesome a 45 Year old done this and recovered so well. Did you see the guy sprinting?


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #136 on: December 04, 2018, 03:45:04 PM »

Well OldieButGoldie when watching your videos on Youtube is amazing in a way.
You have comments that say you did not LL. That you are a promoter of Dr. Betz

Below I quote some comments:

Maurizio B
1 year ago
Betz`s patient.It's fake.Just a normal guy running.No LL

Maurizio B
1 year ago
Just a promoter of Betz. Fake video. It is just a normal guy running


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #137 on: December 17, 2018, 11:15:41 PM »

@ Trevor P.: who are you? is your comment a joke?

1. I cannot find the comment you quoted („one year ago“). It does not exist. Why are you making up bull ?

2. If you had read my diary you would have realized that I am not a promoter of Dr. Betz, I am quite the opposite. I am against this operation/procedure and I strongly advise against it.

3. I am not a „success“ story. I had complications. I stopped lengthening at 5cm because I got scared of everything that was happening to me and my body.

Itś not a big deal to run again after a certain time, if you have been a very sporty and active person all your life and when you have lengthened only 5cm.

A troll entering my diary 5 years after my operation? This troll at the same time being the firstone to doubt that I am who I am? With all these videos (and you can even see my face)?
WTF ??


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #138 on: December 17, 2018, 11:28:10 PM »

@Trevor P. again: sorry for my harsh words. I just realized you cited a youtube comment. I was looking for the cited comment in my diary...

Well, I dońt care what some idiot comments on youtube, there are so many haters in this world.

Again, there is nothing „amazing“ about my videos. Anybody who has been extremely active in sports (like I was) and who lengthens „only“ 5cm and trains very hard after the op would be at the same level 15 months after the op.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #139 on: December 21, 2018, 03:16:39 PM »

I'm not a troll, I'm just saying what I saw without more. It was in some Youtube video.
I am a person who is looking to do this procedure looking 5-6cm for the same as you, not losing the athletic ability that I have now.
I am less than 30 years old and I would not like to spend the rest of my days in poor condition.
I think all this is understandable.

I am from a European country, but I do not speak English, sorry if something is not understood.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #140 on: January 08, 2019, 08:32:53 AM »

Well, as I have already said: if you do only 5cm , and you train very hard, you will get back to the same level that you had before (or almost, maybe with a neglectable slight difference).
If you do 6cm, thatś already one cm more, it may already make a difference.
It may or it may not.
Nobody can foresee the future...


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #141 on: January 08, 2019, 03:28:23 PM »

Well, as I have already said: if you do only 5cm , and you train very hard, you will get back to the same level that you had before (or almost, maybe with a neglectable slight difference).
If you do 6cm, thatś already one cm more, it may already make a difference.
It may or it may not.
Nobody can foresee the future...

you are without a question the best recovered LL patient i have seen. You are one of the biggest reason i am not doing more than 6cm or 6.5cm femur. Whats the point of height if you can't enjoy activities you love and enjoy life till the fullest.
All the others who claim to have recovered over 90% like ShyShy, AndrewShizzles seems to have lost most of their explosiveness. Like when accelerating from stand still to max speed. When I watch ShyShy video I see a man using his upper body and his arms excessively to propel the rest of the body. That is not how you run. You run with your legs providing the initial momentum / push and your arms are supplementing.

Just goes to the show the lesser lengthening you do, the better you will recover. At same time its really sad how Apotheosis/Shahn/SysOp after doing 20 cm claims he is playing sports at high competitive level. It must be chess or something static, even table tennis demands quick leg movements.

One thing I dont understand is, during the diary your lengthening amount went from over 6 cm to 5.9 then 5.7cm and now 5 cm? which is it?


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #142 on: January 08, 2019, 06:23:26 PM »

So ,what would you advice for a guy who is 23 years old  and in 178-179 cm area,make 5 or 6 on femurs?
Height 5 ft 10 ( 178)
Goal 6 ft 2
wingspan 6 ft 2 (188)


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #143 on: January 09, 2019, 01:58:16 PM »

Are you kidding me???
Do not do it at all!!!
You are tall enough!
Go see a psychiatrist/psychologist. Let a professional help you if you cannot get it out of your mind.
And , if you finally decide to do this (which would be crazy) just do 5cm.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #144 on: January 09, 2019, 02:02:26 PM »

you are without a question the best recovered LL patient i have seen. You are one of the biggest reason i am not doing more than 6cm or 6.5cm femur. Whats the point of height if you can't enjoy activities you love and enjoy life till the fullest.
All the others who claim to have recovered over 90% like ShyShy, AndrewShizzles seems to have lost most of their explosiveness. Like when accelerating from stand still to max speed. When I watch ShyShy video I see a man using his upper body and his arms excessively to propel the rest of the body. That is not how you run. You run with your legs providing the initial momentum / push and your arms are supplementing.

Just goes to the show the lesser lengthening you do, the better you will recover. At same time its really sad how Apotheosis/Shahn/SysOp after doing 20 cm claims he is playing sports at high competitive level. It must be chess or something static, even table tennis demands quick leg movements.

One thing I dont understand is, during the diary your lengthening amount went from over 6 cm to 5.9 then 5.7cm and now 5 cm? which is it?

I dońt remember to EVER have claimed that I did 6cm or more.
It was never measured exactly, but I am sure it must be 5, something.
Whatś the point about if it is, 5,3 or 5,5 or 5,1 cm ??
Guys, dońt be so obsessed with numbers...


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #145 on: January 09, 2019, 02:57:37 PM »

I read your posts and how one can be happy without doing this. But since you're done it already and come out fully normal, do you really wish to go back in time and not do it?

WOuld it acceptable for you to be 2 inches shorter, now that you have seen what it feels like to be 2 inches taller?


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #146 on: January 09, 2019, 08:50:08 PM »

I read your posts and how one can be happy without doing this.

Just look around. Look at friends of yours who are short but happy. Look out at a party for short guys who laugh and who are happy. You can find short happy people EVERYWHERE.
And you can find tall UNHAPPY people everywhere.
And you can find fat happy people everywhere.
And slim unhappy people.
And so on an so on.
Wake up !!
Itś all in your mind.
Height is NOT the key to happiness.
Try to learn to be happy that you have a healthy functioning body!!
Dońt waste your precious time with this.
This is my final statement.
Over and out.


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #147 on: March 09, 2019, 12:38:56 PM »

Hi, OBG,
I did 5.2cm, Betzbone, from 170cm to 175cm, on 2018-12-13.
Now It's almost 3 months. Still long way to go.
We are very likely to hear about your news on the 6th anniversay that's coming. Anything interesting to tell us about your life?


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #148 on: May 16, 2019, 06:20:34 PM »

Hey ... OldiebutGoldie ,  how are things ..  it's been sometime.. can you give us an update?


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #149 on: September 29, 2019, 09:34:33 PM »

Hi, OBG,
You are always being my inspiration through the whole process. The hardest time has been far away for me. In my 6th month, Betz told me I could run and jump after he had examined my X-rays. But I am a conservative guy, so I put off those exercises until my 8th month. Then Betz saw my 8th month X-rays again and ensured me that I could be able to do all those jump and running, even sports.
Again, I said I am conservative. So I kept increasing my intensiveness of my activities step by step day after day. Now I can walk like 5 km without a rest as well as do some slight jumping and short distance running. October 15th will be my 10th month. By that day, I hope I could run as the way you did in your video.
Also hope to hear from you. Let us know your latest news. :-)


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #150 on: September 29, 2019, 10:16:05 PM »

Hey Wangchaoan.
I sent you a private message.
Which nail diameter did you get?


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 201
« Reply #151 on: March 25, 2020, 11:51:29 PM »

Hey there boys and girls!
So, Germany is in “lockdown” because of corona, everyone is spending hours and hours at home, me too, and
 -being tired of Netflix and all these conspiracy theories about corona-
I finally ended up checking in on here, after a looooooong long time.

First of all: I am fine. I do have some issues with my right knee and hip , but I do not blame LL for it, I suppose the reasons for these issues can rather be found in an severe accident that I had a long time ago, which had completely crashed my right knee and -moreover-these issues also have to do with doing sports like Tennis, soccer, skiing , snowboarding for more than 40 years now, partly in a quite competitive level. That alone takes a toll on everybody’s body.
These issues get on my nerve sometimes but they are not really severe, I can still do all the sports that I like and I can still snowboard in powder 8 hours in a row (of course, also due to the fact that freeriding in powder is the greatest thing one can do 8 hours in a row, given the fact that most sexual intercourses do not last longer than 8 minutes...).

Second: I can say that I am completely cured from height neurosis.

I never, I repeat, absolutely NEVER have the thought of wanting to be taller now.  Quite the opposite: If I HAD to choose today between being 4cm taller or shorter I would choose shorter, 100%. This might surprise readers in this forum. I will try to explain: I am not a “big guy” with a big frame. In my opinion, attractiveness first and foremost derives from your character, aura, self-esteem , how you present yourself, being authentic etc etc etc.
 But Of course, there is also the physical aspect (much less important). For me, physical attractiveness is not dependent on being tall. If you are 170, e.g., as a man , in a country like Germany, you are short, but if you have a good build, both men and women will think of you as attractive. Sure , some women will say they would not date a man shorter than they are, but even these women might suddenly be blown away by someone “short” but with an incredible personality that everything else does not matter any more.

For these of you who have DONE this procedure and who are in recovery: stay strong, it takes time, but in the very end everything goes back to normal (unluckily not for the 10% who will have permanent damage).
For those of you who have NOT done it but think about doing it: do NOT do it.
Your body is perfect for you the way it is. If you wanna be more muscular, work out. If you want to be more attractive: WORK ON YOUR MINDSET!!!
It is all in your head! Try to get psychological help, height neurosis can be cured without LL.
Take a look at these happy or charismatic short people among your friends.
Be happy with what you have: a healthy , functioning body. Do not fk your body up (there is a 10% chance that it happens).

I know, this is not the most sophisticated post ever made, but english is not my native language and I could say things much more eloquently in german.

But I will be happy if this post made one single person here think twice.
peace, OBG


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #152 on: March 26, 2020, 04:21:01 AM »

great post! especially needed when some surgeons have started offering this surgery like candy. Many surgeons being quiet short themselves and selling this surgery like candy to clients.

but life is not so simple that u can see other happy people and learn from them. every one is different both mentally and physically. doing the surgery and not doing it are both decisions to take and live with the consequences of.

life is not perfect, we have to make with what we get: either some long lasting dissatisfaction of being short or the long lasting physcial limitations from surgery. It is not trivial to simply forget the height dissatisfaction and move on  just like its not trivial to just forget any physical limitations one might get from the surgery and move on.



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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #153 on: March 26, 2020, 04:59:50 AM »

Wise words on the OG himself. glad to hear you're good OBG.
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
My Video Logged Diary:


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Re: OldieButGoldie Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2013
« Reply #154 on: March 26, 2020, 07:54:53 AM »

Thanks for the answer.

Well, I do not suggest to just “forget about height dissatisfaction and move on”. I suggest to work hard on the mindset, by using all kind of help which is available. I am sure, many sessions with a really good psychologist will help. Also, being open about this issue with all your good and close friends (both sexes) will help because you will see THEIR perspective (we are always caught in our own small world).
Also, participating in all kind of workshops that help to develop your personality will help.


Find inner peace.

I repeat: look around for short charismatic people among your friends. Approach them with your issue. Ask them how THEY deal with it and how it can be that it doesn’t seem to be any problem for them. You might be surprised about the answers you will hear.

Be extremely open about this mental problem you have.
The more you attack it, talk about it, the more you will understand the mechanisms that take place in our brains.
It is possible to get cured from this but it takes a lot of effort.

In the end it all comes down to loving yourself exactly the way you are, no matter if it is short, super-tall (very frustrating for many men and women), fat, thin, whatever.
Not just accepting yourself, really loving yourself. It is possible to learn this. Long hard process.
If you manage to love yourself exactly the way you are, everything else will follow.
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