I said dating and finding pretty woman has nothing to do with height you moron. The reason for me to do this surgery was for aesthitic reasons as clothes fit better if im a little taller and ill look better in comparison next to my wife. Simply saying if i was average height like all my male family 5’7 and up ( im the shortest at 5’5) then i wouldve never thought to do this surgery. Go get yourself a wack a mole to bash on homie instead of trying to bash on me.
In other words, you're insecure and have a problem with your height... all the while you're telling others to "stop putting the problem on height". Which is what I was pointing out with my response to you in the first place, but I guess the obvious sarcasm in my post flew clear over your head.
Ive never had a problem finding good looking girls. I was 15 going into clubs with fake id just having a good time and ended up hooking up with plenty of girls way older than me and were hot as . Seriously most people complaining bout not getting girls need to work on their social skills. Stop being in denial. Good looks money and “muscles” is not your ticket to getting sxxy woman. Its how you approach them. Here ill leave this here for you might learn a thing or two.
LMAO. This old song and dance again. "It's not your looks or your height or your money, it's your PERSONALITY
Just LOL @ linking any YouTube video of "picking up" girls. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these videos is either staged/scripted or cherrypicks the cases where girls actually agree to "date" or do whatever with the man in the video due to being put on the spot, trying to virtue signal in front of the camera, etc.
The men in these videos don't take these women home, they don't date them, they don't do ANYTHING with them once the video is over, because the whole point of the video is to be clickbait for gullible people like you, and potentially (in the case of "pickup artists") take their money in exchange for admission to a "bootcamp" where they can learn to "attract" women just like the guy in the video (which obviously doesn't work).
Here, I'll leave this for you:
Maybe YOU might learn a thing or two.
There is no "game". "Personality" does not attract women. Attraction is physical. Scientific studies have demonstrated this.
I'm sure you do, but you also have a huuuge need to be validated by random girls.
You know girls can sense insecurity like a bloodhound, and no offense you probably reek of it (as far as your height is concerned). You literally care soooo much about what girls think of you that I can guarantee that they can feel your intense need for female validation when you interact with them (or when you don't interact for fear of being rejected due to your height).
You would be naive to think this didn't play a HUGE part in % of females that "reject" you, but i guess its easier to blame it on something out of your control like height.
Another idiotic, pathetic, delusional humanist myth. Women do not have some magical "insecurity radar" that detects when someone has low self-esteem.
Even if they did, they would never need to use it, because the reason you aren't able to attract
most women as a short man has nothing to do with your personality and everything to do with the fact that they have to tilt their heads down 45 degrees to look you in the eye when they wear heels.
Notice I said
most women, not
all women. Yes, as some posters on here love to harp on, even as a short man you can still find a few women here and there who will be willing to settle for you if you have a lot of money, are socially well-connected/influential, etc.
The fact that a woman is willing to date you doesn't mean a woman is physically attracted to you. It means she's willing to date you. A woman dating or expressing interest in dating a 5'3" famous or rich man doesn't prove that she's attracted to short men. It proves she's attracted to money and status, and is willing to overlook a man being short if he has those things. The video I linked above explains this in depth. It's part of a series.
I did mention the taller individuals on this board, though. How do you explain someone who, at 180cm+, is willing to spend thousands of dollars on this barbaric surgery, which will cause them to have permanent pain and problems to do things as simple as going downstairs, if not with some form of a psychological problem in how they see themselves? I'm not a psychiatrist, so I can't dispute whether actual BDD only manifests itself as a form of literal psychosis; I'd need to look that up. However, it's clearly psychological or partially psychological for the people at good heights.
How do you explain a person in middle management who works 50 hours a week taking on 70+ hours a week of work, massive amounts of stress, compromising their free time and schedules, raising their risk of dying from heart attacks, to get to an executive position?
How do you explain bodybuilders who already have incredible physiques compared to an average person using androgenic anabolic steroids, rHGH, and other compounds, risking HPT axis shutdown, cardiac problems, cancer, etc?
How do you explain models, who are already significantly better than the average person, getting plastic surgery and using pounds of chemical beauty products (both of which have serious risks) to look younger and more attractive?
People are competitive. Some more than others. It would be hard to find someone that does
not like the feeling of being "better" than other people in one or more ways. It's not a "psychological illness".
Some people want to be [X] than everyone else they know and are willing to make sacrifices to get there.
Where X can be replaced by "richer", "better looking", "more muscular", "smarter".... "taller".
Some people aren't okay with being "good enough" - they want to be "the best". You don't have the right to say that's a "psychological illness", nor does your saying that make it one, because it isn't one. The only reason you are "put off" by the idea or feel like it's a "mental illness" is because of the big bad boogeyman word: "surgery"
When it comes to self-improvement, people are okay with someone making sacrifices to become rich or doing all sorts of dumb superstitious "spiritual" bullsh*t like going on a retreat to some buddhist monastery in the middle of nowhere where they proceed to starve themselves and live in 3rd world scarcity conditions doing nothing but meditating all day long, but as soon as people hear the term "surgery", then all of a sudden it's a big problem and you need therapy, antidepressants, and all other sorts of bullsh*t copes. It's nothing but idiotic virtue signalling and it needs to stop.
And it's not my intention to downplay the reality of the issues here. I try to provide other viewpoints because the negativity on these forums will only intensify the real problems short men already have to go through, in real life and in their heads, and some here are suicidal or feel suicidal because of their height. It's also a forum, so feel free to keep arguing against my points, if so inclined.
Speaking realistically about the issues short men go through without sugarcoating or coping or cult-like positivity delusions isn't going to "intensify" the problems.
On the contrary, sugarcoating and trying to turn the forum into a circlejerk group therapy forum takes the focus off the forum's actual purpose, which is to discuss methods to LENGTHEN LIMBS (hence the name LIMB LENGTHENING forum). Right now the only reliable method we have is distraction osteogenesis, but this could change in the foreseeable future. I've been researching height increase for years, and I'm confident given many recent advancements in technology, as well as the breakthroughs made by Doctors such as Eben Alsberg and Alexander Teplyashin, that we could realistically see a MUCH better, less invasible, non-crippling solution for limb lengthening within the next 10 years
if these people get the support and funding they need.
Again I stress this point, because it's the central reason why I'm always at odds with you (and others who post things like what you do): this isn't a group therapy forum. The focus isn't (and shouldn't be) on circlejerking and coping mechanisms. It should be on finding ways to stop being short. Heightism isn't going to go away no matter how much therapy you get or how many antidepressants/antipsychotics you dope yourself with.
Even if we consider the actual psychological illnesses (depression, suicidal ideation) many short men exhibit, if people are depressed and suicidal because of their height, it's because of the NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES they've had with other people DUE to their height. The solution isn't therapy, pills, coping mechanisms, or dumb "not so bad"-isms. You don't treat an illness by treating the symptoms. You treat the CAUSE of the disease. In this case, the cause is being short. Solve that and the problem will go away.
If not, then I'll repeat the rhetorical question I've asked so many times on this forum: why does no one suggest """therapy""" and pills for transsexuals?
Why is it "body dysmorphic disorder" when a short person wants to increase their height, even if it is at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars and undergoing a barbaric surgery, but when a transsexual wants to do the same thing, it's perfectly okay and their desires should be supported and accepted, not to mention their procedures and hormone therapies funded at taxpayers' expense?
I'll repeat the answer, too: there is no fundamental difference between wanting surgery to increase your height as a short person and wanting to """change your gender""" (which isn't scientifically possible with present technology) as a transsexual
except for the fact that due to social justice warrior propaganda, one of them (transsexualism) is acceptable, while the other (limb lengthening) is NOT.
If transsexuals aren't mentally ill, depressed/suicidal short people who want to be taller are not mentally ill either.