Why would a completely rational and normal thing need you to see a therapist?
Here's the reality: being ashamed of being short is a perfectly reasonable and rational response in a society which clearly says tall = good and short = bad. The mentally ill ones are actually those who are 'proud to be short', cos there's nothing to be proud of - it's just a signal to the rest of the tribe of your inferior genetics. It's as ridiculous as being 'proud to be bald', as if anyone would choose to have a fking toilet seat cover as a hairline. You should be ashamed of being short and there's nothing wrong with that. No, everyone isn't born equal, and having lies whispered in your ear by a (((therapist))) will not make it so. That's why we do CLL at the end of the day - to get rid of the marker of genetic unfitness.
My argument/logic to this would be the following:
You can be objectively aware of the disadvantage of your short height, but without internalizing shame. You can be rational and know that going on Tinder and writing your short height in your biography is probably not a wise move. Or that going to the nightclub or festival with your tall 6’2” friends will probably not go too well. However, you can separate this from internalized shame. This is where you become quite mentally strong, and I believe we should all work on this. Especially when doing LL.
You see, me you and anyone else who is short has nothing to be ashamed about, logically. We have made no harm, no foul, our skeletal length is just slightly smaller than the average. But as you state, there is a preference in society for the longer skeletal length. Therefore, we can rationally recognize this, and act smart accordingly without feeling shame or less self worth.
I am not saying this because it is easy, or that I have achieved it. I am just saying, that I believe one should work on separating the logical from the illogical.
If society suddenly overnight despised people with names ending on the letter R and praised names ending on the letter A, it would be illogical for people with names ending on R to feel shame, but it would be logical for them to acknowledge the sentiment in society and act accordingly.
Remember the complex inferiorities deriving from your serious genetic weaknesses are extremely resistant to therapies as well as medications and at this point I'd say Eugenics is sensical, but firstly Eugenics is too 'politically incorrect' and there will be some aftermaths from practicing Eugenic regimes which restricts the variance of gene pool.
I am one of those poor souls who are artifacts of doleful genes and I am pretty self-aware as others who also are.
I think saying having a smaller height is a serious genetic weakness is a big exaggeration. There are genetics that lead to blindness, paralysis, cancer, heart disease etc. I think this would go in that line.
I believe that you must be suffering from very hard internalized shame to talk of yourself that way, and I refer to my answer to the post above.