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Author Topic: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??  (Read 11128 times)

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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2016, 06:04:12 AM »

If limb lengthening is just as common as breast augmentation, I doubt you'll say that. lol

"Average at X is 5'3 so you should move there." - why don't you move to Antarctica? Average there is 0.

Again, people do plastic surgery for different intentions - same for LL. Calling out other people losers is just a justification for the reason for you to do this surgery and an unwillingness for other people with your post-op height to get taller because you're scared of being inferior again. In fact taller people usually can get more lengthening than shorter people (that's what Salameh told me). So you become crippled earlier than 5'10+ people if they do this procedure.

Wow, it must be awesome to be just under 6 feet now! How long ago was your surgery and do you feel that you can be as active with activities like martial arts or long distance running (I don't know if any of these interest you but was curious)? How long was it until you could walk without assistance?

I actually just got a pair of lifts for the first time in the mail which add .75 inches to my height. I felt like I had a little growth spurt! I feel that it somewhat has changed the way that some people have looked at me but it may be because I feel more confident for any little boost in height gain. Would still be awesome to wake up be 5'11 though! If that happened, I would be over the moon! I can say that I feel much better with the lifts since they still look normal when I take off my shoes, I may not do the surgery after all but I am curious to see how others similar in height to me went through this process.

I sit in wheelchair most of the time for like 14-15 months, and 6 months later that I can walk long distance without any issues. I started running at around 2.5 years mark, and I haven't tried martial arts yet sadly.


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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2016, 06:06:38 AM »

Bro listen,

I just got the surgery done in february, and I am still in recovery.  I got the surgery done in India, and guess what the experience has taught me.  After reflecting on the moments where I would feel short I realized that basically, I would only feel short in only very specific situations.  One of those situations was clubs, but looking back I don't know why I didn't just buy lifts for those moments only.  I didn't but I should of.  Also, after traveling to India, I realized that I am actually pretty tall.  Then I realized that places all over the world have short people. If you are the traveler type just travel to a shorter country, and see how you feel afterwards.  So basically bro if shoe lifts for social events, and or work are not enough then try moving to another country.  If that is not an option then get the surgery.  But this surgery is no fking joke bro.  craps real.  I think that lifts, and improving yourself in other ways will boost your confidence.  One that has worked for my confidence is to work on my seduction skills.  Good luck.


Big Daddy

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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2016, 07:38:06 AM »

If limb lengthening is just as common as breast augmentation, I doubt you'll say that. lol

Limb lengthening isn't nearly as common and it's far more dangerous that simple breast augmentation, so that's a stupid comparison to make.

"Average at X is 5'3 so you should move there." - why don't you move to Antarctica? Average there is 0.

There are no less than 1,000 people living in Antarctica at research stations at any given time of year, so the average isn't zero. I bet if you were a researcher in Antarctica and you saw three 6'5 guys over there it would just devastate you and you'd have to get leg lengthening all over again because that would mean a proportionally higher number of guys in the country population are taller than you and you'd get heartbroken all over again :(

Again, people do plastic surgery for different intentions - same for LL. Calling out other people losers is just a justification for the reason for you to do this surgery and an unwillingness for other people with your post-op height to get taller because you're scared of being inferior again.

Haha, the lack of self-awareness in your post is hilarious. Refer back to what I said earlier, because this is you making your dumbass justification for doing this:

"Tee hee! All you guys against me are just jealous you'll never be this tall!"

In fact taller people usually can get more lengthening than shorter people (that's what Salameh told me). So you become crippled earlier than 5'10+ people if they do this procedure.

A 6'0 person with tight muscles can lengthen less than a 5'8 with genetically more flexible muscles. There are a ton of exceptions and a surgeon telling you something as reckless and false as "because you're taller you can lengthen more" is a bad mark on the surgeon. Then again Salameh is perfectly okay lengthening a normal person's tibia up to 13 cm like it shows on his website so there you go.

You were a p***y for getting leg lengthening, just own up to that fact.
5'11 visitor from r/subredditdrama. Not interested in leg lengthening. Come at me!


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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2016, 07:43:18 AM »

You seem to be very anti-LL. Then why are you on this forum? Just to diss people? lol

Big Daddy

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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2016, 07:47:25 AM »

You seem to be very anti-LL. Then why are you on this forum? Just to diss people? lol

Basically. A cab ran over my foot and I'm spending a night in the hospital.
5'11 visitor from r/subredditdrama. Not interested in leg lengthening. Come at me!


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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2016, 07:48:54 AM »

Basically. A cab ran over my foot and I'm spending a night in the hospital.

Wish you the best as well. Good luck healing


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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2016, 10:08:11 AM »

If you're 5'9+ and trying to get leg lengthening, there's no question that you're mentally weak/a loser. And how could someone so tormented that they're "only average height and not tall enough" possibly have the right mentality or the discipline to go through leg lengthening and the post op care? The thing is, they won't and that's why they go to crap doctors, then after they get messed up they do mental gymnastics and say "I may not be able to run, squat, or wake up without pain in my calves, but at least I'm 6 feet tall now! Tee hee. All you guys against me are just jealous you'll never be this tall!" Not to mention they add to the dumbassery by making things up like "The average 13 year old is 6 feet tall!" Or "Half the women on the street are taller than me at 5'11!"

Grow some back bones. The truth is that you 5'10 and up guys getting this are p***ies and getting leg lengthening isn't going to change that. You'll still be a p***y but now just a taller one with less functional legs.

I suppose it's all a matter of context


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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2016, 10:49:33 AM »

To each, his own.
Live life on your own terms.

However, that being said, this surgery's utility seems to be maximum for those who are "short" are want to be taken to "average".
I'm not sure you'll derive the same utility by going from "average" to "above average".

The reason for this is, at your height, height is not a dealbreaker. A girl would probably think "he could be taller, but it doesn't matter". At 5.7 or 5.8, I believe your height is not a dealbreaker (unless you live in Northern Europe, maybe).

You should probably focus on improving other aspects of your life, and maybe this height obsession will go away. Hit the gym, learn a new skill that might help you earn a couple of thousands extra.


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Re: 5'8.5-5'9 wanting to be 5'11.5-6'0-Am I crazy??
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2016, 03:34:49 PM »

I know it's a problem with "inner" me(which i try to fight with but i rarely succeed) and not just my image.

I get what you mean.

And that's the spirit. Working out really improves self-esteem and even if not much, it's still good to be healthy and in good shape.

I get it why you would want this, my last sentence was about me, not you. Sorry if it sounded that way.
There is still difference between being short and feeling short but i get what you mean.

I'm living in a tall european country myself and heard 5'11 guys whinning that they are not tall enough.

Anyway, i recommend to think about LL as a last resort.

Best of luck.

Thanks, I have an excellent update! If any of you like yoga and you know that you have bad posture, indulge in yoga! This will sound very crazy but I started back doing yoga yesterday and was able to retain my morning height. I was 5'8.8 throughout most of the day yesterday and 5'8.75 by the lowest. Today I woke up at about 5'9.5 straight out o bed! With 1 inch leg lifts that made me 5'11.5! I know that spinal decompression is temporary but I will keep stretching for a year just to see what happens. I know that I have had bad posture all my life, always hanging my head out of social anxiety and bad habit.
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