I am the same height as you are right now and I am telling you, your plan is extremely stupid.
To do 15 cm through 2 operations would be, did I say that, ridiculously bad idea. Not because it cannot be done and not because you cannot at least in the long run, recover most of your athetilc abilities. It is because it is not worth it !
There is so much more to life than height. I would understand you if you want to be about the average or even above the average. Thats why I wanna go from 175 to 180-182, havent decided exactly. But to 190 ? No way. Because nobody will perceive you better at 190 than at 182-3. There are other aspects that can make you attractive. For example:
Do you have a six pack ? Even if you do, you will not after the first surgery ?
Do you have a top job, education ?
Do you have nice clothes ? Nice car ?
A smart think for you would be to do about 7 cm in one surgery...
Quite radical but within the boundaries of reason would be to do like 5 + 4 ...
anything more would drastically destroy your proportions, your athetic abilities, maybe your finances....
one last time. Being taller than 182-183 has no advantage whatsoever unless you wanna be a basketball player or volleyball player. The range 180-185 is considered the best height for athletes. Cristiano CRonnie7 who is arguably the most attractive football player is 185 and is considered very tall. Why the hell would you go through so much pain to be 190 ?