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Author Topic: Questions about LL  (Read 10135 times)

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Re: Questions about LL
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2016, 06:27:26 PM »

  I also havent seen any decent femoral lengthening recovery. Fraknly, I didnt see a decent recovery in this forum what's so ever :D

  I dont count shyshy's diary because I strongly believe that it is fake (Maybe it is not but that's just an opinion I have from the first time I have read it). Also, unfortunately almost no one on both forums did lengthening with a decent doctor so we don't have the entire picture. Lastly, even though the recoveries were not excellent in neither segments, those of the tibia appear to be better (although slower).

Funny you say that ... I'd been thinking that it might be fake too. I'm really critical of LL as anyone that's read my posts knows, and I had no proof so I thought it may be my bias. So I kept it to myself. But, compared to everything else we've seen, his diary seems too perfect.

The videos he's posted are supposedly him at 6 months post op. He's light years ahead of everyone else we've seen at that point (running, jumping etc). Everyone else at 6 months is still struggling to even walk


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Re: Questions about LL
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2016, 08:28:30 PM »

Funny you say that ... I'd been thinking that it might be fake too. I'm really critical of LL as anyone that's read my posts knows, and I had no proof so I thought it may be my bias. So I kept it to myself. But, compared to everything else we've seen, his diary seems too perfect.

The videos he's posted are supposedly him at 6 months post op. He's light years ahead of everyone else we've seen at that point (running, jumping etc). Everyone else at 6 months is still struggling to even walk

He posted the exact same diary on the old forum as well... I dont believe it... I also believe that the femurs are much more complicated because of the simple fact that there are many more muscle groups involved and one of them (the hip flexors and especially the Ileopsoas) is super tight in everyone because we sit all day long. The hip flexors are also the group that causes the hyperlordosis (duck ass)
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: Questions about LL
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2016, 08:48:34 PM »

You're on an LL forum that attracts depressed short people who are not LL doctors. Your questions require more reading and consultations with several doctors. You seem to have missed the concept of an armchair expert.

No one here has bothered to completely answer your list of questions because you're lazy.

Please don't insult my intelligence, especially with your stuffy and pompous writing. For a guy who's exerting way too much effort to sound educated, you pretty much begged people to sh1t on your post with your ridiculous expectations. You're the guy thats going to magically gain 3 inches from 18-25. Cool story.

I'm about the only person in this thread so far who has done LL and gave you some valuable real world advice. You should take it in strides, like the one where you should see a psychiatrist. Tell me thats not a good idea, for a 25 year old 5'10 person to talk with someone about how their life is miserable because they're average height.

If your idea of being constructive and civil is people blindly agreeing and babying you, you're in the wrong forum. Stop being a joker and handle the truth.

The entire purpose of an LL forum is to be a source pool of information and discussion about the procedure. The posters aren't LL doctors but I've gotten rather good information from LL forums about the procedure which has changed my initial impressions on it. Although it's obvious a forum will not substitute information from a doctor. I figured since these questions come from information I found on LL forums, it would be best to ask users about them. So you may consider the LL forums to be worthless/not useful, but I don't. And I think it's pretty easy to distinguish someone who's giving serious information versus some depressed slob posting drivel. Most obvious sign is diction and their grammar.

No one's insulting your intelligence. I was referring to your corny attempts at a "jab" towards my making this thread for god knows what. And funny, you want to talk about "babying" things down when you consider my diction to be pompous is hilarious. What I wrote most certainly wasn't something that should be seen as grandiose or "educated". I'd say your notion right there is more of an insult to your intelligence than anything I've done. But I digress:

I'm not saying you didn't give good advice. However on the height bit, I'm not ruling anything out until I'm certain that my growth plates have fused. It's scientifically documented that puberty for males can go up until the age of 25, so there is a possibility--and it's not necessarily a rarity either--that I can continue to grow. I know people who have grown after age 18. For example, I had a teacher who said that he was around my height until he went to college. Then he grew suddenly. Similar for an uncle I have, who is 6'2. Arguing about it is a game of devil's proof since no one, including myself, really knows yet, so it's pointless to keep at it, which is why I didn't respond to it in my last bit. You can have fun yelling at clouds but I'm done talking about this part.

What I don't like, however, is your hardass approach when talking to me. I don't expect, nor need to have anyone give me any support or agree with any of my expectations. Other than this height bit, I haven't really squabbled with anyone, including you, over anything that was disputed about my expectations for this surgery. The fact is however that I wanted my questions answered, which all aren't centered around what that. And advice or not, I'm not going to take kindly to someone who's acting like a perverse sh it when talking to me. You don't need be doting, or "proper" or "educated" when giving someone advice, but don't be a bitch when doing it. People take note of how you talk to them. Like it or not, people have different levels of respect and causality that they give and expect to receive. You're not obligated to fulfill those needs though, but don't expect me to just roll over and lie and act like it's not a problem.

Anyway, this thread has milked as much information as it's going to get and serves me no purpose anymore. This will be my last response. Hopefully a mod will close this since it's pointless to keep it open anymore.
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