"Books like these cover the specifics behind the phenomenon:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.10...8/abstractBasically, even after the epiphyses have ossified ("growth plates have closed" in layman's terms), there are still very thin layers of hyaline cartilage tissue in the spaces and joints between the articular ends of your irregular bones (femur, tibia, humerus, etc) that go through hypertrophy when you supplement with doses of exogenous HGH that exceed the amount produced naturally by your body
Also, fibrocartilage adjacent to the disks in your vertebrae differentiate into hyaline cartilage, which then undergo the same hypertrophy mentioned above, and the HGH makes your bones thicker as a result of periosteal growth. This effect goes for every bone, including those in the feet
The summation of all these "little boosts" generally tends to be an increase of around 1 inch
This phenomenon isn't some unlimited height-gaining cheat-the-system thing. The upper limit of height increase from this is around 1.5 inches. After that, the only other growth you'll see from HGH is in your hands, feet and head as a result of acromegaly.
The amount of time it takes for the entirety of the process to be completed varies from person to person. If you want to try it, I'd suggest running a full 6 month cycle and ramping up from lower doses to higher doses so as to avoid some of the less serious side effects (numbness of the extremities, headaches, jaw aches, etc), which are largely innocuous and subside as soon as the cycle is discontinued, but are annoying
As far as whether it's too late for you or not, there IS a bit of a time limit to the height gain phenomenon. It isn't when your epiphyseal plates ossify, but some time shortly after it - "shortly" in the relative sense, i.e. a few years afterward
Possibly the reason for this is that even when your epiphyses have ossified, you "continue to grow" in the sense that your bones continually shift in position and become a bit thicker for years after the fact, resulting in a few millimeters of "extra height" and a persistent idea that "men continue to grow until they're 25"
In any case, all that shifting might result in extra "pockets" of hyaline cartilage appearing between your articular ends, which can also go through hypertrophy and prevent your bones from "settling" in a position that results in reduced final height
tl;dr You have to do this before you're around 25 years of age if you want to have any chance of it working"
What do you guys think of this? I just copied and pasted a post by someone else in a thread discussing using HGH for height gain. I have found various anectodal sources citing that they grew 1-2" even AFTER growth plates have closed.
Anyone have anything to add? I am seriously considering ordering some HGH and going through with a cycle. Although I'm almost 28 years old I am still hopeful that it will work for me because there are some people who tried this in their late 20's and maybe even early 30's who reported increases in height.