I think it's hilarious how some of you are blaming Dr. G for the whole Leechlet thing. That kid was kinda crazy...I mean, we all are for doing LL, but he sorta took it to a whole 'nother level. And from what Dr. G told me personally, Leechlet had no actual complications in the end (but that's the full extent of what he said, so I don't know any more than that).
Dr. Guichet, to me, is very stern and cautious (and he does go into "salesman mode" when you're actually in front of him and already have shown your interest in LL) - but he's a very intelligent and nice man. I would happily have tibias done with him again, but he wont do them on me!!
And the fact that he wont do them on me (when he could charge me for another full fledged LL, as opposed to the femur re-break, which is a fraction of the cost), in my opinion, shows that he genuinely cares about safety and isn't automatically out to bleed me (or anyone else) out for money. I feel like other doctors would just tell me "Oh yeah, tibias are totally fine for you, you'll be walking in two days after the surgery, now send me my money."