I actually know professional athlets who did LL to get advantage. Like one shortened his humerus to press more lol, and another one lengthened his tibias. Not sure how it went though, didn't ask the doc. But I may next time.
I think you're speculating too much though, Thatdude, are you even a LL patient? If not, where do you get all that information from? Just wondering. And if I get to squat 100 kgs 10 reps with proofs (I've lengthened 15 cms btw (7.5 - 7.5 tib-fem), and my max squat was 90kgs before LOL) will you delete your account? I mean if you're so sure, you should easily accept my challenge.
Btw, lengthening your tibias should have about zero effect on your squat perfomance, so if you're so concerned about it, you could do external tibias. For just 4 cms that's actually a good idea, it's also cheap.