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Is this a good idea for me?
« on: December 26, 2015, 07:51:41 AM »

I'm a 22 year old American guy. I'm 5'10 (a bit over in the morning, a bit under at night) and a lean 160 lbs.  I hit the gym and would say I'm an average athlete with an above-average physique.  My desire for limb lengthening has started in the few months as I've become obsessed with my less than ideal height.  Growing up I was short; I was consistently the shortest guy in my K-8 grade of 50 guys through 8th grade. However, my father is 6'2 (with his two brothers and a father all 6'3) and my pediatrician told me at my annual checkups that I, like my father, was going to grow exceptionally late and end up 6'-6'3".

Naturally,  I was very excited about this prospect.  I was frequently picked on due to my height.  My sophomore year I even got in a fight with a much larger football player.  You can only imagine how much the 4'10 13 year old version of me looked forward to being the same height as James Bond and Derek Jeter and Han Solo and my father.  Up until about a year ago, I believed this story as I didn't have my first real growth spurt until my junior year of high school and was still growing, albeit slowly throughout college.  I graduated high school at 5'8 and grew to 5'10 by age 21.  However, I now believe I have stopped growing and will be stuck at 5'10. On a side note, I blame my inability to meet my height on gastrointestinal /asthma issues I had in my early childhood.  I remember reading a study that children who had inhalers were 2 inches shorter than their peers and my inability to keep down meals certainly didn't help.

While 5'10 may not sound too bad (it isn't, its a fine height) I am upper middle class and white.  For my socioeconomic group, I believe the average height is around 5'11, thus at 5'10 I am often towered over.  What's more, the women and girls in my socioeconomic group tend to favor guys in the 6'+ range and I know taller guys have an advantage in business and employment.  In fact, it is that knowledge that rationalizes this decision in my mind.  If at some point in my career I am in line for an executive position that could confer hundreds of thousands of dollars more in income, I would hate for my relative shortness to be the reason I don't get the position. 

My younger brother is 16 and already 5'9.  His doctor says he should be in the 6' to 6'2 range.  It is already humiliating at my family reunions with my father and his brothers and their sons all in the 6'1 to 6'4 range. It won't be any better when my younger brother joins them in a few years.

I think I have a few advantages to making this happen.  First of all, having a tall father and family will make my increased height more believable.  Secondly, at 5'10, adding 5-7 centimeters should be less of a burden on my body than say adding that amount to someone 5'5.  Thirdly, I think I can brush off my growth rather easily by wearing half inch, then inch lifts for the 6 months prior to surgery, and then transitioning from Nike Air Max's and Oxford to Vans and Loafers for the first year or so after my surgery.  It is worth mentioning, if I get this surgery I'd like to take this secret with me to the grave and confide in no one.  My largest advantage is my financial liquidity.  I work in a career that allows me to save up money rather quickly.  If I wanted to get to $50,000 and a 3 month leave, all it would take is a good bonus season, and a job change.

I want this badly.  I do not have low self-esteem; on the contrary I think I'm a bit of a narcissist.  I hate thinking that I could be with a girl who desires, on any level, to be with someone else.  With a high-powered, prestigious career, bodybuilder physique (working towards it at least), and handsome face, the only thing I'm missing is that 6' to 6'3 ideal height.  Please, someone talk me out of this or otherwise tell me my logic is sound.  As you can see, I've thought about this an absurd amount and need to either turn my vision into reality or cut bait and think about something else. 
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 09:24:02 AM »

Do it if you believe that it will improve your quality of living to an extend that is worth the pain, costs, time and the reduced fitness you'll most likely have afterwards.
Your story is pretty much the same as mine. I have the same height, wheight, family background (dad is 6'3 and the relatives my age are all around 6'5) and a similar age.
I think that 5cm's are better than 7, because you will have a much harder time when doing these extra 2 cm's. Your long term recovery will probably be worse as well. 6' is a decent height anyways.
Think about it carfully, being 5'10 really is not that bad and you may regret your decision quickly. I started visiting a pyschologist and it actually helped, LL has become more of a "want" than an actual "need" for me.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2015, 01:56:06 AM »

Hi Alittletooshort,

I agree. 5'10 is not that bad.  I'm approaching this all from a cost benefit analysis.

The measurable costs are 50-80 grand depending on the method as well as 3 months without being able to support my own weight.  I will likely lose a bit of athleticism if I do more than 4cm (which is as little as I'd do) but I'm not that athletic and am encouraged by people gaining most of their strength back.  I'm not too worried about the pain; I've always been very pain resilient.

On the career side, an extra 2 to 2.5 inches will likely pay dividends for the next 50 years in subtle, perhaps immeasurable ways.  I have little doubt that in the long run it is the right financial decision; if it all adds up to just a 5% boost on my lifetime earnings then, given I hope to make at least an average of $150k for my career, that comes out to 300k extra in income (assuming 40 more years of working).  All of those assumptions are conservative.  I already make $110k, I think a 5% boost is very conservative, and 40 years would assume I retire at 62, which is exceptionally low.  With a 10% boost, 300k average income, and 40 years of work, those financial benefits shoot up to $1.2 MM.

The social benefits would also be dramatic.  I think I'm very handsome.  I might give myself an 8.5 on the "handsome scale" but only a 7 on the "hot" scale (something I've heard from several girls, including my current GF).  I think it is hard to be "hot" without having an athletic presence.  Even at my peak physical condition, when I was a lean 165 lbs with solid strength numbers, I didn't quite look like an athlete while I wore clothes.  At 6 feet tall, I think I could pass for an athlete.  That way, if I ever broke up with my GF I could go out at singles bars and not get caught in the frustrating cycle of being not-quite-hot-enough to pick up girls consistently.  Outside of picking up girls, I think my fellow guy friends would convey more respect, as dumb as it sounds, to me if I were a bit taller.  Truthfully, I don't value this potential effect as I'm a bit of a loner anyway. 

Finally, the self-confidence boost would also be immense.  I'm tired of thinking about height 10 times a day, measuring myself against my co-workers and people I walk by on the street.  If I was in the 80th or so percentile and was only towered (I think 3 inch delta leads to being towered) every once in a while instead of every day, I think I'd forget about height.  I know that a psychiatrist might also help for this.  I've never really been the psychiatrist type; while it is easy to confide in strangers with the help of anonymity, I don't think I'd ever be comfortable confiding in a stranger.  In fact, I remember when I was very young and had some psychological troubles in elementary school (acted out, had been lightly slapped around at home and had to talk to people at school) I ended up lying to the social workers to mislead them about the situation rather than talk to them.

As you can see, the cost benefit analysis checks out.  The hardest cost to account for is the opportunity cost.  3 months in a wheelchair are 3 months of the prime of my life spent reading, playing video games, and watching TV.  What's more, in just a few years there might be a better alternative that comes out.  I saw something about a nearly instant 3cm gain that costs quite a bit less.  Considering I am aiming for 4-6 cm, 3 might be good enough.  I could do some yoga and maybe wear a 1cm lift and get the remaining centimeters that way.  If anyone knows anything more about alternatives to LL or the potential to stretch or use microfractures to gain incremental height, I'm all ears. 
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2015, 02:55:14 AM »

This forum must be populated by the best looking guys on the internet. Every second guy on here is at least an 8 out of 10 and if not for their height modeling agencies would be knocking their door down.  :P


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2015, 06:48:27 PM »

I don't know what this comment adds.  It doesn't really matter whether you think I am or am not handsome.  I have no one to talk to in real life about this subject and its nice to write down and record my thoughts with the chance for someone to add insight.  For what its worth, I have some some good benchmarks for my handsomeness.  Most importantly, as a guy, I have good hygiene and am in good shape.  That alone can put a guy in the 60th percentile. 
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2015, 07:04:15 PM »

Then my best advice would simply be seek therapy first before you make such a life altering decision. We are still fuzy on the long term effects of LL (I'm talking long term); I'm optimistic (albeit it hopelessly) that there aren't any so long as one lengthens a safe amount.

Putting your eggs all on this one basket isn't smart at all. Get help first; you can adamantly say it won't help but at least you'd be getting more diverse perspective on life then simply from your own mind and our height obsessed minds.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2015, 07:45:24 PM »

Then my best advice would simply be seek therapy first before you make such a life altering decision. We are still fuzy on the long term effects of LL (I'm talking long term); I'm optimistic (albeit it hopelessly) that there aren't any so long as one lengthens a safe amount.

I wonder if it is possible to speak the guys who got LL in many decades ago. There must be tons of people who got this done for legit non-cosmetic reasons.

Is there such a forum? I mean this procedure is many decades old and is actually meant for real medical reconstruction.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2015, 08:28:41 PM »

I wonder if it is possible to speak the guys who got LL in many decades ago. There must be tons of people who got this done for legit non-cosmetic reasons.

Is there such a forum? I mean this procedure is many decades old and is actually meant for real medical reconstruction.
yeah absolutely.When i went to see an orthopedist to check my growth plates she said that they are closed.(And i was devestated of course, i also said this out loud) she said that there are cosmetic surgeries about height increasing.She said her proffesor(or sonething like that i cant remember) did this surgery when she was a student on a midget patient to increase her/his height 15 cm.I believe my doctor was around 35-40 so she was talking about 15-20 years ago.I wish we could find patients like this for better information.
Altough people/doctors say non-cosmetic LL surgeries have very less risks and have a better recovery rate.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2015, 08:32:04 PM »

I want this badly.  I do not have low self-esteem; on the contrary I think I'm a bit of a narcissist.  I hate thinking that I could be with a girl who desires, on any level, to be with someone else.  With a high-powered, prestigious career, bodybuilder physique (working towards it at least), and handsome face, the only thing I'm missing is that 6' to 6'3 ideal height.

You serious about not having low self-esteem? You're much taller than the guys on this forum, and is thinking about breaking 2 functional limbs to satisfy your inner vanity. Every prospective patient on this forum has a mental illness and low self confidence.

I was 5'4" before surgery, which leads me to think that you are a weak man for not being able to conquer your social shortcomings, despite having 'everything' and an average height of 5'10. This is a problem that we created in our heads, and ours alone.

Most of us here are shorter than you, and would suggest that you build on the great life that you already have. That said, there are some folks in the Nordics who feel absolutely short at 5'10 in their home country and end up doing this surgery.

I have two broken legs right now and am thinking why would anyone do this to themselves? And why are there so many 5'10 guys in the forum lately? You guys are stupid crazy (as am I).

Good luck and do more research--I think you are overly optimistic about 3 months of downtime.
Real patient doing internal femur LL, not a pretender.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2015, 08:48:09 PM »

There was a 185 guy on this forum.. (Im not sure if he is still around) and also there are many 180-183 guys. FOR REAL?!


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2015, 09:12:27 PM »

yeah absolutely.When i went to see an orthopedist to check my growth plates she said that they are closed.(And i was devestated of course, i also said this out loud) she said that there are cosmetic surgeries about height increasing.She said her proffesor(or sonething like that i cant remember) did this surgery when she was a student on a midget patient to increase her/his height 15 cm.I believe my doctor was around 35-40 so she was talking about 15-20 years ago.I wish we could find patients like this for better information.
Altough people/doctors say non-cosmetic LL surgeries have very less risks and have a better recovery rate.
I have myself read and heard about 2-3 patients who got this done 10-15 years ago and are doing fine.

but larger the pool, the better.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2015, 09:13:52 PM »

I don't know what this comment adds.  It doesn't really matter whether you think I am or am not handsome.  I have no one to talk to in real life about this subject and its nice to write down and record my thoughts with the chance for someone to add insight.  For what its worth, I have some some good benchmarks for my handsomeness.  Most importantly, as a guy, I have good hygiene and am in good shape.  That alone can put a guy in the 60th percentile.

It's a running joke on this forum, lighten up. You're on an anonymous limb lengthening forum telling a bunch of guys how handsome you think you are yet my comment added nothing? At least some people got a laugh.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2015, 09:40:45 PM »

Fair enough.  Like I said, I kind of just wanted to get my thoughts on paper.  Maybe I'll delete this thread.
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2015, 09:53:03 PM »

You serious about not having low self-esteem? You're much taller than the guys on this forum, and is thinking about breaking 2 functional limbs to satisfy your inner vanity. Every prospective patient on this forum has a mental illness and low self confidence.

I was 5'4" before surgery, which leads me to think that you are a weak man for not being able to conquer your social shortcomings, despite having 'everything' and an average height of 5'10. This is a problem that we created in our heads, and ours alone.

Most of us here are shorter than you, and would suggest that you build on the great life that you already have. That said, there are some folks in the Nordics who feel absolutely short at 5'10 in their home country and end up doing this surgery.

I have two broken legs right now and am thinking why would anyone do this to themselves? And why are there so many 5'10 guys in the forum lately? You guys are stupid crazy (as am I).

Good luck and do more research--I think you are overly optimistic about 3 months of downtime.

I think the social class I'm in is not unlike the Nordic countries in height as there are many WASPs and other Northern Europeans.  Not having self-esteem issues is of course not true.  My personality type is such that unless everything is perfect, it is not good enough.  I hold my body to that standard which has many upsides, with the downside being my dislike of my height. My point was I don't really think its about attractiveness for me.  And, like I said, I think it will pay off financially in the long run.

With regards to the 3 months of downtime.  My calculation was a week for hospital stay, 2.5 months of lengthening (.67 MM * 75 days comes out to roughly 5 centimeters) and then another week to get the nails removed (I would do internal).  At that point I could be on crutches and go back to work.  This is roughly the timeline I've seen from others. 
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2015, 05:38:53 AM »

And, like I said, I think it will pay off financially in the long run.
A 2004 study found that every inch of height amounts to a salary increase of about $789 per year (the study controlled for gender, weight and age). And another study found that the real reason why taller people got better salaries was because taller people are slightly smarter than shorter people. You're not going to be somehow smarter or have more marketable skills because you're taller now. Source:

So, no, I highly doubt that it will pay off financially in the long run.

BUT, I say do it anyway :) You obviously have the money and free time to do it. And you don't seem like you'll ever be happy until you get taller, so do it. I'm really curious as to how much your life will actually be better at 6' vs. 5'10". Please write about your experiences here when you do it.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2016, 02:07:01 AM »


I just ready your diary in its entirety and was very fascinated and a little disturbed.  I had no idea the necessity for painkillers was that severe.  In my mind the surgery had been as simple as "break, stretch, heal", with six months and 75k spent but the permanent advantage of an extra couple inches gained.  I also think I drastically underestimated how much height one can gain.  Going from 167 to 175 is an increase of roughly 5%.  For some reason, I had thought 4-6 centimeters was the normal range.  Still, I wouldn't want more than 5 maybe 6 cms in my case as all I really want is that 6 foot status, which I think would enable me to be tall enough to be on the tall side  while still retaining a blocky, thick look that I think complements the rest of my features.

Thanks to your diary, I have changed my mind about this surgery. Unless the circumstances are absolutely perfect (good cheap surgeon, time off from career, maybe being single again) I don't think I'll go through with this..  After all, I could pop in inch high lifts and maybe spend more time stretching in the gym and thus get 60% of the benefit of the surgery without the pain, misery, and financial cost.  Thanks for sharing!
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2016, 02:17:03 AM »

Also, I disagree with that study as a means of approximating my situation.  While it might explain how height affects people generally, it a) can not possibly be used in careers of people making several times the median amount and b) clearly does not explain the obvious bias American corporstions have for tall executives.
Current Height: 177 CM
Desired Height: 181-182 CM


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2016, 05:28:39 AM »

you're 5'10, you don't need this surgery because no one discriminates you for your height. no one should tell you if you want to do LL or not though. On a subject like this no one else opinion matters. how much do you even want to lengthen? If you do go through with it I don't think you should go above 2 inches just to have higher risks and longer recovery time, and then maybe wear 1 inch lifts but you'll already be a great height so I wouldn't see need just if you want that extra inch I also understand that it seems to hit people hard when they're not as tall as their dad, so I can see where you're coming from.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2016, 08:21:34 AM »

Yes it is a good idea. But you must lengthen both semgents, otherwise the dispropotion will be visible. Like 3-3 tib/fem or 4-4 then it will be perfect. Lengthening just one segment is not esthetic and you will regret it later.

My younger brother is 16 and already 5'9.  His doctor says he should be in the 6' to 6'2 range.  It is already humiliating at my family reunions with my father and his brothers and their sons all in the 6'1 to 6'4 range. It won't be any better when my younger brother joins them in a few years.
Also your brother will stay 5'9. Max he will grow to 5'10. Don't believe me? Then take a look at this thing called growth chart:
Pre-surgery - 167 cm, Post-surgery - 181 cm
Final arm span - 177 cm, Sitting height - 90 cm

Lengthened 7.5 cm in tibias and femurs and 3.5 cm in each humerus. Surgeries performed all external by Dr. Kulesh, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia -


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2016, 08:52:25 AM »

Also your brother will stay 5'9. Max he will grow to 5'10. Don't believe me? Then take a look at this thing called growth chart:
lol how can you claim he will be max 5'10 man? it doesnt make sense..


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2016, 09:05:24 AM »

lol how can you claim he will be max 5'10 man? it doesnt make sense..
Please follow the link I posted and thoughtfully try to understand what it is. If you can't, then I agree, it doesn't make sense.
Pre-surgery - 167 cm, Post-surgery - 181 cm
Final arm span - 177 cm, Sitting height - 90 cm

Lengthened 7.5 cm in tibias and femurs and 3.5 cm in each humerus. Surgeries performed all external by Dr. Kulesh, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia -


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2016, 09:44:32 AM »

I disagree with the people saying that at 5'10 or the surgery is not necessary, in fact I would argue the surgery has a lot more benefits for someone who is this height. It can take you from average to tall and studies have shown that this is statistically an advantage. If you are 5'4 and do this surgery to become 5'9 you are still under average, sure you will suffer less discrimination and it will be less of an obvious issue but you will still be discriminated against just in a less noticeable way. Going from short to short will achieve less than going from short to average than going from average to tall. When you are tall you will no longer have any height based discrimination! I also think that while you may not agree that someone needs the surgery calling them ''crazy'' or ''weak'' for considering it is very insulting. I'm sure if you could just add 2 inches to your height over night with no surgery or long term issues almost everyone under average would do it.

I am in a similar situation to the op; I am around 6 foot but I live in the Netherlands which is the tallest country in the world with an average height of around 6 foot-6 foot 1. I am obviously luckier than a lot of people on this forum in that i'm not short but I still feel I could gain some advantages from a 2-3 inch increase. As an example just look at dating sites many have profiles requesting a minimum height of 185cm.

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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2016, 10:13:06 AM »

I would argue that if you're such a p***y as to search for height surgeries online at 5'10 and up, let alone get leg lengthening eventually at that starting height, then you won't get any advantage afterwards because the naturally taller guys will have a lot more confidence and better personality than you, and you'll still lose out to them. Let's face it, if you're average in your area and getting this surgery because you "want advantages", you're misguided because everyone else will detect your insecurities and fake confidence afterward.
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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2016, 10:49:16 AM »

You are rude and ignorant and your arguments are full of logical fallacies. Everyone wants to be the best they can be. Go and read studies on height discrimination. I think close to 100% of people average or under would want to be taller if they could risk free. The question is how much risk would you be willing to take to achieve it. You have no idea what you are talking about and your tone is completely uncalled for.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2016, 11:19:32 AM »

I disagree with the people saying that at 5'10 or the surgery is not necessary, in fact I would argue the surgery has a lot more benefits for someone who is this height. It can take you from average to tall and studies have shown that this is statistically an advantage. If you are 5'4 and do this surgery to become 5'9 you are still under average, sure you will suffer less discrimination and it will be less of an obvious issue but you will still be discriminated against just in a less noticeable way. Going from short to short will achieve less than going from short to average than going from average to tall. When you are tall you will no longer have any height based discrimination! I also think that while you may not agree that someone needs the surgery calling them ''crazy'' or ''weak'' for considering it is very insulting. I'm sure if you could just add 2 inches to your height over night with no surgery or long term issues almost everyone under average would do it.

I am in a similar situation to the op; I am around 6 foot but I live in the Netherlands which is the tallest country in the world with an average height of around 6 foot-6 foot 1. I am obviously luckier than a lot of people on this forum in that i'm not short but I still feel I could gain some advantages from a 2-3 inch increase. As an example just look at dating sites many have profiles requesting a minimum height of 185cm.

We are all in the same boat. All wanting to improve our lives. So lets be nice to each other and work together to move forward!
actually no lol we arent in the same boat.You are 184 and still trying to increase your f*cking height dude.I really dont care where you live.It doesnt matter.You are 184,thats it.I dont think you will have a better life with 190 or 195 because i believe you have mental issues.You are above average in every f*cking country in this world yet you still want more.I swear some people are crazy AF..


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2016, 11:27:14 AM »

Average in Netherlands is 185cm. So 6 foot here is like 5'9 in usa even though I think the young white American average height is more like 5'11 (181cm) at least in big cities.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2016, 11:28:30 AM »

Please follow the link I posted and thoughtfully try to understand what it is. If you can't, then I agree, it doesn't make sense.
it just depends on each person.My cousin had a growth spurt around 10 cms between 16-17..


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2016, 01:11:49 PM »

Remember that lengthening isn't like growing. You body will look less than perfect after 5cm.


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2016, 02:11:03 PM »

185 cm is a very good in Europe, except in the Netherlands where it's just above average, so it's weird , you have a very good but you're just average in your country


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2016, 04:05:57 PM »

Average in Netherlands is 185cm. So 6 foot here is like 5'9 in usa even though I think the young white American average height is more like 5'11 (181cm) at least in big cities.

And I have to ask what's so hard about being average in one of the tallest countries in the world? No one will ever proclaim you as short, one will ever hurt/discriminate you because of it. Sure you might say in your country people want 185+CM in height for dating but if you really take that comment to heart and decide you need to put yourself through months of pain and immobility, then you don't just have a mental illness  (we all do), but a misguided view on life.

Also I disagree, going from short to average or even slightly below average has the most benefits then going from average to tall. It gives people a huge boost in confidence, increases the dating pool, and limits height discrimination drastically (I'd also like to say that height discrimination at that range is marginal and a product of something more malevolent).

Truth be told I don't care who gets this surgery done, but considering the possible complications, huge cost, long and arduous lengthening AND consolidation phase, like Uppland said, anyone 183CM and up faces the most diminishing retuns even in a country where that is average (let alone the rest of the world which is shorter).


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Re: Is this a good idea for me?
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2016, 05:37:35 PM »

You should totally forget this idea.  My son went through it, and it is not easy.  I am 5'10" and have never felt short.  You should move on with your life.
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