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Author Topic: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL  (Read 53940 times)

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Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:42:38 PM »

I think it's very dangerous when doctors become salesmen.
Instead of telling their patients about the risks of these surgery they say everything is perfect and all their patients are fine while some are having serious problems. FRom a businessman perspective this is normal, but should a doctor act like this?
I have visited many LL doctors and have met many LL patients and I have found that most doctors have forgotten about their duties as doctors and are focusing on their LL business.
These are despicable cases of dishonesty everybody here should know.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2015, 09:15:45 PM »

Considering your previous post I'm assuming you know some yourself, in which case I'd ask that you share these stories with us; but I also ask that they in some form be backed up by evidence (which can be hard but making baseless accusations can be just as bad especially when dealing with a life-altering surgery).

In any case to answer your own query, in terms of dishonesty the only one I constant hear brought up is Dr. Sarin. Whether they are all true or not I still don't know. With him it seems like a case similar to Bill Cosby where plenty of people have accused him so I figure there must be some degree of truth behind it; among other tangible proofs that prove both cases. I honestly wouldn't trust him so I'm not going to India anytime soon.

As far other top doctors I wouldn't know. Doctors like Guichet, Paley, Rozbrouch, Mahboubian, Monegal and really any U.S/first world based doctor will try to hold himself at a higher degree of professionalism and care because they have so much more ridding in each case they deal with with fear of ruining their reputations.

Also as far as Salesman like activities, it's a given each one is going to act like it because of the nature of this procedure. I firmly believe that they shouldn't but as long as they never underestimate the complications of this procedure then I have no real issue with it. Case in point, Dr. Mahboubian, an LA based doctor, seems like your typically sleazy marketing doctor because he actively markets LL like it's just a basic procedure, but so far no one has really had any problems under his care. But like anything dealing with LL, nothing is given, so take everything you read with a grain of salt


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2015, 10:22:33 PM »

"I have visited many LL doctors and have met many LL patients and I have found that most doctors have forgotten about their duties as doctors and are focusing on their LL business."

Evidences or didn't happen.

"These are despicable cases of dishonesty everybody here should know."

Wait, which cases are you taking about?

First of all, cosmetic (not medically required) procedures are for profit. This applies not only to LL. I'm pretty sure any ethical doctor would be against altering a perfectly functional nose just because the patient wanted to look like someone she saw on t.v. To answer your question, Yes, they are DOCTORS AND SALESMEN. But that does not mean that they are bound to lie. Remember doctors dedicated a decade of their lives studying their profession, let alone practicing it. So I doubt they will deliberately do something that would cost them their medical license getting revoked.

Your best bet is to consider this decision thoroughly, discuss it with your GP, and read peer reviewed papers. Over and over again. And If ever you decided to go through this process, choose the right doctor and you have to trust him.


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 12:10:54 AM »

Dr Monegal doesn’t tell the truth about his patients. He uses to prepare a tour for his prospective patients, like a salesman does. He shows them the clinic and the guesthouse but he only shows what he wants them to know.

In October some prospective patients visited Dr Monegal’s center and met some actual patients. I have visited the center. Glenn described this tour in his diary. Everything seemed fine but the doctor didn’t tell all the truth to his future patients. He introduced these people to all his current patients but one girl who was also at the guesthouse and who has had very serious complications (Musicmaker??). This is for me a case of dishonesty. I learnt about this after my trip.

I can understand that this is a difficult surgery and sometimes things go wrong, but doctor said none of his patients had had complications which wasn’t true.

After the trip, I made some research. I asked some people (patients and people from the forum) and got to know that it’s not only this girl who had problems, but other people. It seems there is one American guy whose implant failed. Dr told him that he had to be exfixed and he had to pay around 7000 eur. Finally the company sent a free implant for him but it failed too and he had to go to OR again. It isn’t about money but about all the trauma and suffering for that guy. It seems he hasn’t been compensated.

I don’t have more evidence of this than what I have been told.  Perhaps patients and doctor himself can explain but I think people should know about this. I feel deceived by the doctor. Dr Monegal should have acted like honest doctors do and say, ‘Look, guys, I try my best, but sometimes complications occur and these are the complications I have had’. But he lied. He said all his surgeries were fantastic and it seems there were at least two people with major complications and other people with other problems like misalignments, screws getting loose and nerve problems which required additional surgeries and consultations with other surgeons.

There are many LL doctors like that. They are businessmen instead of doctors. It seems LL corrupts doctors.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 12:59:08 AM »

This is what i was about to post in my next off topic post. Dr monegal and that music maker and all those diary's seem full of fking crap I keep giving trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe this guy is legit and what sounded 2 good to be true was legit. but the way he lost his frame arguing on a forum, the number of people (fake accounts) on here suk his dck, and just all the diaries looked like a promotion diary edited to perfection to the benefit of monegal. it was just way to many red flags to ignore.

Anyways i think he is full of it because i knew spain was going through a deep recession and extreme economic woes currently... i didnt think that a doctor would be this desperate to find other means of creating income.

On Bohemia post where he had to hand cash to the doctor instead of the hospital i knew 100% this guy was full of crap but again i gave the benefit of the doubt. Then i continued reading this "diaries" and saw some of these videos. It was all but indirect way of self promotion. If anyone beleive this musicmaker because shes a chick and you short guys are that lonely and pathetic to believe this typical bitch (it may even be a male behind the account). There was a dude on here named Forcedpuberty who was pretty tough on the guy and for good reason. LL aint no joke and there are people who will take advantage of this situation for money. Remember the first rule of life. EVERYONE IS UTTERLY SELFISH> Whether that selfishness is used towards good or bullcrap everyone is always in it for themselves. don't ever underestimate it.

I noticed some people who actually LL are considering him and i really hope they reconsider and get a more reliable doctor. Other people can continue to go to this guy but i wouldnt risk it. I trust my gut feeling over most things and personally its never let me down.

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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2015, 01:17:01 AM »

Let's not jump to conclusions here as we aren't seeing the whole picture. I hope Dr. Monegal responds to these accusations. I am not trying to protect anybody. Although lying to a prospect patient is unacceptable for me also (If what LLuser1is saying is true).

Let's not slander Dr. Monegal. He seems to be a good person. He helped dwarf kids in past for free (as per him).

I have to agree tho, this Musicmaker person is a bit of dong rider when it comes to Monegal.  ;D


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2015, 01:45:33 AM »

ForcedPuberty was tough on him, because he was attacked by members of the forum after having given his opinion on 2 issues:
1) he didn't like Dr Monegal's two-stage procedure
2) he thought doing tibia and femur of the same leg at the same time didn't make sense.
Curiously enough, this doctor does bilateral femurs now, even if he said it was very dangerous, and opts for crosslateral approach when doing four segments. Forcedpuberty was right at the end.

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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2015, 02:08:21 AM »

Another thing people told me is Dr Monegal sometimes forgets important things. He forgot to prescribe heparine shots to the American guy whose implants failed. Gross failure.

I agree with Moose that diaries here are full of  . Bohemia's diary is disgusting. And that girl Musicmaker seems stupid. Promoting a doctor in a such a ridiculous way when you are screwed up for life doesn't make sense at all. I haven't met her but people told me she is wheelchair bounded and keeps defending him.

Don't believe a word of diaries. Dr Monegal controls every word they say.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2015, 02:37:30 AM »

Of course there is deceit and dishonesty in this business. The creation of forum is directly related to the scam that occurred in India a few years back, where forum owners and doctors colluded to trick patients into having the surgery- something of which I fell victim to. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the patient to undergo surgery, so if anything feels or seems shady, you should listen to your instinct.
Tibial LON for 6cm- Nov 2013, Dr Sringari -177/178cm to 183/184cm
Prospective Femoral Lengthening w/ Precise 3 (if out) Nail for 7cm- Jan 2019, Dr Birkholtz -183/184cm to 190/191cm

And it was here that he professed to his disciples: all of life's bounties lay somewhere upon the dreaded bell curve

Dr Monegal

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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2015, 03:44:47 AM »

Dr Monegal doesn’t tell the truth about his patients. He uses to prepare a tour for his prospective patients, like a salesman does. He shows them the clinic and the guesthouse but he only shows what he wants them to know.

In October some prospective patients visited Dr Monegal’s center and met some actual patients. I have visited the center. Glenn described this tour in his diary. Everything seemed fine but the doctor didn’t tell all the truth to his future patients. He introduced these people to all his current patients but one girl who was also at the guesthouse and who has had very serious complications (Musicmaker??). This is for me a case of dishonesty. I learnt about this after my trip.

I can understand that this is a difficult surgery and sometimes things go wrong, but doctor said none of his patients had had complications which wasn’t true.

After the trip, I made some research. I asked some people (patients and people from the forum) and got to know that it’s not only this girl who had problems, but other people. It seems there is one American guy whose implant failed. Dr told him that he had to be exfixed and he had to pay around 7000 eur. Finally the company sent a free implant for him but it failed too and he had to go to OR again. It isn’t about money but about all the trauma and suffering for that guy. It seems he hasn’t been compensated.

I don’t have more evidence of this than what I have been told.  Perhaps patients and doctor himself can explain but I think people should know about this. I feel deceived by the doctor. Dr Monegal should have acted like honest doctors do and say, ‘Look, guys, I try my best, but sometimes complications occur and these are the complications I have had’. But he lied. He said all his surgeries were fantastic and it seems there were at least two people with major complications and other people with other problems like misalignments, screws getting loose and nerve problems which required additional surgeries and consultations with other surgeons.

There are many LL doctors like that. They are businessmen instead of doctors. It seems LL corrupts doctors

Dear user

It seems like you do Not like me. But you should know What you talk about because saying this bunch of false information in public is against law. And just to your knowledge I will contact my lawyer so we can proceed with legal action against either you and The forum for non reviewing What you just wrote.

When patients come to see me, i show Them The Clinic and The facilities at MIC sant Jordi where patients stay after surgery. Having said That, the residents can meet The visitors But I cannot force residents to meet Them. I think a potential patient needs to know What he migth find in The future...and me too. From The 3 potential patients I met in october, I will operate only one of Them. The Other 2, one is too tall in my opinion and The Other one does Not accomplish psychological standards required for someone undergoing a procedure loke this. Probably That s you. And 1 out of 3 is Not exactly moneymaking.

Here comes The bomb: When you affirm something like What you say about MM and another imaginative patient I ex-fixed you are violating 2 things here. Privacy and truth. I hope your sources and yourself can proof What you said, because this is a public forum and you are saying false accussations. I Did Not ex fix none of my patients and Did Not charge money to any of my american patients for implant change. You have to check your sources before throwing all this.
About MM you all know She has had a rougth time after falling and fracturing Her femur. I went personally to Her local town (1500km a way) to fix That with no cost. She is thankfull and positive and What She needs is care and support, and Not stupid comments such as yours, trolling messages and prívate mails from disgusting people. I am happy to say She is doing well now But probably this is Not interesting for toxic people loke you.

Of course limb lengthening is Not easy, and every single doctor has has own complications. As one patients of mine says "this is Not a walk in The park". But attacking doctors or patients having issues is Not The way. There are some users here They will probably never do LL. Probably They don t have The money or The guts to do it. That s respectable. But to confirm themselves That They are rigth, They always look to attack doctors, look for patients in trouble or They start to troll forums.

I cannot say truth about my patients because I do Not talk about Them. Privacy exists here.
Probably you don t understand What this is, But you crossed a couple of lines here. Patients wrote What They Want on their diaries. I always tell Them to be carefull sharing Medical information in public because of privacy.

A salesmen? I do Not consider me a salesman.
A while ago I stoped posting here because some trolls acused me and Other doctors like Dr Franz of promotion. If I show potential patients What They migth find in Barcelona this is salesman.
That s funny. Let me say a few things:

1 I receive 5-6 mails per day about LL
2 I probably operate 1 out of 10 patients That ask for info
3 I have been offered 2000€ per implant If I change Fitbone and use another internal instead. I prefer using Fitbone (with no profit)
4 i have never charged money to any of my patients in case of complications
5 i recommend my patients to do 2 stage Eventhought i have to make 1500€ discount from my personal income, so They can afford it.
6 i have done bilateral procedures during 10 years. That s Not New (so thanks for trying). I always recommend 2 stage to my patients But bilateral can be done. They are all aware of possible complications and recovery When doing bilaterals.
7 i do Not have a webpage
8 self advertising is prohibited in spain

Of course doctors work to earn money. But do Not forget That becoming a LL doctor requires a lot of studying and training. So respect is a basic prínciple you should use here.
I can bear with personal attacks But Not with false acusación posted in public board.
As I said, it takes a Long time and lot of hard work.

Regards to all non toxic users
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 04:06:58 AM by Dr Monegal »
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2015, 03:47:19 AM »

This is what i was about to post in my next off topic post. Dr monegal and that music maker and all those diary's seem full of fking crap I keep giving trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe this guy is legit and what sounded 2 good to be true was legit. but the way he lost his frame arguing on a forum, the number of people (fake accounts) on here suk his dck, and just all the diaries looked like a promotion diary edited to perfection to the benefit of monegal. it was just way to many red flags to ignore.

Anyways i think he is full of it because i knew spain was going through a deep recession and extreme economic woes currently... i didnt think that a doctor would be this desperate to find other means of creating income.

On Bohemia post where he had to hand cash to the doctor instead of the hospital i knew 100% this guy was full of crap but again i gave the benefit of the doubt. Then i continued reading this "diaries" and saw some of these videos. It was all but indirect way of self promotion. If anyone beleive this musicmaker because shes a chick and you short guys are that lonely and pathetic to believe this typical bitch (it may even be a male behind the account). There was a dude on here named Forcedpuberty who was pretty tough on the guy and for good reason. LL aint no joke and there are people who will take advantage of this situation for money. Remember the first rule of life. EVERYONE IS UTTERLY SELFISH> Whether that selfishness is used towards good or bullcrap everyone is always in it for themselves. don't ever underestimate it.

I noticed some people who actually LL are considering him and i really hope they reconsider and get a more reliable doctor. Other people can continue to go to this guy but i wouldnt risk it. I trust my gut feeling over most things and personally its never let me down.

Let's not jump into any conclusions here mate. We don't really know the full picture here; and no real reason to throw Musicmaker under the bus and then run her over.

First though, let me say that I do agree with the point that Polycrates made in that there is some dishonesty in this entire business: it's a given. Now, if we are to go based on Bohemia and KrP1's diaries, then we can assume things are as they seem for the most part, considering that Bohemia is already home and not really under the care of Monegal, even though they continue conversation. Hopefully they do come here and clarify somethings.

Dr Monegal doesn’t tell the truth about his patients. He uses to prepare a tour for his prospective patients, like a salesman does. He shows them the clinic and the guesthouse but he only shows what he wants them to know.

In October some prospective patients visited Dr Monegal’s center and met some actual patients. I have visited the center. Glenn described this tour in his diary. Everything seemed fine but the doctor didn’t tell all the truth to his future patients. He introduced these people to all his current patients but one girl who was also at the guesthouse and who has had very serious complications (Musicmaker??). This is for me a case of dishonesty. I learnt about this after my trip.

I can understand that this is a difficult surgery and sometimes things go wrong, but doctor said none of his patients had had complications which wasn’t true.

After the trip, I made some research. I asked some people (patients and people from the forum) and got to know that it’s not only this girl who had problems, but other people. It seems there is one American guy whose implant failed. Dr told him that he had to be exfixed and he had to pay around 7000 eur. Finally the company sent a free implant for him but it failed too and he had to go to OR again. It isn’t about money but about all the trauma and suffering for that guy. It seems he hasn’t been compensated.

I don’t have more evidence of this than what I have been told.  Perhaps patients and doctor himself can explain but I think people should know about this. I feel deceived by the doctor. Dr Monegal should have acted like honest doctors do and say, ‘Look, guys, I try my best, but sometimes complications occur and these are the complications I have had’. But he lied. He said all his surgeries were fantastic and it seems there were at least two people with major complications and other people with other problems like misalignments, screws getting loose and nerve problems which required additional surgeries and consultations with other surgeons.

There are many LL doctors like that. They are businessmen instead of doctors. It seems LL corrupts doctors.

Ok, so you pretty much described all LL doctors...ever. Let's face it no doctor will show you any misfortunes LL patients are undergoing (in fact I'm sure that's the truth for all medicine related surgeries, cosmetic or not). Now I know that patients who undergo LL do face problems and that it won't be an easy ride by any means so I will take a doctor's word with a grain of salt— even from Paley. As to whether they should tell you every single complication from every single case they've had...well that's tricky. I feel like this would be a two fold responsibility; a patient has to go out of his way to get all the information he can from the doctor about LL, as much as the doctor should go out of his way to fully explain the risk of the procedure. If all a doctor can say is that everything is 100% then yeah that's on him. Like I said, we can't really jump to conclusion.

If you are so sure of these examples you listed, then I ask that you tell them to come to the forum and explain their case. If not then we also have to take your word with a grain of salt.

Now is there anything else you know because you made it sound like you know a whole lot more about other doctors you're just not sharing.

(NOTE: I wrote this before Monegal Post as I took a long break before hand)

Dr Monegal

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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2015, 04:05:44 AM »

Let's not jump to conclusions here as we aren't seeing the whole picture. I hope Dr. Monegal responds to these accusations. I am not trying to protect anybody. Although lying to a prospect patient is unacceptable for me also (If what LLuser1is saying is true).

Let's not slander Dr. Monegal. He seems to be a good person. He helped dwarf kids in past for free (as per him).

I have to agree tho, this Musicmaker person is a bit of dong rider when it comes to Monegal.  ;D

I do Not lie about LL. And patients are all aware of potential complications.
They all need to sign a consent form and They are all aware of potential complications.
I never thougth I would go throught something like this. I cannot understand systematic attack towards MM. She is s nice lady and She had an accident while lengthening.
All I have done is to stay beside Her and fix Her situation. And calling Her dong rider for being thankful is something unacceptable. I hope you could show a sligth sigth of humanity and apologize to a fantastic human being.
As said, She is recovering and doing much better now.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2015, 04:53:12 AM »

I do Not lie about LL. And patients are all aware of potential complications.
They all need to sign a consent form and They are all aware of potential complications.
I never thougth I would go throught something like this. I cannot understand systematic attack towards MM. She is s nice lady and She had an accident while lengthening.
All I have done is to stay beside Her and fix Her situation. And calling Her dong rider for being thankful is something unacceptable. I hope you could show a sligth sigth of humanity and apologize to a fantastic human being.
As said, She is recovering and doing much better now.

Hi Dr Monegal,

It is great to hear your response regarding this matter.

Regarding dong riding, I didn't mean it literally. :-X I was just agreeing to what they said based on my observation. Here are some quotes:

"From my point of view, the clinic is wonderful and so is Doctor Monegal."
"Xavi, I agree. Dr. Monegal is the best."
"I would like to emphasize that I strongly recommend Dr. Monegal. He is one of the best doctors I've ever met."
"All the doctors look quite professional, but my loving, loving Dr. Monegal is the best. Dr. Monegal is very young -one of the youngest appearing in the video-, but also very experienced. As you can see, he makes his points very well, and he has also a very good English (which is very important for international patients)."

I'm sorry though. I didn't mean to offend anybody. I should have picked my words wiser. What I was trying to say is that Musicmaker was acting like a fangirl/fanboy so much. Can't blame her anyways, you look like Jack Black.  ;D


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2015, 05:55:23 AM »

Legal action? HAHAHAHAHAH go fk yourself loser this is the internet im entitled to my opinion. Honestly i just felt like putting out my opinion you could have just counter argued but now I KNOW YOU ARE A fkING FRAUD. Honest to god if any dumbass goes to this fool for LL i really hope you know what you are getting yourself into. Stupid ass useless "doctor". mother fker now im pissed. i will make it my mission to show you the fraud that you fking are. I typically lurk these forums learning about LL and there seems to be a lot of decent guys here but you seem to prey on people. you are one evil mother fker i hope the mods find out what your agenda truly is.

honest to god i thought you were a great deal just like most of the people on this forum. But i always knew whats to good to be true is never the case. Patiently waited and lurked everything  you posted and all your minions what they posted. it kept getting more and more disgusting as i kept reading how utterly pathetic of a con artist you are.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 06:16:36 AM by Moose »
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2015, 05:56:24 AM »

I feel like i should report your ass to spain authorities. Tax evasion is a serious crime fkboy monegal. I know who you are you dont know who i am. I win you worthless sack of crap.

im having a bad day already with the redskins losing to the cowboys you just added the fking cherry on top. Now i have somthing to direct my rage on.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2015, 06:11:28 AM »

theres something on this forum we need to address i believe theres some serious diary and forum manipulation going on for dr.monegal. He immediatly got on the defensive threatening me with a lawsuit for making an opinion about him instead of defending himself like a normal person and disagreeing with my statement he chose to get really really defensive. (i hope you all know what that means) This doctor is no more than a child mentally and a scam artist at best. I was going to off topic post about him later but was giving him the benefit of the doubt now i know for sure this man is not who he says he is and all his supports on this forum are all part of the same team. I really hope the admins start taking wind of this mans actions and how detrimental it can be to someone who honestly chooses him as a doctor. He may do a good job im not saying hes not but how hes promoting himself through these forums tells me he is not to be trusted let alone to butcher your legs.

Edit: i guess he wasnt threatening me but the forum itself? i have no clue whatever. still doesnt stop the fact of the deceitful practices of this monegals feller that i believe is going on.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 06:41:04 AM by Moose »
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2015, 06:20:23 AM »

lmfao this guy.

chill there bro.


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2015, 06:26:52 AM »

he shouldnt have immediatly threatend me with legal action.  if you understood that how desperate some of these people are and vultures like this guy are making killing off there insecuritys. im not gonna "chill" with a situation like this getting as serious as it is. these are peoples lives that can be absolutely ruined for the rest of there lives cuz of this greedy clown.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2015, 06:33:09 AM »

I think he was referring to LLuser1 regarding the lawsuit. Unless... you're LLuser1?


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2015, 06:35:27 AM »

And the Forum; which just means the administration here who run it (I highly doubt he would sue them)


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2015, 06:35:53 AM »

youre right. i coulda swore i saw him quote me. my fault. that still doesn't matter at this point i know whats up with this guy. defend him if you want other people smart enough to know whats going on will. In the end of all this its there good legs not mine.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2015, 06:51:13 AM »

Not defending anyone here. If he really is a shady person, then screw him. But until we have a concrete proof of his wrong doings then we can't/shouldn't really judge him. What you're saying right now is hearsay. No court will take you seriously. And if ever you decided to fight him in court, 110% you will lose. What you just did here is defamation and cyber-bullying. In addition, you threatened to destroy him in every possible way which is cyberstalking. So technically, he can send you to jail.

I'm not trying to be your enemy or an ally of his. As a concerned LLer, I advise you to calm down. Relax your self a bit since you're already having a bad day.

Like what you said, "In the end of all this its there good legs not mine." So why stress more, right?


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2015, 06:58:05 AM »

why would i fight him in court? i have an admission that when he accepts patients that he takes 20k in cash. it get re-edited later to 9k in cash guess he figured that you are only allowed to travel no more with 10k. you hand the doctor directly the cash reason for this was taxes. Now your right i have nothing to lose here and i should relax a bit but right now im really really really REALLY annoyed that this forum has a monegal ad on almost every. single. fking. topic. im not sure how many accounts are fake/legit but at this point it is what it is. its just so obvious. The cooper diary? him n musicmaker "when i arrived at barcelona we partied all night it was so much fun." what. the. fk. LL isnt suppose to be some pleasant experience its life altering and a massive risk to your long term health. this crap isnt some kind of honky doory walk in the park.
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2015, 07:07:47 AM »

Whao! Easy guys. If you want a guaranteed complication-free procedure, perhaps LL isn't for ya. Personally I think some of the members here are going overboard with their accusations. There's plenty risks associated with LL including death. If someone's not getting it, it's their problem. No one's a kid. These are all grown-ups who go through with this surgery. It's not Surgeon's responsibility to show prospective patients each and every complication on current patients. After all, Doctor's patients aren't exactly their slaves. What if the patient going through some complication refuses to meet prospective patients?

Instead of threatening to take legal action against each other, take a step back and think this through. It isn't exactly Doctor's fault if their patients praise them behind their back. And Doctor also shouldn't add fuel to fire by threatening to take legal action over some post online. A comprehensive reply would be just fine.


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2015, 07:21:05 AM »

I think he was referring to LLuser1 regarding the lawsuit. Unless... you're LLuser1?

Wait a sec, I thought YOU were LLuser1.. you guys registered on this forum days apart, and then were tagging off on each other on the threads.  ;D

You're right, it's so easy to lose track of aliases and forget to click "logout" and then log back in with the right name. (Hang on, let me check right now if I'm logged in as the correct username before I go on a rant...ok it says "Hello glenn" on the top left of my screen so I'm set)

I guess at first I was a bit angry at having my diary being called a fake. Guys I put my heart into it, and for what? Just so I could be slandered by faceless cowards? ?? jeez.... but instead of feeling angry this has just turned downright comical. Reading all these tantrums I could have sworn ItsMyLife had returned.  ;D

Whoever it is that's throwing a fit right now, listen up and just chill: I don't write about other people's LL journey because it's their lives and their privacy. How hard is that to understand? I guess only paranoid psychos that have forgotten to take their medicine would see it as a conspiracy.

Also, despite what LLuser1 thinks, Bohemia and Musicmaker are real people... with real feelings. LLuser1 or whatever name he goes by owes them an apology, man.

Musicm...wait, I mean Bohem... nononono, I mean Glenn  8)


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2015, 07:36:46 AM »

Wait a sec, I thought YOU were LLuser1.. you guys registered on this forum days apart, and then were tagging off on each other on the threads.  ;D

No no no. I am a legit LL prospect. I have been lurking here for months as a guest before I registered.

The cooper diary? him n musicmaker "when i arrived at barcelona we partied all night it was so much fun.

That was prolly pre-LL surgery. However, it is possible to have fun while LLing. Ask the guy who did LL in Russia. The guy who went from Jonah Hill to Zac Efron.


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2015, 08:43:20 PM »


I have created a very diligent and consistent diary over the course of the last three months, that document my journey between August 23rd to today December 8th. I shared full honesty, including both my likes and dislikes of the experience, and also photos and *videos* of my scars, stitches, lengthening, and walking—all specifically for members of this forum to enjoy as an act of charity.

Either you ban the two users in this thread who have personally slandered me, Glenn, KrP1, Musicmaker, and Dr. Monegal, or I am going to quit my diary permanently, remove my videos on Youtube, and delete my photos on Imgur.

It sucks that the toxicity of this forum has reached this, but I will not contribute to a community where a little clique tries to insult and disparage me and my friends—all of whom lengthened beside me at MIC in Barcelona.

I give you 72 hours to resolve this, otherwise I terminate my account indefinitely, and will discourage future lengtheners from joining this forum.

Dr. Alex Monegal / Barcelona, Spain / Femurs 8cm / Implanted August 25, 2015 / Removed February 21, 2018


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2015, 10:12:19 PM »



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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2015, 10:21:02 PM »

I have been reading this thread and it suprises me that people makes acusations with no proofs. If Dr Monegal wasnt a good doctor ,take for sure that patients should not talk good about him like we do.
Dr M recomends to do the surgey in two stages to every patient. One leg first and then the other. If we ,Patients ,do both femurs or both tibias in the same surgery is because we want it that way. I meet Bohemia and Glenn in MiCs and take for sure that what you guys can read in our diaries is the truth. This procedure is not a joke and complications could happen but the Dr has been always there if anything happen. By the moment i can only say good things about Dr Monegal.


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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2015, 01:32:55 AM »

Recently a thread in the LL discussions got deleted by some guy calling out doctors and there deceitful practices one of names mentioned was Dr.Monegal. It seems this forum has begun doing censorship which is a damn shame because this is exactly what happened with the last forum and Sysop. A user was talking about the dishonesty of salesman in LL and mentioned Monegal. Monegal replied and immediately proceeded to threaten with a lawsuit. (defensive much? srsly who does this?)

I have been lurking monegals posts and diarys about him and came to a conclusion that he is full of deceitful bullcrap so I felt it was the time to call him out on it as well. Immediately a bunch of accounts defended him mostly new accounts. (one account (PatientZero) said i have a short guy syndrome and i wouldn't past the psychological test ) I have never seen so much ck suk in my entire life of some guy no one knows but supposedly all of a sudden hes the LL god with a cheap/perfect way of LL. Anyways i made my opinion/accusations of him No one could reply in a standard manner including the doctor. I guess he threatend the moderators to take down the thread or face charges. (which you realy cant do crap about on a public forum) i can talk crap about obama say he likes to eat brown bananas but he cant do anything. its a public forum open to any opinion is allowed. You can make a nazi forum and it will stay active n fine. Jews can bitch about it but lets say comments about benjamin netansomthing are made. Now he cant go and sue them lmao. This isnt an established business or some media company u fktwat monegal.

Spain has been going through a severe recession if not a depression and extreme economic woes. They are hinging on a total economic collapse if it has not been for the euro and basically germany.

Although i considered him as a LL option i gave it a patient approach but i had a gut feeling this guy is not who he says he is. On bohemias (i beleive this user is fake) diary he said he gave the doctor 20k cash directly (this is blatant tax evasion). I just knew I mean you don't understand how much i fking knew this was gonna be the case. so many honky doory users posting on every topic mentioning monegal. I know a con/scam artist when i see one and he has plagued this forum. His lack of temperment, the childish arguements from this "Doctor" and the amount of god damn time he spends on this forum tells me how much he is in it for the money. The entire diary is an indirect way of self promotion. Music maker Bohemia and most of  the account supporting him i believe are fake and may be him or his staff.

Red flag examples:

1.Watch bohemias video when hes removing the stiches? who the hell in the right mind of a doctor acts that way when removing stitches. (or crap go read the entire diary its like a god damn advertisment for monegal you even got cost comparison charts for him and other doctors)

2.Musicmaker n cooper partied all night long in barcelona woo! aint that great? spain sounds fun. Lets forget the long term  life altering risk your about to take and just pretend LL isnt gonna be so bad.

3.Literally everytime someone disagrees with monegal he throws an immediate childish tantrum with spelling that makes my typing look like a fking scholars.

4.The guy spends 24/7 on these forums. Does this guy have a life?

Hell maybe monegal is actually good at his job and his LL is the best version. But i know deceitful practices when i see it and i know manipulation. Im realy good at it myself although it seems i at least have some integrity. I have never seen a LL doctor rise to popularity as fast as he has due to every single thread having a monegal supporter on it. Even the veterans mention his name time to time at this point and again it has been proven with the last deleted thread post. I dont know which admin deleted it but they should be ashamed.

TLDR its not my legs its yours if you choose monegal i hope you know what your getting yourself into. I wouldn't trust him at all. The forum is getting a bit hostile to anyone that disagrees with him. (I believe there are many fake supporter accounts of him at this point) Also im ashamed of the moderators of Limblegtheningforum for taking down the threads.

Edit: posted this on offtopic because it will probably get deleted again if its in the LL discussion and this time im hoping we can get productive opinions not just a circlejerk of defending this (what i believe) cowardly doctor.

edit 2: email i sent to the mods.

Me: Who deleted the thread? "the dishonesty of salesman and LL". Users have a right to there own opinion to make assumptions of whats going on and can make there own personal decision. I dont understand the censorship of this forum now as this is exactly what happened with  . You may not agree but i believe monegal has a lot of deceitful practices on this forum and is cooking the books by making his presence very well known by providing the illusion that he is a reliable LL method. i have seen other scam/con artists do the same exact thing he is doing and his immediate defensive tone with a lawsuit speaks volumes. Plus i heard not a single reply from him after i replied that tax evasion is a serious crime he didn't argue it or try to strike it down. smart man if this were to go to court and they see his reply. I think you guys should really start tightening down on all these monegal "supporters" i have never seen so many people jump to one specific doctor in my life. Guichet and paley earned there stripes. This greedy fool can ruin someones life in the long run.

Mod: It was moved temporarily by one of the mods until we hear back from the site admin due to the mention of legal action possibly being taken.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 02:12:56 AM by Moose »
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Re: Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2015, 02:03:11 AM »

I think you're reading too much into it.
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