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Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« on: November 25, 2015, 07:17:51 PM »

So I love snowboarding and surfing! I also hate my current height of 172cm.

I often wear 3cm lifts in my shoes and I absolutely love that height its edges me past few shorter guys and often edge most females out. I don't care about being tall,just don't wana b short.! (Important difference Iv realised on this site)

So my plan is LL tibias for 3CM! It's  not wirth all money n pain for 3cm people say! I say ... If 3 cm makes me happy which it 100% will then why risk more! I want s natural height of 175cm.


Iv never read diary a recovery on 3cm.

Do you think from your experience and think about what it feel like to recover from 3cm??

Will I be able to pick up snowboarding and surfing again??
Will my athletic ability be effected?
Will I recover 100%??




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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 08:09:51 PM »

Not a vet obviously, but why can't you already realize that 3 cm is nothing (if also not worth the cost and pain of what you're going to go through). It won't take a vet to tell you that you're basically stretching your soft tissues and muscle by an miniscule amount (it's partially annoying yout havent figured this out yourself). You're gonna end up having the best recovery out of everyone who has ever done this if the lengthening, and consolidation phases go perfectly.

^(This is part of the reason I'd rather do 4 cm in each segment then a full blown 8 on my femurs.)

Also are you sure you're just getting 3 cm with lifts AND shoes on? I'm saying because if it really is only a 3 cm increase you get with BOTH on (say 3 cm and some Converse) then I'd say forget the surgery and buy like Nike AirMax, which already give you 3 cm (I've measured). But that's just my advice do as you wish.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 08:51:15 PM »

I´m not a vet either but I like your attitude, I consider 4 cm´s either on my femurs or tibias. It´s noticeable, I can garuantee you that. There are two diaries from guys who did 4 cm´s( Wannabegiant and Descreteuser) in case you haven´t found them yet.
 All those guys who want to lengthen ridiculous amounts (8+) will most likely have long term problems. I´ve talked to an oerthopeadic who works with the precise 2 and he told me that he can´t imagine anyone going back to 100% after an amount like 2-3cm´s!
Another advantage is that your proportions won´t be fked up. Once you go past a certain amount, you´ll just look weird. You´ll look like you have the torso and the arms of a child and your hands and feet will look to small too.
There was a thread about a guy who ended up 178 after 10 cm´s of lengthening, next to a guy who had this height naturally and the difference was enormous. The guy who got the lengthening looked like a child on stilts.
I haven´t seen a diary with a complete 100% recovery yet, I´m not saying that it doesn´t exist but I haven´t herd from anyone who said that their running speed and endurance came back to their pre-op level.



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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2015, 09:24:56 PM »

Thanks man! Yeah I'd rather get the height that makes me happy than risk it for more cms. I really want recovery, il check those diarys out! Cheers!

Also ...
The orthopedist said "can't" go back 100% after 2-3cms?


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2015, 09:36:17 PM »

My Doctor doesn´t do cosmetic cases but he is in touch with other Docs who  perform those too. He said some of the changes can´t be compensated completely by your body. Some nerves and tendons in your legs are very sensitive and sometimes they don´t cope very well, thats baisically what he told me.
He was trying to dissuade me from the idea of LL because the risks were too big in his oppinion, perhaps he would have said something different if I was shorter.
An amount like 3 cm´s will most likely not affect your abilities to do sports but there is no guarantee for this what so ever.
If 3 cm´s really make you happy than there is absoluetly no point in doing more.



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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2015, 10:40:31 PM »

So I love snowboarding and surfing! I also hate my current height of 172cm.

I often wear 3cm lifts in my shoes and I absolutely love that height its edges me past few shorter guys and often edge most females out. I don't care about being tall,just don't wana b short.! (Important difference Iv realised on this site)

So my plan is LL tibias for 3CM! It's  not wirth all money n pain for 3cm people say! I say ... If 3 cm makes me happy which it 100% will then why risk more! I want s natural height of 175cm.


Iv never read diary a recovery on 3cm.

Do you think from your experience and think about what it feel like to recover from 3cm??

Will I be able to pick up snowboarding and surfing again??
Will my athletic ability be effected?
Will I recover 100%??



I have seen someone doing 3 cms.
Recovery is a lot faster! He walked almost perfectly even with the frame on.
Yes you will be able to get back to snowboarding and surfing but no you will not be at 100 %. Never ever again. Your athletic ability will be affected to some degree. I have talked to this guy and he is back to sports but not to what he was before. You get your legs broken and stretch yeverything a couple of centimeters. Of course you will not be as fast/explosive as before!!!
But you will get back most of it.

I did 8 cm and it has been almost 1.5 years. I am not even back to 30%. Walking, standing, sitting, lying is okay. Doing exercises is already hard. Running as fast as before???

Never ever.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2015, 12:13:12 AM »

Firstly you have to be aware many doctors consider recovery as being able to perform everyday tasks e.g going up and down stairs, walking relatively normally etc. So the standard is set pretty low. The most detailed response on what to expect was from Dr Lee. Make up your own mind.

Dr Donghoon Lee who has followed up with over 400 CLL patients had this to say

"I personally asked Dr. Lee what he thought about this (lengthening past 6 cm) and he has told me that from his experience in talking to former lengthening patients (2-3 years post recovery) those that only lengthened 5 cm recovered fully and their previous athleticism returned close to 100% to pre-LL levels. On the other hand, those who chose to lengthen between 6 and 7 centimeters recovered 100% in performing daily functions (walking, light jogging, etc), BUT only recovered about 60-70% of their pre-LL athleticism when engaging in serious sports/strenuous activities (full sprinting, jumping, basketball, rugby,etc..). Additionally, those that lengthened beyond 7 cm saw an ever greater decline in their previous athletic abilities.

In short, those who lengthen beyond 5 cm will not be able to recover all of their pre-LL athletic abilities because their muscles, nerves, tendons will be stretched well beyond their natural limits and will be permanently damaged. He used the rubber band analogy and Dr. Lee believes strongly in this. Once a rubber band (muscle) is stretched beyond its natural limit, even if its by only half a centimeter, then it will begin to tear and will forever lose its previous elasticity. The muscle's natural limit seems to be at 5 cm for many patients, though it can be higher or lower depending on the patient's initial tibia/femur length."

Obviously the less you lengthen the less long term problems. The issue on this forum is you have people with really bad height complexes who have to justify unwise lengthening at any cost. E.g having to get to 175cm because 173cm is unacceptable instead of just being taller. If you're smart with this surgery it can be a real benefit, over lengthen and you'll look like a goof who runs like a retard.

Here are a couple of reflections from the old forum from patients after lengthening.

From Walk6

1) No more than 5-6 cm. Even as someone who started with short tibias, I still feel that my tibias are now long. In hindsight, I should have stopped at 5-5.5 cm for proportions sake. Listen to Sweden on this one.

2) Go with the BEST doctor you can afford. If there is no good doctor in your price range, wait until you have enough money. Honestly, if I had to do it again, I would ONLY have this done with Lee, Paley, Rozbruch, Betz or Guichet. This surgery is ridiculously complex. Don't risk your health/life with someone unexperienced. I can only say from experience though that Dr. Lee is one of the best at what he does.

3) Don't do LL if you are using up your life savings to do it. You WILL be unhappy afterwards.

4) LL will not significantly change your life in any aspect other than how you perceive yourself. Most people will not even think or know that you did something like this. People will not suddenly treat you differently or with more respect just because you are taller. The real world really doesn't work like that. Give respect to get respect. Unless you are already super-model good looking, your physical appearance will not change by much and people will treat you similar to how they treated you before. You're basically the same pre-LL and post-LL; the only real change comes from how you view yourself.

4.5) Don't tell people about this. You will regret it later.

5) You are taking a huge risk with your health, so always keep that in mind. I went in understanding that I may never fully return to my pre-LL form athletically. But, now that I am in the process of recovery, this fact has hit me quite hard. I was extremely athletic before LL and I really really miss the aspect of out-sprinting people, going all out in the gym, etc. I feel like one part of my identity is currently gone and that may be the reason that I feel down at times.

6) There are many ups and downs. Highs and lows. The whole process is a rollercoaster so expect that.

7) LL is very difficult. Even with a near perfect recovery (up until now...during my last consultation, Dr. Lee said that my bones are almost fully consolidated and everything is A-ok except for my atrophied quad muscles. They are really really hard to get back), I have days where I want to just sit and cry. It's hard and takes A LOT of time to feel normal again.

From Farewell

-I know this has been said and suggested many times from the veterans, but I also want to repeat again to remind people not to lengthen more than 6cm on Tibias, not only it takes longer to recover but it is also not good on your soft tissues. If you don't care about your athletic abilities then consider 6cm as the maximum. If you value your athletic abilities then just do 5cm and have a better recovery.

I might sound like regret doing 7cm, but actually not. However, the main reason is that my starting height is only 160cm. If my starting height is 161cm, then I will gladly do 6cm and be ready to remove the frame by next month. Folks, every mm counts after you hit 5cm.

-I might take a photo to let you see my proportion with clothes on of course. I think it actually improves a lot since I have big bulky short tibias to start with. Without clothes on I think I still look okay as I have seen myself in the mirror except having longer tibias than normal. I believe my wingspan is around 162/163cm. With shoes on I am 170cm without counting the hair and still look normal. However, If I do my femur for another 5 or 5.5 cm I might see my self with short forearms.

Good luck with whatever you decide OP.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2015, 01:51:36 AM »

This advice should be put in seperate thread about basic informations about LL. I´m sure that there are a lof people out here who could really use this advice.
@Jfk do u regret not doing a smaller amount?


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2015, 02:39:31 AM »

Firstly you have to be aware many doctors consider recovery as being able to perform everyday tasks e.g going up and down stairs, walking relatively normally etc. So the standard is set pretty low. The most detailed response on what to expect was from Dr Lee. Make up your own mind.

Dr Donghoon Lee who has followed up with over 400 CLL patients had this to say

"I personally asked Dr. Lee what he thought about this (lengthening past 6 cm) and he has told me that from his experience in talking to former lengthening patients (2-3 years post recovery) those that only lengthened 5 cm recovered fully and their previous athleticism returned close to 100% to pre-LL levels. On the other hand, those who chose to lengthen between 6 and 7 centimeters recovered 100% in performing daily functions (walking, light jogging, etc), BUT only recovered about 60-70% of their pre-LL athleticism when engaging in serious sports/strenuous activities (full sprinting, jumping, basketball, rugby,etc..). Additionally, those that lengthened beyond 7 cm saw an ever greater decline in their previous athletic abilities.

In short, those who lengthen beyond 5 cm will not be able to recover all of their pre-LL athletic abilities because their muscles, nerves, tendons will be stretched well beyond their natural limits and will be permanently damaged. He used the rubber band analogy and Dr. Lee believes strongly in this. Once a rubber band (muscle) is stretched beyond its natural limit, even if its by only half a centimeter, then it will begin to tear and will forever lose its previous elasticity. The muscle's natural limit seems to be at 5 cm for many patients, though it can be higher or lower depending on the patient's initial tibia/femur length."

Obviously the less you lengthen the less long term problems. The issue on this forum is you have people with really bad height complexes who have to justify unwise lengthening at any cost. E.g having to get to 175cm because 173cm is unacceptable instead of just being taller. If you're smart with this surgery it can be a real benefit, over lengthen and you'll look like a goof who runs like a retard.

Here are a couple of reflections from the old forum from patients after lengthening.

From Walk6

1) No more than 5-6 cm. Even as someone who started with short tibias, I still feel that my tibias are now long. In hindsight, I should have stopped at 5-5.5 cm for proportions sake. Listen to Sweden on this one.

2) Go with the BEST doctor you can afford. If there is no good doctor in your price range, wait until you have enough money. Honestly, if I had to do it again, I would ONLY have this done with Lee, Paley, Rozbruch, Betz or Guichet. This surgery is ridiculously complex. Don't risk your health/life with someone unexperienced. I can only say from experience though that Dr. Lee is one of the best at what he does.

3) Don't do LL if you are using up your life savings to do it. You WILL be unhappy afterwards.

4) LL will not significantly change your life in any aspect other than how you perceive yourself. Most people will not even think or know that you did something like this. People will not suddenly treat you differently or with more respect just because you are taller. The real world really doesn't work like that. Give respect to get respect. Unless you are already super-model good looking, your physical appearance will not change by much and people will treat you similar to how they treated you before. You're basically the same pre-LL and post-LL; the only real change comes from how you view yourself.

4.5) Don't tell people about this. You will regret it later.

5) You are taking a huge risk with your health, so always keep that in mind. I went in understanding that I may never fully return to my pre-LL form athletically. But, now that I am in the process of recovery, this fact has hit me quite hard. I was extremely athletic before LL and I really really miss the aspect of out-sprinting people, going all out in the gym, etc. I feel like one part of my identity is currently gone and that may be the reason that I feel down at times.

6) There are many ups and downs. Highs and lows. The whole process is a rollercoaster so expect that.

7) LL is very difficult. Even with a near perfect recovery (up until now...during my last consultation, Dr. Lee said that my bones are almost fully consolidated and everything is A-ok except for my atrophied quad muscles. They are really really hard to get back), I have days where I want to just sit and cry. It's hard and takes A LOT of time to feel normal again.

From Farewell

-I know this has been said and suggested many times from the veterans, but I also want to repeat again to remind people not to lengthen more than 6cm on Tibias, not only it takes longer to recover but it is also not good on your soft tissues. If you don't care about your athletic abilities then consider 6cm as the maximum. If you value your athletic abilities then just do 5cm and have a better recovery.

I might sound like regret doing 7cm, but actually not. However, the main reason is that my starting height is only 160cm. If my starting height is 161cm, then I will gladly do 6cm and be ready to remove the frame by next month. Folks, every mm counts after you hit 5cm.

-I might take a photo to let you see my proportion with clothes on of course. I think it actually improves a lot since I have big bulky short tibias to start with. Without clothes on I think I still look okay as I have seen myself in the mirror except having longer tibias than normal. I believe my wingspan is around 162/163cm. With shoes on I am 170cm without counting the hair and still look normal. However, If I do my femur for another 5 or 5.5 cm I might see my self with short forearms.

Good luck with whatever you decide OP.

When you asked Dr Donghoon Lee, is it specifically about Tibias or both Tibias and Femurs? I also believe that 5 cm should be limit for tibias. However, femurs seems to have a higher limit.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 03:02:44 AM by Daylight »


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2015, 05:32:13 AM »

If you're young and under 30, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do a full recovery after a few months if you only do 3 cm. You might even be able to weight bear 3 months after surgery, and then do sports 1-2 months after that.

3 cm is like nothing, though... I'm 5'9" (175 cm), and I can't tell the height difference from when I was 172 cm and 175 cm. I did femurs only, but I'll assume that tibias are similar. I didn't start feeling any real tightness in my soft tissue until around the 5 cm mark.

But damn, a $100k surgery for just an inch? I dunno, man. Your parents must be loaded to be able to throw money like that. I doubt that it will make you that much happier. My happiness didn't improve until I was around 2 inches taller. LL is much more difficult than you think it is. Don't forget that it's a major surgery. It's not like getting braces or something like that. Anyway, that's probably not what you want to hear. So to answer your question, yes, I think you'll recover from 3 cm just fine, but each individual case is different. For example, some athletes return to sports after a tibia fracture. Some don't. It depends on the individual's body.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2015, 06:47:20 AM »

To daylight

The quote is is from walk6 diary and the Dr is talking about tibia limits.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2015, 02:31:32 PM »


If you hate your height at 172 then you'll hate it at 175. I can barely tell the difference between myself and people that are 2 inches taller than me (5cm). You will see no difference after 3cm. Do 4.5cm and wear your 3cm shoes. That will be noticeable.



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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2015, 01:50:31 PM »

I am about 171cm, I will also be doing about 4cm may even stick to as low as 3 and maintain my athletic abilities. Recently I came across Amir Khan's wiki, and was quiet surprised to know that he is mere 174. From then onwards 174 it is. IMO 3 cm makes a lot of difference especially going from 5.7 - 5.8 to 5.9. I am hoping to get LL done by Dec 2016 at the latest


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2015, 02:11:36 PM »

Interesting thread, I'm currently deciding wether to do 4 cm or skip the surgery altogether, I don't believe this is worth it for only a 3 cm gain although I am 3 cm below average so it is tempting.

Quotes like these:

You are taking a huge risk with your health, so always keep that in mind. I went in understanding that I may never fully return to my pre-LL form athletically. But, now that I am in the process of recovery, this fact has hit me quite hard. I was extremely athletic before LL and I really really miss the aspect of out-sprinting people, going all out in the gym, etc. I feel like one part of my identity is currently gone and that may be the reason that I feel down at times.

I´ve talked to an oerthopeadic who works with the precise 2 and he told me that he can´t imagine anyone going back to 100% after an amount like 2-3cm´s!

Really makes me question if it is worth it at all.

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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2015, 03:41:46 PM »

I’m a bit confused here. If no one can recover from 2-3cm than what can we say about those going over 5cm? I believe it’s up to each individual’s body.
The shorter you are the more valuable those 3cm are…they are definitely important for someone around 168-173.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2015, 03:42:02 PM »

I am about 171cm, I will also be doing about 4cm may even stick to as low as 3 and maintain my athletic abilities. Recently I came across Amir Khan's wiki, and was quiet surprised to know that he is mere 174. From then onwards 174 it is. IMO 3 cm makes a lot of difference especially going from 5.7 - 5.8 to 5.9. I am hoping to get LL done by Dec 2016 at the latest

Get a ruler and actually stare 3cm in the face.. Is breaking your legs, paying upwards of $50000, having a recovery time of several months.. AND still risking your athletic abilities worth it? People who break their bones due to real life accidents (with no lengthening) still lose athletic abilities sometimes. You don't know how your body is going to react. I don't mean to sound rude or nasty, but it seems a bit narrow minded. Especially if you get out a ruler and look at 3cm face to face.

Going from 5"7 (171cm) to 5"8 (174cm) is literally a little over an inch... One inch does not make jack s**t of a difference.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2015, 03:46:27 PM »

I’m a bit confused here. If no one can recover from 2-3cm than what can we say about those going over 5cm? I believe it’s up to each individual’s body.
The shorter you are the more valuable those 3cm are…they are definitely important for someone around 168-173.

Realistically you will recover just fine. Better than anyone that does 5cm or over ever could.... I'm 168. My gf is 173. I have a friend that is 173. It is barely noticeable. And that's 2 inches! You guys are talking about an inch. You yourself won't even notice a difference. It's just a number. In real life, 1 inch is insignificant. 2 inches is barely noticeable. 3 inches and higher is where it becomes truely noticeable.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 05:23:14 PM by Deads »


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2015, 08:18:51 PM »

Realistically you will recover just fine. Better than anyone that does 5cm or over ever could.... I'm 168. My gf is 173. I have a friend that is 173. It is barely noticeable. And that's 2 inches! You guys are talking about an inch. You yourself won't even notice a difference. It's just a number. In real life, 1 inch is insignificant. 2 inches is barely noticeable. 3 inches and higher is where it becomes truely noticeable.

I saw on your thread about wanting to be 5'10 that you were planning on doing 4.5cm tibia and 5.5cm femur?


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2015, 09:57:16 PM »

Yeah :)


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2015, 10:02:45 PM »

Yeah :)

5'10 is the shortest "average height" in my opinion, 185 is the tallest. That's for young people of european heritage.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2015, 10:15:12 PM »

Yeah :)

It seemed weird you are telling people that 5 cm is barely noticeable but are doing two surgeries that average that amount. I assumed the people
who said they were doing 3-4cm were doing 2 surgeries anyway so you guys were in a similar position.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2015, 10:53:48 PM »

It seemed weird you are telling people that 5 cm is barely noticeable but are doing two surgeries that average that amount. I assumed the people
who said they were doing 3-4cm were doing 2 surgeries anyway so you guys were in a similar position.

If they were doing 2 surgeries then that's completely different. This is one surgery @ 3cm. I was considering a total length of 10cm over 2 surgeries. 4 inches is definitely noticeable haha!

.. I'm from Australia Upperland. The low average is 5"9 (176cm) the high average is 5"10-5"11.. and anything 6 feet and above is considered being on the taller end of the scale.

I didn't mean to offend anyone giving my opinion (I might have been a tad too enthusiastic haha) I just think that some of the people on this thread are thinking of 3cm as just a number rather than a real life distance. If these guys want to go through all that physical and financial pain for 3cm then that's their business. I just think that it's pointless if you yourself wouldn't even notice a change. It would be like getting plastic surgery on your face and looking exactly the same. It's just plain silly IMO.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2015, 11:05:40 PM »

It seemed weird you are telling people that 5 cm is barely noticeable but are doing two surgeries that average that amount. I assumed the people
who said they were doing 3-4cm were doing 2 surgeries anyway so you guys were in a similar position.
No, the original poster said he only wanted 3 cm and then be done. Deads wants 10 cm. I agree with Deads to a point. One inch is barely noticeable. Any perceived difference at the point in probably all in the head. Nobody's going to treat you differently over one inch difference. Nobody will even notice. I know because I have one inch shoe lifts and nobody can tell when I wear them or don't. Now if it's two inches, that's when it starts becoming noticeable. That's the point in my LL when I really felt like things were different and my height neurosis disappeared. At 3 inches, it was the icing on the cake and what made me really happy about getting the surgery. At 3 inches, people will treat you differently.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2015, 11:18:12 PM »

If they were doing 2 surgeries then that's completely different. This is one surgery @ 3cm. I was considering a total length of 10cm over 2 surgeries. 4 inches is definitely noticeable haha!

.. I'm from Australia Upperland. The low average is 5"9 (176cm) the high average is 5"10-5"11.. and anything 6 feet and above is considered being on the taller end of the scale.

I didn't mean to offend anyone giving my opinion (I might have been a tad too enthusiastic haha) I just think that some of the people on this thread are thinking of 3cm as just a number rather than a real life distance. If these guys want to go through all that physical and financial pain for 3cm then that's their business. I just think that it's pointless if you yourself wouldn't even notice a change. It would be like getting plastic surgery on your face and looking exactly the same. It's just plain silly IMO.

3 cm is a joke. A really painful and financially devastating, long taking joke.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2015, 12:10:02 AM »

5'10 is the shortest "average height" in my opinion, 185 is the tallest. That's for young people of european heritage.
I agree. For the rest of the world it should be slightly tall to tall. So its not a bad height at all. You wont feel tall, but noone can call yu short either, well unless you pay a visit to North Europe.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2015, 12:30:59 AM »

I agree. For the rest of the world it should be slightly tall to tall. So its not a bad height at all. You wont feel tall, but noone can call yu short either, well unless you pay a visit to North Europe.

Unfortunately I happen to live in the infamous northern part of the european landmass. I would very much like to reach around average height (181) but I cannot decide if it is worth it.

What would you do if you were 3 cm below average?

My proportions can't handle much lengthening, I have a thin build with a short wingspan.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2015, 12:43:28 AM »

Unfortunately I happen to live in the infamous northern part of the european landmass. I would very much like to reach around average height (181) but I cannot decide if it is worth it.

What would you do if you were 3 cm below average?

My proportions can't handle much lengthening, I have a thin build with a short wingspan.

I would do 5 or 6cm in your position, Uppland. If you do less, the change won't feel very different from putting on boots. You don't recover worse at 6CM vs 4CM on femurs, especially starting at 5'10. Most doctors will even say you can make a full recovery at 7CM or less on femurs.

Anybody's proportions can handle 6CM or less on femurs. More than that looks odd on some people while others look normal after 8CM.

But is the pain and money and TIME worth it for 4CM? I personally don't think so. At 6CM, much more so. You'll even feel a bit tall at 184CM. Imagine how great that would be. At 184, you'd be as tall as your father if he wears flat shoes and you wear sneakers. The difference in recovery between 6CM and 4CM is a couple of month maximum, and the height gain stays with you for life.

If you only do 4CM, you might find yourself back bellow 180CM as you shrink later in life. If you do no LL, you may find yourself bellow 175CM when you're older.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2015, 12:53:23 AM »

Unfortunately I happen to live in the infamous northern part of the european landmass. I would very much like to reach around average height (181) but I cannot decide if it is worth it.

What would you do if you were 3 cm below average?

My proportions can't handle much lengthening, I have a thin build with a short wingspan.

Go for 4.5 cm. That would make you officially 6ft. And have you ever thought of moving South? France sounds like fun. Last time I talk to French ladies, they say men's ideal height should be 1m80 :D


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2015, 01:05:28 AM »

Unfortunately I happen to live in the infamous northern part of the european landmass. I would very much like to reach around average height (181) but I cannot decide if it is worth it.

What would you do if you were 3 cm below average?

My proportions can't handle much lengthening, I have a thin build with a short wingspan.

You are looking at 181 as a number or a 'title' to have. If you told someone that you were 181cm, they wouldn't know any different.. That 3cm is all in your head. You are anal about your proportions so I never see you being satisfied having a wingspan 8-9cm below your height if you were to lengthen 5cm.. Have you got mock-ups? Being taller, you are technically lengthening a smaller percentage of your overall body length. This may change how your wingspan is perceived.. I would check it out.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2015, 06:13:55 PM »

Yes Deads got the right idea, I mostly want to fit in and I do plan to move to another country.


Thank you but I would rather be 182-183 with good/acceptable proportions than 184 cm. I also don't believe that 6 cm is as safe as 4 but thank you nonetheless.

I will have to decide if it is worth it to gain 4 cm.


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Re: Sorry brain picking again!! FOR VETS!
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2015, 07:09:36 PM »

Hey Soopz,

You will never be 100% due to the stretching of muscles/tendons and the altered biomechanics of your lower limbs.

Food for thought: There have been cases of fatty embolism from bilateral femurs that have caused death to the patients. I know you are looking to do a few cm on tibias, but you could possibly my friend.

3cm is a high risk low reward kind of goal IMO.
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