I had my bilateral surgery It was fine surgery last about 4 hours.
All was OK, doctor Monegal told me that my left tibia was more curly. Every patient and every surgery is unique.
I took the epidural anesthesia for 2 or 3 days, level of pain was about 3/10. I was tired to stay on the bed, and after one hour I needed to change my position.
After of the surgery, I can move my toes and I had more feeling in the feet than with femurs, till this point one stage/two stages is very similar when you don't need to move from your bed. Before surgery I was frightened about the catheter in my penis, they put me when I was dreamed, and it was easy to manage the first days,
In the surgery room, Dr Monegal was accompanied by Dr Donghoon Lee from Korea that he uses to use Precise, but he wants to know the technique of Dr Monegal in the tibia to introduce the nail without hurt tendons. Besides, there were a French doctor and a woman, I didn´t remember their names.
So I think this forum is to share experience, and doctors try to do the best for their patients, someone prefers Precise or Fitbone, but they interchange their knowledge for the best outcome of the patients.