No jfk, you don't understand...
Even for an inch, tibias are just a lot harder with a longer recovery than femurs. Dr. Guichet himself has advised me against doing tibias because my femur recovery was slow-ish (he said he always does femurs first to get a sense of how tibias will go for each patient), although another surgeon told me that was probably because rotary nails aren't the best for recovery and negatively impact blood flow to femurs. The thing is, everything Dr. G has told me so far has come true, so I really got scared when he advised against doing femurs. I trust him.
If I were to do a femur re-break, it would cost significantly less than what I just did, and about on par with what you listed as the cost for LON. And I can't do LON, because even with an inch, it'll take too long to consolidate. I'd have to suck it up and do an internal method for tibias (with the surgeon I want for tibias, it's gonna cost around 35-40K euros). Femurs would be super fast too, which I like. But f*cking God damned proportions...
Yes I have an office job, but having a gap in your resume really isn't kosher in this day and age, and I don't want to end up taking a pay cut in order to do this (when you have no job, getting a job and negotiating a good salary is much, much harder. I don't want to be put in that position).
I don't even know if I have it in me to do tibias. They scare me, and they just are gonna take longer. I have a bad feeling about doing tibias, even only an inch terrifies me. But I've been in contact with Dr. G (who is still against tibias for me, but insists I can do another inch and not completely ruin my proportions) and the other surgeon as to the future for me.