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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2015, 01:15:11 PM »

Hey Devildog, same boat here buddy.

If LL was not a possibility, I would've had to learn to overcome shortness. However, knowing there is something I can do about it about it and never following through would leave me in deep regret.

5'4/163cm puts us in the bottom 5% in US. One LL trip to 170cm brings you to Leo Messi status. In my opinion, that is an additional billion women in the dating pool.

Why must you be Messi? Mathieu Valbuena and Ludovic Giuly are the same height as you


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2015, 03:57:13 PM »

The funny thing is that I sort of did better with women before LL when I was 166. I mean, my online dating profiles got more interest post LL (I'm an honest 5'8"/173 at night, but I say 5'9"/175cm online)...but this surgery majorly f*cks with your brain. Doing the impossible and getting kind of makes those of us who are perfectionists even worse. And as a result, I'm just not into dating. I have girls chasing me and girls who want to date me, but unless I'm REALLY excited about them (they are at least a solid 7 and have a good personality to go with it - very rare combination), I just can't really be bothered (aside from hookups) lately. 

The only other cosmetic things I've done in my life were to get Invisalign (and that was when I had a steady gf, I just wanted perfect teeth), whiten my teeth, and (when I was very young) had a few moles removed.

Height gain is very addictive, and it's resulted in me feeling like I can't really live my life until I finish my second LL. I'm working on this in therapy and I am trying to live my life as normally as I can...but I am telling you, at least in my experience, it can majorly f*ck with your brain (not to mention hearing others talk sh*t about men who are the height that you used to be - you want to punch them, but you really can't, and you also can't blame them because they didn't know).



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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2015, 04:35:20 PM »

yellowspike.    i have hard understanding what you write because it is english. but i like what you say.

may i know where you from? why you want another ll if you are 173

i want ll to have confident.   people here  175cm and above in shandong

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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2015, 07:20:44 PM »

" Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening ?" Very good question. To be honest with you i realy don't need this. . But i realy hate when somebody call me short,right now i am 180cm tall. I hate this height becuse i live in one of tallest country. That 5cm will not change my life lot of,but i realy don't wanna to be called short not even one more time in my life. I realy have wonderfull live,lot of friends,lot of girls,good body,nice face,parrent rich for this area, i am good student. And there is lot of 183-187cm  guys who call me short,and i live for that day when i will stand next to them and be the same height like they or even taller than them,
I need only 5cm.

Devildog 0331

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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2015, 11:13:55 PM »

Hey Devildog, same boat here buddy.

If LL was not a possibility, I would've had to learn to overcome shortness. However, knowing there is something I can do about it about it and never following through would leave me in deep regret.

5'4/163cm puts us in the bottom 5% in US. One LL trip to 170cm brings you to Leo Messi status. In my opinion, that is an additional billion women in the dating pool.


Couldn't agree more you definitely feel my pain at 5' 4". Another reason is I would want to ride a motocycle and actually have my feet stable on the floor when stopped. Instead when I have tried I'm all wobbly.

Is it me or do you feel people around you are just slightly taller than you especially girls. Most times I feel as if I were 5' 6" I'll be able to blend in with the crowd and not stand out of being the shortest in the room. Of course I would be wearing 1.5" lifts making me slightly over 5' 7".

LL will solve an enormous percentage of my problems.


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2015, 09:41:41 AM »

" Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening ?" Very good question. To be honest with you i realy don't need this. . But i realy hate when somebody call me short,right now i am 180cm tall. I hate this height becuse i live in one of tallest country. That 5cm will not change my life lot of,but i realy don't wanna to be called short not even one more time in my life. I realy have wonderfull live,lot of friends,lot of girls,good body,nice face,parrent rich for this area, i am good student. And there is lot of 183-187cm  guys who call me short,and i live for that day when i will stand next to them and be the same height like they or even taller than them,
Here's the trick: Don't let those people who call you short control your life. Have a thicker skin. I had the opposite life as you growing up: I came from a poor family, had little friends, no girls really liked me, was less than 170 cm, and was Asian in a mostly white part of the U.S.

So as you can imagine, I was a walking target for bullies. They threw everything at me from insults, fists, kicks, and pranks. And I knew that nothing I could do would change the fact that I was short and asian. And I thought that I'd be poor forever. So, went down a dangerous path of self-loathing. I hated myself for what I was born with. I hated my parents for giving me this life and these bad genetics. I see many of you younger folks in this same life phase. I can tell you that it gets better.

As I grew older, I stopped caring less about what others thought of me, and focused more rebuilding what I could about myself. I've built up a very, very thick skin. And the way I did it was that my life was better than all those bullies' lives. They could call me short, but I had a higher income than them. They could make fun of me for being asian, but I had a better girlfriend. So nothing they make fun of me for really bothers me anymore. And it's come to the point where when people make fun of me, I pity them for not having a good enough life to stop being an  .

I wish I was 180 cm. But as someone who has been through LL, I can tell you that it's not worth it to get LL just to appease others. It's not worth it because you let them get under your skin. You let them win. You threw away money and flexibility and 6 months of your life just to get back at these people? No, they won't think you beat them. They'll pity you for being a fool.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience

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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2015, 04:43:12 PM »

Here's the trick: Don't let those people who call you short control your life. Have a thicker skin. I had the opposite life as you growing up: I came from a poor family, had little friends, no girls really liked me, was less than 170 cm, and was Asian in a mostly white part of the U.S.

So as you can imagine, I was a walking target for bullies. They threw everything at me from insults, fists, kicks, and pranks. And I knew that nothing I could do would change the fact that I was short and asian. And I thought that I'd be poor forever. So, went down a dangerous path of self-loathing. I hated myself for what I was born with. I hated my parents for giving me this life and these bad genetics. I see many of you younger folks in this same life phase. I can tell you that it gets better.

As I grew older, I stopped caring less about what others thought of me, and focused more rebuilding what I could about myself. I've built up a very, very thick skin. And the way I did it was that my life was better than all those bullies' lives. They could call me short, but I had a higher income than them. They could make fun of me for being asian, but I had a better girlfriend. So nothing they make fun of me for really bothers me anymore. And it's come to the point where when people make fun of me, I pity them for not having a good enough life to stop being an ahole.

I wish I was 180 cm. But as someone who has been through LL, I can tell you that it's not worth it to get LL just to appease others. It's not worth it because you let them get under your skin. You let them win. You threw away money and flexibility and 6 months of your life just to get back at these people? No, they won't think you beat them. They'll pity you for being a fool.
Maybe i overreacted with my words. Mean i am not doing that becuse of others. Right now my life is realy perfect(not mean literally),have girls,friends,enough money for good life,healty,knowledge. The only thing where i am litle under average is my height. But now i am student and i don't have enough money for surgery. So if had money right now, i will for sure sacrificed that 5-8months of my life to get that 5-6cm and never think about my height.
Life inflicts tasks,and after every solved task we feel better. Almost everyone after this surgery become satisfied. So i think that and i will be :)
I need only 5cm.


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2015, 02:48:35 AM »

That's a better reason. I was in the same position as you. Everything else in my life is above average except for my height. It was like a stain on clean bed sheet. But I can't imagine feeling that way at 180 cm. Wow. You put some really high standards for yourself. No judgement from me, though, since I put high standards for myself as well.

But do you ever wonder if your situation is like this: When I was younger, I wish I had a million dollars. I said that if I had a million dollars, I'd be happy with my life and never think about money again. Fast forward to when I made my first million dollars. I buy a house and suddenly I'm back to having no money left. Now I say to myself, if only I had $10 million, I'd be happy with my life and never think about money again. Fast forward to when I made $10 million. Now I can afford almost whatever I want. But I still want more. Now I wish I had $100 million and I wish I were taller. But after this surgery and going through all of this pain and wasted time, I realized one thing: I'm never going to be fully satisfied if I just keep moving the goal line further away. I wish I were back to being poor again and being just happy with $1 million. Now if I make a $1 million, I don't really feel the same type of happiness that I first felt.

I mean, yes, I want to get taller and be richer. But after actually going through with the surgery, I rather have an extra half year of my life back than to go through another surgery. It's not just a half year of your last years, where you won't be doing much anyway. It's a half year of your limited prime years, where you could be doing so many young people stuff. Young people stuff that require working legs. For example, I used to play sports a lot and go snowboarding. I can't imagine doing that kind of stuff for years. I can probably do it after a year, but I wouldn't be as good as I used to be. And I probably will not enjoy it as much because I'm not as good as I used to be.

This surgery was positive for me in a different way besides fixing my height neurosis. It made me not take my athletic legs for granted. It made me not take my youth for granted. It made me not take my time for granted. If you want to simulate what it's like, then try not doing any athletic stuff or jumping or working out or sports or certain sex positions (almost anything requiring use of your legs) for half a year. See if you think it's worth it to not be able to do all those things.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2015, 04:15:46 AM »

Hey DoingItForMe,

Just read what you wrote about feeling constantly unsatisfied after attaining each level of wealth and it really struck a chord with me. I used to always chase money because I needed to feel "worthy," but I would always feel such profound un-fulfillment when I reached each milestone. It was like being a drug addict, always trying to chase that very first virgin high.

Until I read this one book that changed my life. Maybe it can help you, too.

It's called "The Pursuit of Perfect: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Start Living a Richer, Happier Life" by Tal Ben-Shahar, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone that has the same problem. It totally changed how I saw the world, and more importantly, myself. I had the honor of sitting in on some of Tal Ben-Shahar's lectures a while ago, and they were absolutely phenomenal.

The book really goes in depth about perfection and optimism, but my own personal takeaway summary would be something like this: "Happiness doesn't come from getting to the destination; happiness is in the present and you experience it by growing and chasing your goals."

Nowadays, maybe because I'm older and wiser, I'm more happier with myself and "being in the moment." The book IS NOT about discarding desires like some mythical zen master, quite the opposite, actually. It's more like how to maximize the benefit of having desires. If you read the first few posts of my LL diary here at the forum maybe you'll see what I mean. Anyway, I'm not doing the book justice, just go torrent it and read it.. I'm sure it can help.


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2015, 06:45:24 PM »

Being tall is not everything in life: there are family, job, hobbies, friends, etc...
And even with women I'm suspicious that questions about height are frequently overrated: every woman want a tall man, but here >180 cm is only 15-20 % of the male population, so they are not for all and probably it's enough to be average for dating.
By the way, height is not the only excuse or a woman to beak a dating with you: last month I dated a woman, she was quite attracted by me (even if I'm short) and we stayed fine together, but she didn't want to see me again not because of my height, but because of my AGE (she's 40, I'm 29). I cannot do anything: LL exists, time machines not  :( .


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2015, 08:23:35 PM »

Being tall is not everything in life: there are family, job, hobbies, friends, etc...
And even with women I'm suspicious that questions about height are frequently overrated: every woman want a tall man, but here >180 cm is only 15-20 % of the male population, so they are not for all and probably it's enough to be average for dating.
By the way, height is not the only excuse or a woman to beak a dating with you: last month I dated a woman, she was quite attracted by me (even if I'm short) and we stayed fine together, but she didn't want to see me again not because of my height, but because of my AGE (she's 40, I'm 29). I cannot do anything: LL exists, time machines not  :( .

Why did you date a 40 uear old woman if you are 29?


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2015, 08:26:36 PM »

Because she was a real MILF  ;D


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2015, 08:28:29 PM »

Why did you date a 40 uear old woman if you are 29?

Who wouldn't if she was a MILF  


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2015, 09:01:35 PM »



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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2015, 01:05:54 AM »

I mean, yes, I want to get taller and be richer. But after actually going through with the surgery, I rather have an extra half year of my life back than to go through another surgery. It's not just a half year of your last years, where you won't be doing much anyway. It's a half year of your limited prime years, where you could be doing so many young people stuff. Young people stuff that require working legs. For example, I used to play sports a lot and go snowboarding. I can't imagine doing that kind of stuff for years. I can probably do it after a year, but I wouldn't be as good as I used to be. And I probably will not enjoy it as much because I'm not as good as I used to be.

This surgery was positive for me in a different way besides fixing my height neurosis. It made me not take my athletic legs for granted. It made me not take my youth for granted. It made me not take my time for granted. If you want to simulate what it's like, then try not doing any athletic stuff or jumping or working out or sports or certain sex positions (almost anything requiring use of your legs) for half a year. See if you think it's worth it to not be able to do all those things.

100% this.  I couldn't agree more.  As much as you read about the mental and physical pain of LL, you can't really realize the cost of it all until you go through it.  Losing at least half of a year of my life (just lengthening and consolidation), plus who knows how long it will take me to walk normal again.  I had a pretty good social life before and the loss of it all since then and missing some important events with my friends and family that I wished I made.  Doing outdoorsy things and sports were a big part of my happiness and knowing that I most likely never be able to do those things at the same level because I intentionally crippled myself for a few inches of height.  The money is the last thing on my mind, but add in that plus all the forgone income during this process.  I still believe LL was necessary and will be worth it for me, even though I haven't realized much of the benefit yet.  I hope I can definitively say that it was worth it a few years from now, but man on some of my bad days like today the sacrifice has felt so enormous... and I appreciate how good I had it before LL and how hard the lives are of crippled people who didnt do it to themselves on purpose. 



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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2015, 08:44:12 AM »

Until I read this one book that changed my life. Maybe it can help you, too.
The book really goes in depth about perfection and optimism, but my own personal takeaway summary would be something like this: "Happiness doesn't come from getting to the destination; happiness is in the present and you experience it by growing and chasing your goals."
I've already been helped, due to this surgery. I stopped being unhappy with my net worth and height, and now think it's time to let it go and just be happy with what I have. I wrote what I wrote as a cautionary tale of the hedonic treadmill. The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. In other words, you could win the lottery, but you quickly adapt to being rich and then set a new level of what's standard and normal. That's how rich kids get spoiled. They're used to being rich and catered to. And I wrote about it because I was trying to point out that 180 cm isn't really that bad of a height. And the benefits of LL might be outweighed by the negatives at that point, because of the hedonic treadmill. I got off that treadmill after this surgery, because I realize now how crazy and obsessed I've become with reaching perfection by paying 100k, missing important events in my life, missing opportunities, and losing 6 months of my life. No more running on this treadmill for me. I'm going to start enjoying life more and caring less about being a 6' billionaire. I'll settle for 5'9" $100 millionaire. I doubt that a 6' billionaire's life is that much better or happier than a 5'9" $100 millionaire's life. And it could possibly be worse if that billionaire had to sacrifice years of his life to work and disability to get to that level.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2015, 03:38:44 PM »

I've already been helped, due to this surgery. I stopped being unhappy with my net worth and height, and now think it's time to let it go and just be happy with what I have. I wrote what I wrote as a cautionary tale of the hedonic treadmill. The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. In other words, you could win the lottery, but you quickly adapt to being rich and then set a new level of what's standard and normal. That's how rich kids get spoiled. They're used to being rich and catered to. And I wrote about it because I was trying to point out that 180 cm isn't really that bad of a height. And the benefits of LL might be outweighed by the negatives at that point, because of the hedonic treadmill. I got off that treadmill after this surgery, because I realize now how crazy and obsessed I've become with reaching perfection by paying 100k, missing important events in my life, missing opportunities, and losing 6 months of my life. No more running on this treadmill for me. I'm going to start enjoying life more and caring less about being a 6' billionaire. I'll settle for 5'9" $100 millionaire. I doubt that a 6' billionaire's life is that much better or happier than a 5'9" $100 millionaire's life. And it could possibly be worse if that billionaire had to sacrifice years of his life to work and disability to get to that level.

Why not just remain 5'6"?


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #48 on: December 15, 2015, 05:47:02 PM »

Why not just remain 5'6"?

Dude? He clearly wasn't happy with his height. Same as you.


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Re: Really ask yourself why you are getting Leg Lengthening
« Reply #49 on: December 15, 2015, 05:49:29 PM »

Its 1.34AM right now in the South East of England. Just a little passage about leg lengthening and it's effect on clubbing/picking up women.

Listen very ... very ... very carefully. Leg lengthening will not solve this problem for you .. on its own. In order to be successful at picking up women, height is easily the lowest factor that is taken into consideration. That may seem like a stupid thing to say, but trust me it wont solve your problems. In order to attractive women you need to be 4 things:

1) Attractive
2) Confident
3) Secure with yourself
4) Funny

Height does help here ... if you are tall then congratulations, you have another factor to add, but it is not the only thing that will ensure that you 'get laid'. I'm 5/7", my first girlfriend at 19 could have chosen any other taller guy, however chose me because I was everything that she needed in a companion. Then I went out to Ayia Napa and again, was it my taller 6/3" friend or my other 6/5" friend that got laid? Nope, it was me. Because I said to myself "you may be on the shorter side, but if you can talk yourself into a girl's head and give her a good night .. then everything else will fall into place" .. sure enough I grew some balls and had a 'great time'  ;).

So where does height help you then ? Well, there are some women that genuinely will not go for guys under 6 foot because that is their preference. Is this an insult to you .. nope ... just like you might not go for plus-sized women or women of a certain hair colour. Height has absolutely nothing .. and I mean NOTHING to do with the 'quality' of woman that you can pick up. Height however, does limit the pool of women that you can approach. If you are 5 foot 6 and the woman is 5 foot 8 (tall for a woman) ... then most likely she wont go for you, just because it is awkward to be the taller person as the woman. However, even then ... women do date shorter guys. If you are doing leg lengthening only to date a higher caliber woman .. then forget it (trust me .. i'm currently dating an underwear model). I know I sound self obsessed .. but just trust me, being tall will only mean you can approach more woman (taller women) .. but some of the best looking most desired girls are 5/4" or shorter. If you are 5/"5 or above then you have just as much chance as somebody who is 6/3".

I know this is difficult for some of you to realize .. but honestly, I have stolen girls from taller guys in a club .. just because I can generally play the social game to a greater magnitude. In fact only the other day, I didnt have to do anything .. The blonde in a group of girls beckoned me over, I went over and she said that her friend found me really hot. I laughed and teased her friend a bit .. but then returned to my friends (didnt want to seem needy -- playing the game). Sure enough, 5 minutes later .. she walked up to me and we started making out. Now, am I a 6/3" fkboy who has had girls on him since he was 14 .. nope. I just went to the gym for 3 years, got lucky with some facial genetics (i'm not particularly good looking but not too bad) and learnt how to talk to women/get their gears turning.

Trust me when I say, if you are tall you may be deemed by society as a more attractive person .. but an ugly tall bloke wont get nearly as much as a short, good looking, well-dressed dude. Who would a woman rather date, an ugly, neck-bearded, unemployed, greasy (but tall) basement-dweller ... or a funny, well-groomed, attractive, fun-loving (but short) hedgefund manager. Easy answer here.

Hopefully I have helped some you to look at the dating/primal-driven event of pulling woman .. in a different way. Even if you are 5/3" then get some smart heeled shoes on, dress to look tall, work with your features and stand tall ! I may not be a pulling demon .. but I am fully aware (through experience) of what it takes to get places with women.

So why do I want to do LL?
I think being 6 foot would be awesome. With 15cm of lengthening i'd be 6.08 feet and be able to experience life from a whole new perspective (looking over people ect), I could also give modelling a shot :).

p.s ^ that is a complete lie, I just want to be able to reach the packet of sweets my mum hid on top of the cupboards 5 years ago ;)

Couldn't have stated the whole 'women and height' subject any better... But completely understand why guys around the 5"2-5"3 height would want to get taller and increase their dating pool.
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