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Author Topic: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?  (Read 11146 times)

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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2015, 05:36:03 AM »

In general, I never regret anything I do, because I always take a lot of time to think about what I'm doing and make my best decision at the time. So whatever decisions I go with, I back myself up and just keep going with it. I don't second guess myself after the decision has been made. I wouldn't be as successful/happy as I am today if I did second guess myself each time.

But it doesn't mean that I don't have moments when I think, "Man, I wish I could walk again." There are many things I can't do because I'm confined to a wheelchair. My long term girlfriend broke up with me during my lengthening. I think she lost a lot of respect for me for doing the surgery. I also was a bit crazy when I was loaded with Oxycodone, so I don't blame her. But I knew the trade off. I had to do what I had to do to make myself happy. And being short was the only thing making me unhappy at the time

I'm also still slightly worried that I'm going to have these minor muscle aches in my thighs forever. Though, Dr. Paley told me that they'd go away. If I take tynelol, they go away, so it's not that big of a deal.

Generally speaking, everything "negative" about my surgery will be fixed over time. When I can walk again, and there's no permanent pain, then I'd say with 100% confidence that I had no regrets.

At 5' 6" how did you feel towards your height?
I felt short, for sure. But I was still taller than half the female population. I had no trouble in the dating world, and as a millionaire, a lot of people respected me. So I must say that my height never held me back from anything. I never felt deprived of a great life. Many people wish that they had my life. Yes, there were a few girls in my earlier days who rejected me based on my height. I know this because I'd ask them why they rejected me even though I had so much going on for me. When they say it's my height, it shows me that they are too shallow, and then I move on. It was no big deal. I ended up dating much better girls than those who rejected me anyway, so it's not like I was held back by my height.

Did you ever find yourself just looking around and counting how many people were actually shorter than you which I assume not many.
Yea. I do that at my new height now, too. I'm pretty sure that I have height neurosis, which is why I do this. It comes from many years and years of people making fun of me for my height or rejecting me for my height. It came to the point where I truly believed that I was unattractive for being short. And then I could never look at my own reflection in the mirror ever again, because I didn't find myself attractive. And that's when I knew I had to do something about it.

Do you honestly think I could be happy at 5' 6"?
Absolutely, yes! And even at 5'4", you could be happy. I wouldn't recommend LL unless the person is already happy with everything else in their life. LL is the last resort. It should be the last thing you do to improve yourself, because of how much trade off there is involved. There are many cheaper and healthier ways to improve yourself besides LL. You'd be much happier if you worked out more, traveled more, had more supportive friends, and became richer.

Did you ever wear lifts?
Of course. I recommend that people wear lifts for a while before deciding to do LL. Some people have this fantasy in their head where they think that people will like them if only they were taller. I say, prove it. Go wear 2 inch shoe lifts and prove it that your social life improved by a lot because of it. What I noticed is that not many people care. I realized that I was the only one who cared about my height. But I still wore lifts anyway. And I still wanted to be taller.

I live in New York and noticed most women are slightly taller than me by 1-2".
Maybe because they wear heels, and the average height of women is 5'4" - 5'5". The point is that you don't have to date every woman in NY. Just find someone compatible with your height. It's a bit harder, but it isn't as hard as LL. LL is rough. Rougher than finding a woman who's shorter than you. That's much easier to do, when half the woman in America are shorter than you. Adding 2" to your height, probably means that maybe a few more women you meet will be shorter than you. But you have to ask yourself, are those few women really worth all that money and time? The answer is no. No woman is worth breaking your legs on purpose over.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2015, 05:43:45 PM »

Did you ever wear lifts?
Of course. I recommend that people wear lifts for a while before deciding to do LL. Some people have this fantasy in their head where they think that people will like them if only they were taller. I say, prove it. Go wear 2 inch shoe lifts and prove it that your social life improved by a lot because of it. What I noticed is that not many people care. I realized that I was the only one who cared about my height. But I still wore lifts anyway. And I still wanted to be taller.

but how can you wear lifts around people who have known you at your previous height? obviously they would know. they wouldn't treat you same either.


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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2015, 09:00:30 PM »

but how can you wear lifts around people who have known you at your previous height? obviously they would know. they wouldn't treat you same either.
In general, I only wore lifts when it was for a business meeting where I never met the people before. As a successful businessman, it's hard to go to meetings and looking like you're a teenager. It doesn't help that I look very young for my age.

I never wore lifts for my established friends, because I knew that they would notice the difference in height. And there wasn't any reason to do so. They became friends with me despite of my height. So it doesn't matter if I was short or taller.

As for dates, this was the hard part. If it was with someone I never met, I'd wear lifts to give a good first impression and to make sure that they won't reject me immediately without first giving me a chance. And then if I continue dating them, I would slowly wear lower and lower lifts to ease them into my shorter height. Eventually I'd have to get nked with them, so it's not like I could keep wearing the shoe lifts in bed. Some of them notice the height difference, but since I lower my lifts gradually and have no lifts by the time they realize, they can't really bust me for them. If they ask, just deny and say that certain shoes have different sole heights or that your height fluctuates throughout the day.

As for my situation, I went the reverse direction and ease them into my taller height. I started wearing higher and higher shoe lifts. It also helps if you don't see them everyday. If you wait long enough to see them, eventually, they won't remember your height. So prior to surgery, I was wearing 2" lifts for a long time and got everyone used to my new height. Now that I'm 3.1" taller, it's not that far of a jump from 2" taller. Eventually, I'm going to ease them into 1" lifts and maybe 2" lifts again. This way I can get to my ideal height of 5'11".

I actually bumped into someone recently who I haven't seen in years. She didn't say a thing about my height, even though I was 3" taller than before. She was shorter than me, so maybe in her mind, she just remembered me as being taller than her, but she didn't really remember by how much. That's when I realized that nobody really remembers exactly how tall you are. I'd say that the only people who will realize that you got taller are the people who used to be shorter or same height as you, and then you suddenly became taller than them.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2015, 11:35:12 PM »

Well since I'm still going through recovery, yea, I still think about my height everyday. It's still pretty new to me. The feeling is like, "Yay, I'm finally not that short anymore." And then followed by, "I can't wait to be able to walk again." I went through the same thing when I had Lasik. I was amazed that I could finally see clearly without glasses. And then after a while I got used to it. Same thing with when I became a millionaire. I was amazed that I pulled it off. And then after a while it became routine for me to make another million dollars. The way I view it is that you establish a new "normal", and then you stop thinking about the change. All I know is that I'm really happy that I don't have to think about being short anymore. That kind of negative thinking really plagued me for the past decade of my life.

What do you do, how did you become a millionaire?

I'm going into finance and one thing that motivates me is the money, I want to pay my parentes back after they fund this surgery.


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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #35 on: November 07, 2015, 12:17:19 AM »

Yeah, financing is a bitch. Trying to figure that out now. It's hard to put a price tag on happiness though. If I knew there would be no hiccups in the process, I would do it in a heart beat today. 6 months to a year worth of pain is way more preferable than a whole lifetime of not feeing comfortable or confident in my own body. It's hard to express, but I genuinly feel like I was meant to be taller. Does anyone else feel that way? Like I am handsome, but not the most handsome dude, I'm decently smart, and I'm pretty funny. There is literally nothing else I would want to change about myself, (some of my other flaws I've even grown to love). But my height, it just feels like something went wrong. Like I was supposed to be 6 ft but something happen. Anyone else feel this way. As well, after your surgery, did you guys feel more like "yourself," if that makes any sense?


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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2015, 08:16:05 AM »

I'm a successful app developer. You can read more about it in the first few posts on my diary/LL experience on this website.

Yeah, financing is a bitch. Trying to figure that out now. It's hard to put a price tag on happiness though. If I knew there would be no hiccups in the process, I would do it in a heart beat today. 6 months to a year worth of pain is way more preferable than a whole lifetime of not feeing comfortable or confident in my own body. It's hard to express, but I genuinly feel like I was meant to be taller. Does anyone else feel that way? Like I am handsome, but not the most handsome dude, I'm decently smart, and I'm pretty funny. There is literally nothing else I would want to change about myself, (some of my other flaws I've even grown to love). But my height, it just feels like something went wrong. Like I was supposed to be 6 ft but something happen. Anyone else feel this way. As well, after your surgery, did you guys feel more like "yourself," if that makes any sense?

Yea. I felt the same way. Especially since my family members were taller than me. My wingspan was 2" longer than my height. My legs look disproportionately shorter than my torso and my head. I confirmed this when I stood next to my gf at the time who was the same height as me, and her head/torso was shorter than mine, but her legs were longer than mine. So I had somehow grew up with shorter legs. Now that I have longer legs, I look more "normal".

However, I think feeling like you're supposed to be taller just means that you're a confident person. For example, you can feel like you're worth a million bucks, but it doesn't actually mean that you should be worth a million bucks. That's called confidence.

My confidence level was always very high. After surgery, I do think that my height reflects my confidence a bit more. That is because my confidence allowed me to ignore my height when I was with people. I just pretended that I was normal height. I never talk about my height with other people as if it was worth mentioning. So now that I'm at an average height, my height and confidence line up. I also feel slightly more confident now, because back then, it was still somewhat in the back of my mind that I knew that I was lying to myself thinking that I am normal height and that nobody notices my height. Now I don't have to worry about that anymore.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #37 on: November 11, 2015, 12:19:58 AM »

How did family react?


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Re: How Long did it take you to make up your mind?
« Reply #38 on: November 22, 2015, 02:35:00 AM »

How did family react?
They were against me doing LL when I first brought it up 2-3 years ago. After I told them that I made up my mind and after reassuring them that I picked a very safe doctor who has a very great record, they were more supportive. When I finally saw them again, they were shorter than me. I became the tallest one in the family. One of them called me brave. The rest were just very supportive and helped me get around and helped me move things. They were less concerned about my height, and more concerned about my well being, physically and mentally. Once they saw how happy I was to be finally average and not short, they were singing a different tune compared to 3 years ago when they were very very vocally against it. I think I'm the only one in my family who cares that much about height. The rest of the family just seems to accept it. But then again, they weren't as short as I was to begin with, so maybe they didn't face the same mental issues as someone who's always the shortest guy in the room.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience
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