I haven't heard of that specifically, but I know that you can borrow a lot with a little if you just want to gamble and potentially lose everything/owe even more from a small fluctuation in price. The amount I'm talking about allows for a conservative LVR which would ride out a market correction, and hopefully a crash.
Oh I see. You haven't heard of that specifically so you have no idea what you are talking about but yet you are suddenly an expert saying that it's a gamble that "you could possibly lose everything/owe even more with a small fluctuation in price"?? And of course, your method is better and would ride out a market correction just like magic!
Actually playing with cfd are safer and more stable since this market is open 24h so if something happens overnite your stop loss will actually work and protect your positions. As per the stock market, if there is a market correction or a crash overnite there is nothing you can do since when it opens at 9h30, it will be already well below your stop sale so you are screwed, there lies the real danger but hey! what do I know since you're the expert!
You should stop suggesting people to borrow money for the market. You NEVER do that unless you really know what you are doing and you have a positive track record either real or on a sim platform.