Hey, I'm considering LL in February and am having doubts on this potentially life changing decision. I would really like to hear from LL patients about the before & after effects. I know LL is not for everyone, maybe it's not for me. This is why I am looking to gauge the risk and reward of it all.
Questions: What benefits are you experiencing? What are the negatives and regrets? Overall, is it worth all the pain and money?
Can being taller change my psychological mindset in these areas
- Self confidence
- Social and working life?
About me:
Height: Around 5ft10.. I don't feel short 90% of time unless I meet tall people that are 6ft1 and above. It's because of this 5ft10 height that I do question myself, should I do LL or it's not worth it.
Age: Late 20s
Health: Out of shape
How Much LL: 7-8cm
Goal: Get taller and then workout at the gym to be really fit. I know it's contradicting if I say this....I want to get into the best shape of my life after LL.
Why LL: To be more confidence, feel better about myself. I hope being taller change how people see me and how I see myself.
Why not do LL: I'm already in my late 20s and unfit. How can I get in best shape after LL? I'm 5ft9, it's not a necessity but added luxury.
I also ask a member here who did LL and he was very cautious about it.
"The relation between risk and reward with LL is too bad. I know many people who had serious complications and regret having done LL. You have to be aware that LL is a gamble and the odds in your favor are not big enough to forget about possible negative outcomes. And the negative effects can be irreversible, not only temporary. Would you really be willing to gamble with your health There are many things which can go wrong. There can be dangerous bone infections, compartment syndrom, fractures, loss of function, nerve damage, necrosis, joint damage, arthritis, non-union,etc. Why risk this? being taller is a dream and many people are making money by selling dreams. The reality of LL is much different. Everybody wants to be the same as before after LL ,only taller. It might be possible to recover fully, but nobody can give you a guaranty."