I did LASEK, and I used to have astigmatism and be near sighted. The procedure is very fast, the put some clams around your eyes so they wont close, pour some anesthesia into the eyes and then you look at a green laser dot pointing at your eye, one at a time. It turns red for like 15 seks while you can smell something burnt.
After both eyes are done they put the patch lenses into your eyes and at this point you will be very sensitive to sunlight, so they give you sunglasses. After almost a week you can remove the lenses and the sensitivity should slowly be going away and your sight should already be close to perfect, but it might take a few days longer.
The only negative thing i experienced with this procedure was a lot of pain in my eyes as the patch lenses scuffed against my eyes (this doesnt seem to happen to everybody, i think i might have gotten to small patch lenses or something)
But i stayed strong for 5 days because when i was sleeping and had my eyes closed the pain wasnt so bad. when i got the lenses removed the pain went away instantly and when i went back to the clinic they told me i had no damage on the eyes and that they where healed properly. They said pain was unusual and where sorry for the experience that i had. I should have called them earlier about it but i thought it was part of the procedure to feel some pain at the time.