I’m not saying you feel short or said you feel short, I’m implying that PEOPLE LIE, and as far as 28 goes, I said he thinks growth is possible as late as 28, which is a lie. If it wasn’t, you would see million dollar athletes growing every year in height. Do you honesty believe that we have access to better doctors, medicine, and information than people who get paid more than we’ll ever see in our lifetime in a year?
As well as another bull statement of not having sex on anabolic steroids. It’s clear as fk you arent 28, or have ever done steroids in your life. You want to fk EVERYTHING, does his golden advice mean you’ll spend half the day jacking off in the corner? Can you not jack off neither? I’ve done steroids over 10 years, it’s broken my natural testosterone and I’m stuck using synthetic testosterone probably the rest of my life. Which is why I try to heed the direction that young idiots go, and the mistakes they will definitely make. Because I was a 20 year old young idiot that didn’t read and relied on bro-science like everyone in this thread. Now I require an injection every week for the rest of my life. No clomid or nolva or pct or anything will fix me, I’m fcked.