I very very highly recommend not telling people about the procedure. While the person you tell may be cool with the fact that you did LL, that person might tell someone else you know about it and that other person might not be cool with it. Almost in every diary where people told others, they later regret it when it comes biting them in the ass. Personally, I had friends who were really against LL when I told them about the surgery before I got it. And upon my research on LL, I found other non-LL forums where almost everyone was ridiculing a patient who did LL. I think people's true opinions come out when they can hide behind an internet username. Ever since then, I knew that not everyone is cool with cosmetic surgery. Since you don't know their reactions, it's best not to tell them about the surgery.
It's possible that the people you told just happen to be the few who are cool with it. But it's also possible that they just didn't tell how they really felt about it to your face, since you're in a wheelchair. There's still a stigma around cosmetic surgery. Just pick up any tabloid and you'd see how much they criticize celebs for getting plastic surgery.
But then again, it's your choice. Just don't say that nobody warned you.