I want to share my experience and method of how i stayed free of infection while i was in my monolateral frames on femurs for six and a half months.
I was really scared of bone infection although its very rare that i took great care of them.
1. I clean all the pins with sterile liquid ONCE a DAY. Sometimes i just used recently boiled water. I start by cleaning from the pin sites to up and away from them. Then i clean the skin around the wounds.
2. After all the wounds and pins are cleaned i put betadine cream on the wounds. The cream not only helps fight infection, it also makes the skin around the pins moist and supple making it easier for u to do stretching exercises or to move around with less pain. I use the cream twice a day.
3. I have all my pin sites covered the whole time, changing the cover pads every 3 to 4 days.
4. Whenever i m about to eat or drink something, i make sure all my pins and the sites are covered up with a cloth or napkin.
5. Yet sometimes i tend to get sore pin wounds or inflammation from the pins cutting through the flesh from lenghtening. Its not somthing to worry. It always goes away after two or three days. I somestimes take Nucoxia to help with pain and inflammation..
6. I never touched my wounds or pin sites without gloves.
7. And the last thing ...even when the day came of having the frames removed.
I took a thorough clean bath especially the frames once more just before getting into the operation room. And i clean the pins and wounds with betatine liquod and leave it on.
It was tireing, yes. But its all worth it.