I'd gladly give up all my material possessions to be 6'7 over 5'1 as a male, if I had to choose between one of those two heights. But, I'm afraid I actually can't relate to you. The tallest I've ever been with absurd amounts of lifts is 6'2 (up from almost 180CM) and it was amazing. I do agree that bigger isn't better, but, in society's eyes, I think that it's safe to say that freakishly tall is still better than freakishly short.
Do you have any concrete plans for your shortening surgery? Who are you considering doing your surgery with? Which leg segment will you shorten?
yes, freakishly tall is better. I'd say 6'7 is about as desirable as 5'9.
Anyway, the reason I'm doing this is no longer be hassled about this 10 times a day! Also, my dating pool will be vastly bigger, I'll perfectly fit cars, trousers, plane seats, doorframes etc for the 50+ remaining years of my life.
I'm shortening both femurs and tibias, 5 cm femur, 4cm tibia. I'm going with Ilizarov clinic at this point. I investigated harley street, but it has come to a total of £30,000 .. and that is out of my range.
Do you know if ilizarov is good?