I wonder if the reason for some more complaining about betz is that He has Lot more patients than eg guichet.
Actually i See no real Problem with betz beside his damn recommendation to do 8cm.
This is what I see:
-many reports of broken or bent nails
-delayed consolidation due to unstable(wobbly nail)
-consolidation drastically improves once nail is replaced with titanium nail
-delayed consolidation leads to the nail having to carry the weight of the patient for a lot longer than expected
-encouraging longer lengthening increases the chances of complications, longer recovery times, longer physiotherapy
If your doctor wants to encourage you to lengthen more, then he should also share some of the costs of the complications. If this were the case, I'm sure he wouldn't be suggesting people to go beyond 8 cm. I'm sure there are patients that are thankful for doctors that let them do whatever they want and not interfere. What bothers a lot of us here is that some impulsive people are given a false sense of security and encouragement from a doctor, who is supposed to be an authority figure on the subject of LL.