Anyone even thinking of getting LL in foreign soil like Russia using old external methods please read the diaries of all external patients and compare them to internal patients. Most of these patients report severe complications along the way and then finally disappear. No one comes back and reports and shows a full recovery. It is obvious at this point. Just because multiple people call this out doesn't mean they are all one person.
Compare the Russian external diaries to successful precice diaries like Purushrottam, InFullStryde, MyEvolution, ShyShy, LAGrowin all fast recoveries, no complications along the way and good final result.
As California2 states,
saving money is the main reason why people get LL in Russia. Only after doing
cost benefit analysis, Russia may seem like a good option.
Again please read California2 diary and other diaries. There is also a member called Android on the board who has had quite sever complications: He only did 5cm lengthening and is in that position. I sure hope he gets back to normal and think he will. But is this long risky route something you want to take? (California2, is Android going through a "normal" process? )
That is why I recommended people to save up money and get LL. It is my opinion. For some, it might be ok to spend less money and recover slowly and
not surely for 1 of 2 years but for some that is not acceptable. You will also have to hide from people because of the frames for so long.
(California2, how does "interesting and extraordinary opinion" mean "you couldn't be more wrong" in Russian? Why are you trying to interpret what he wrote? Did he call you tell you this? Please explain how you made this interpretation.)
Again people please open diaries on California2 and other Russian external LLers and see if that is what you want to go through. Take a book and write down the complications each faced and how long they took to recover and how many posted satisfactory evidence of recovery. No one questions the contributions made by Russian surgeons to LL, but it is time the world moves on to newer and better methods of innovation and technology.