The reason I plan on doing LL is because I don't think I've ever grown. I'm 18 now and 5'3.
I remember being in 6th grade and being measured at 4'11. I remember being in 7th grade and being measured at 5'1 and then 8th grade at 5'2, freshman year 5'3, and that was it. But I hardly even remember growing then.
It's been awkward ever since then, every time I see extended family or friends from a long time ago. They're all expecting me to be much taller but I still look like I did when I was 13 lol. Meanwhile my friends have all outgrown me from me being on par with them at 5'2-5'3 in 8th
grade to them being 5'8-6' now.
I just can't believe it, I always thought I'd have my growth spurt at age 14-15 where boys grow 3+ inches per year and it never happened. I didn't get facial hair until I was 15, so I was excited. I spent such a long time waiting, always checking my height and measuring nyself and trying to come up with some evidence of growth sigh but I've always been fooling myself and I really have not grown AT ALL. Unless of course my big growth spurt was from 4'11 at age 12 to 5'2 at 14, then wtf is that?
I just feel like I've been cheated. I'm not taller than my dad, my parents are 5'6 and mom is 5'1. I should have at least been 5'4, 5'5 but nope 5'3. I think I got some genes from my grandpa who is fking like 4'11 or 4'10 because when you put it into perspective with him I look like I had a normal growth spurt when I see my friends and their grandparents. Except they're like 5-5 5'6 and they are all 5'10+.