May 10th to May 16th :
Physiotherapy is going on everyday. I am not walking from my last doctor visit. Doctor has asked me to walk as much as possible. But, unlike before, I am really not that confident or enthusiastic to walk. Nothing happened which can shatter my confidence, but slowly I stopped walking unless it is needed. I can walk, but I loose a lot of energy due to it and I feel helpless after that. So, I found ways to get things done with out walking, like using a chair to go around. So, practically I don’t find any need to walk. But sometimes I stand up for few minutes and weight bear. I know I should walk, in future I will try to walk more.
On May 11th I started experiencing severe pain at the outer side of left ankle-tibia joint. Physio Arvind was not able to recognize the reason for the pain. He was advising me to take painkillers. But, I was not willing to take them, as it will just numb the pain, and I will not get a chance to know the real reason for pain. If it was a pin site pain, I have no option but to take painkillers. But as it looks like a joint pain, I expect it to be resolved by physiotherapy. At least my physio should be able to identify the cause.
I did not take painkillers for 2 days, and hence did not get sleep for 2 nights. The pain level was not high, but it was recurring every few minutes. I just forget about pain when I was watching movies or doing something else. But, once I plan to sleep, my brain has nothing to think about, and my concentration goes towards the pain, and I will involuntarily move around my leg to reduce the pain, but that actually increases it, and once this happens, I loose sleep and I return to doing something else. This happened both the nights. I was taking short naps during day.
So, after 2 days of bearing pain, I figured out the reason for pain at that particular location. I am just lengthening my legs right now. My legs are still bowed. And left leg has 8 degree bend. By increasing the tibia length at an angle, I am actually changing the angle of tibia ankle joint and that is putting a lot of pressure on outer side of the ankle- tibia joint. I can feel the nerves are bulged, and lot of pain at that location. I am sure physiotherapy cannot fix this issue completely, only bowleg correction can.
Now I have 2 ways to deal with this issue. First is to stop lengthening, and talk to Dr. Dhawan and start bowleg correction immediately, and then later restart the lengthening. Second is to just take painkillers and follow the schedule, as after 10 more days, I have bowleg correction already scheduled.
I decided to go with second option, as rescheduling bowleg correction is a big task; I need to go to hospital and take new X-Rays, and Dr. Dhawan needs to check the new X-Rays and redo all the calculations. I figured I could just wait 10 more days, take painkillers, and do not put more weight on ankles. I am not walking much, so that is not a problem.
May 14th evening itzRammi came to visit me. It's always good to have a friend to talk to. I took a painkiller in the night and had a sound sleep.
May 15th, I reached 2 cm distraction on paper.
itzRammi will be with me till the weekend, so its fun. Also I just kept taking painkillers when ever needed.