@ LL candidates
First of all I apologize if the following consideration has been already written in the forum, but, given my relatively new membership, it's possible that I have not read it. So once again, I apologize.
Well, this time this consideration is not about biomechanics as the previous ones, but under a MERELY AESTHETIC POINT OF VIEW/VANITY, and it's the following one.
We start with 6 DATA:
1) we assume that, as many fk times it has been stated, the so called safe limit of lengthening per limb is 5CM;
2) a potential LLener will respect this limit;
3) this LLener can do only 1 surgery and has no problem of money;
4) this LLener doesn't know his/her crural index, so that he/she has two options: A) 5CM in tibiae; B) 5CM in femurs;
5) we assume anyway that this LLener is white Caucasic with a common crural index of about 0,80;
6) this LLener usually wears 3CM normal heels shoes + 1CM of lifts + 1CM of insole; and he/she still wants to wear this combination of shoes/lifts/insole after LL.
Which is the limb advisable to lengthen under a merely aesthetic point of view?
In every day life we are all always dressed + shoes, we go to work, school, pubs, clubs,...etc..., and you want more height because of comparison with the others in these social contexts. No man is an island wrote once someone. Of course if you live alone in a desert island you don't give a about height because there's no comparison. Someone said once: personality begins where comparison ends: is it useful to have a vacation in an island?

OPTION A: 5CM in tibiae + 5CM of (shoes/lifts/insole) generate a new tibia length, when dressed + shoes, that is 10CM more respect the original one.
10CM/0,80=12,5CM of visual lack in femurs.
So when dressed + shoes, under an aesthetic point of view this lack in femurs could be perceived.
OPTION B: 5CM in femurs + 5CM of (shoes/lifts/insole).
5CM×0,80=4CM that is the increase of tibia if you want to replicate the original crural index of 0,80.
So under a visual point of view it's like you have replicated it: 5CM femurs + 4CM tibia + consider that you're wearing 1CM of heels shoes instead of the combination.
Of course it would be safer to consider just 4CM as maximum amount per segment, but once again it's all relative: with your money/time/health you do the fk you want and you do not need to justify at all. This is just my humble opinion, always respect for the ones who decide to lengthen up to 9CM or 10CM in one segment.
So let's consider the conservative 4CM, but to add where? In femurs or in tibiae?
In ideal world you should allocate 4CM by following the original crural index, so: if X=tibia and Y=femur; we know that X+Y=4CM and X/Y=0,80...... X=1,78CM and Y=2,22CM.
So if you lengthen 4CM in femurs, it means your knee should be 1,78CM higher; on the other hand if you lengthen 4CM in tibiae your knee should be 2,22CM lower. That means that you'll be fine in both cases.