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Author Topic: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015  (Read 46878 times)

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Raisin Bran

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Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« on: April 26, 2015, 03:23:16 PM »

Hello everyone,

I am currently a patient of Dr. Betz. I am nearing the conclusion of my lengthening period, as my surgery was several months ago. Initially, I had wished to start this diary prior to my lengthening. However, work commitments and the initiation of a strict clicking/physio routine made starting a diary quite difficult. Lately, I have had more time to read through the LL forum, and I thought any input regarding my experiences as a recent patient of Dr. Betz in mid-2015 could prove invaluable to some people. Therefore, I will try to maintain and update this diary regularly, as I am near the completion of my process. Please feel free to respond to this diary with your inquiries and wish me luck with my lengthening.

- Raisin Bran



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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2015, 03:40:41 PM »

May I ask you some questions out of curiosity:
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Whats your gender?
Whats your intial height?
How much do you plan to lengthen?

Raisin Bran

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2015, 03:52:14 PM »

1) 22
2) West Coast, US
3) Male
4) 163 cm
5) 10.4cm, roughly 4 inches

Apologies for the lack of detail in my initial post, but I assumed I'd just supply answers to whatever people were interested in.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2015, 04:00:50 PM »

How is your experience so far with Dr. Betz? Did you run into any complications?


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2015, 04:13:26 PM »

Why did you chose to lengthen so much in only one surgery, what does Dr. betz have to say about amount lengthened?

Is it generally safe to lengthen beyond 8CM?


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 05:09:16 PM »

How do you feel about your body proportions (torso to leg ratio, arm to leg ratio, femur to tibia ratio etc) after lengthening such a large amount?


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 09:01:39 PM »

Another Exemple that Betz has the Best nail. Presice cannot go this amount. I do not recommend for These Ranges But it Shows the quality of the nail.
banned for blatantly lying that "pro betz diaries are deleted and Blocked often."    wrong,  Pro-Betz diaries are not deleted or blocked here, ever.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2015, 06:30:46 AM »

Another Exemple that Betz has the Best nail. Presice cannot go this amount. I do not recommend for These Ranges But it Shows the quality of the nail.
This is not because of the quality of the nail, but rather that the nail he uses can lengthening that amount physically. The Precice nail has a physically limitation, as in, the nail cannot stretch that far. It's not about the quality.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2015, 10:01:26 AM »

Re: Alittletooshort

My experience with Dr. Betz has been great so far. I'm living at Elke's house, which is close to Dr. Betz's home and the Komfortklinik. There are numerous other patients here as well. All have had a solid experience so far, with varying stages of lengthening or recovery. Since leaving the hospital, I've seen Dr. Betz 1-2 times a month, at least, either at Elke's house or at the physiotherapist's place. He is a cordial guy, who has tremendous faith in his nail and surgical methods. He has consistently answered my questions as best as possible. Right after my surgery, when I was still in the Komfortklinik, I had some worries that arose after a few patients introduced them to me, e.g. nail weakness, incorrect final heights, etc. However, Dr. Betz answered every last one of them very well and alleviated my concerns. Since then, he has followed along with my process diligently, and has given me worthwhile criticism or praise. Additionally, if I ever have any sudden questions, he's just one phone call away.

Fortunately, the complications I've had have been minimal. I had an excellent condition after surgery. I could even walk well without crutches. However, just before 2cm, I overstretched and badly strained my right groin. I had this groin issue since I was in high school, but it had pretty much disappeared when I started my various exercise regimens in college. Unfortunately, it came back in the worst of ways. Resting and tentatively working through this deep strain hurt every facet of my condition. I had to walk with a bad limp, my legs became much wider, and the muscles (hamstrings, quads, etc.) in both legs lost quite a bit in flexibility. Finally, after 4.5 cm, the groin issue had resolved itself, but I was still left with the problems I had just mentioned. According to my physiotherapist, Peter Woll, I was in a really bad place, considering my condition prior to the strain. However, we strongly worked on each individual problem during the subsequent physio sessions, and I attempted to correct these problems every chance I got, on my own. I avoided cheating with my walking - forcing the legs closer, keeping my pelvis and back straight, and attempting to develop a more appropriate gait. Regardless if my leg muscles were tired, I never hopped or swung on my crutches to move myself, in lieu of walking. Eventually, around 6 cm, my walking was pretty good again. Nevertheless, I had lost some flexibility in my left quadricep, though it was still greater than the minimum 90 degree flexion, and my hamstrings were a work in progress.

I should mention that I fell down once. I immediately had an accidental click and an inner thigh bruise. Fortunately, my arms were out, so they reduced the force of the impact. I was worried that something might have happened to the nail, but after informing Dr. Betz and evaluating the situation with Peter for the next week or two, I was relieved that nothing came of this fall. A few weeks later, I had my mid-lengthening x-rays at the hospital and they further proved that there were no issues.

- Raisin Bran

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2015, 10:42:05 AM »

Re: Uppland and Taller

I figured I could answer you both together, as the questions are similar.

Before surgery, my legs were a bit odd. I had a long, lean lower leg, and a short, thick upper leg. My percentage for lower to upper was 86%, which is much higher than the typical 80%. So, I had more freedom in lengthening my femurs to a larger degree. However, I was also cognizant of the significant length that 10cm+ would be, in regards to my initial height. There is less stress on the body of a person who is 170cm+ or 180cm+ to lengthen 10cm than there is for someone who is 160cm+. Therefore, I was cautious throughout my entire lengthening process. I was told by my physiotherapist, Peter Woll, that the condition for numerous patients can change between 8cm and 9cm. When I reached 8cm, I did not have this noticeable change. However, more than a week later, when I reached 9cm, I began to feel it. I had more tightness in my legs after clicking than I'd had before 9cm. Therefore, I decided on two things. Following Dr. Betz's guidance, I have taken either every other day or 2 days on-1 day off from clicking. Also, I have pushed my leg muscles harder on the days I don't click, so that I can relieve the tightness. I am currently at 9.6cm, and have just 8 days of clicking left.

Before my surgery, I exercised regularly, with various HIIT and cardio regimens. My focus in exercise was on lean muscle, core strength, agility, and most importantly, flexibility. When I went to my consultation with Dr. Betz in late 2014, he informed me that my flexibility and core strength was fantastic and would definitely help me much in the lengthening process. After considering my aforementioned percentages and the width of my femurs, he said that I could go to 10cm with the 13mm nail. I was very pleased that I'd have the 13mm nail, just a surprising advantage my thick thighs afforded me.  ;D

Following the consultation, I stopped my intensive workouts, and switched to yoga, Pilates, and additional core work. I continued this exercise regimen for many months, until my surgery in early 2015. I wanted to minimize unnecessary bulk muscle in my lower body, as this could've been detrimental for lengthening.

In terms of my feelings about my proportions, I think my legs finally have the appropriate dimensions. I wore my favorite blue jeans to a dinner yesterday, and I was amazed at how well they looked. My legs did not look stocky or oddly spaced in them, as they had before. My upper torso and lower body look great as well, considering that I always wear jeans/slacks/dress pants at the hip, with a lean cut. My wingspan leaves much to be desired, but we can't always have everything. All in all, I feel awesome about my proportions.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2015, 11:20:54 AM »

I'm happy for you raisin, good luck.

Could you post some of the exercise routines you used to prepare for the surgery?

I also want to strengthen and stretch my legs as much as possible before I lengthen but I'm having troubles finding the right routines, thank you.

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2015, 03:00:12 PM »

Re: Uppland

Sure, I'll look some up for you and post a few appropriate ones. The most important stretches are those that loosen up your hamstrings and your quadriceps, and improve the complete range of movement in your pelvis. When were you planning to have your surgery?

BTW, you can just call me Bran.  :D

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2015, 03:09:15 PM »

Re: coppkillr, DoingItForMe

I personally can not comment on the quality and strengths/weaknesses of the Precise nail. In my situation, I could've gone to Paley, which is much closer to me and would've allowed me to pretty much stay at home for the lengthening. However, I went with Dr. Betz because after my consultation with him and meeting with several patients who were having their removal at the time, I felt that this was the best option for me. Cost, travel, and recovery might be a deal breaker for some people, but I was fortunate that I did not have to concern myself with these issues. Therefore, I was able to select the best lengthening option available to me. Now that I'm nearing the conclusion of the lengthening phase, I have no regrets with my choice. Just looking forward to the recovery phase and eventually, returning back home.



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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2015, 03:30:54 PM »

You know what Bran? That would be really really helpful for everyone on the forum, we can never prepare enough for such a brutal surgery.

Thanks a lot mate.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2015, 02:20:14 AM »

Hey Bran why didn't you split the 10cm between two segments?


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2015, 05:37:54 AM »

Would it bother you to post photos of your post-lengthening and pre-lengthening proportions?

Raisin Bran

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2015, 06:04:32 AM »

Re: Uppland

I could actually do you one better bro, I'm currently trying to convince one of my housemates to contribute to the forum. He's completed his lengthening phase and he's like the stretch king in the house. Condition is near perfect for someone who completed 10. I'm thinking 2 points of views should be even more helpful for those interested in the lengthening process, especially those of relative success.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2015, 06:09:57 AM »

Welcome to the forum.

Oddly enough, I hate raisins but I really like Raisin Bran.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2015, 06:16:28 AM »

Re: theuprising

Personally, I did not want to do two surgeries. The recovery time for tibias is much longer than that of femurs. So, if I did both surgeries, I'd have to do tibias first. Additionally, my tibias were already oddly long, so it would not have made much sense. When I went for my consultation, I had like 7-8cm in mind, but as I mentioned in my previous post, the strength of my nail (13mm), the solid condition I have while lengthening past 8cm, and my pre-surgery ratio (86%) all led up to my choice of doing 10cm+.

Both tibia and femur surgery is quite stressful for your body. However, if I did do 2 surgeries, I probably would've gone to at least a total of 15cm.

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2015, 06:20:00 AM »

Re: KiloKAHN

Haha, you and me both man, I think I've just seen way too many cheesy California Raisin commercials for one lifetime.

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2015, 06:22:24 AM »

Re: Taller

I have not finished yet, though I'm very close. I'll try to post some pics when I'm done. If not, I definitely have my X-Rays as well.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2015, 07:36:18 AM »

However, I went with Dr. Betz because after my consultation with him and meeting with several patients who were having their removal at the time,
The consultation lasts  only several hours from morning to evening. Patients who have their nails removed just stay 1 night in the clinic. So you are suggesting you met several of them during your consultation? That's highly unlikely to say the least.

And why did you attack MasterHY in his diary on the old forum with your very first post?

It is obvious you are part of a new marketing offensive from Betz. He uses the forums as his main marketing tool. He has had an unethical business relationship with the owner of the old forum. So readers shouldn't pay too much attention to the success stories but rather focus on the negative stuff. It is much more difficult to make up the bad stories.

Readers beware: Betz is not trustworthy and extremely unsafe.

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2015, 02:24:33 PM »

Re: Metanoia

Wow, I figured a post like this might be coming. I'd rather not have this thread devolve into some type of flame war or angry back-and-forth. However, I will answer your questions as legitimately as I have to those from previous posters.

Yes, you are correct that most patients typically stay 1-2 nights at the clinic after removal. I met with 2 removal patients the day I was there for my consultation, in addition to around 4 or 5 other lengthening patients at the Komfortklinik. If that still does not seem plausible to you, then I'm not sure what else I could say to convince you otherwise.

In regards to my MasterHY post in the old forum, I just wished to remind people that a person's lengthening experience is typically unique to only themselves. People read about all these issues in that post, and they could actually start to believe that if they work hard, exercise, stretch, and do everything right prior to, during, and after lengthening, they might have all these problems that MasterHY has mentioned. There are 4 patients now at Elke's house, including myself. I have seen many other patients come through the house, staying for various periods of time. I can promise you that of all these patients, no two situations were identical or even similar. I did not attack him personally or criticize his problems, so I question the validity of your points. Being in Germany for some time now however, I am aware of who MasterHY actually is, what his situation was, how his stay at Orscholz was, and the things he's avoided disclosing in his posts, so as to craft a one-sided story. I am above petty criticism though, and it's not relevant to my experience at all. So, that is the last thing I will say about that.

As far as being in a business relationship or part of a marketing offensive, :o LOL. That is wayyy out there bro, honestly. I posted to that forum at the same time as this forum, but I can't make a new thread or post a diary there. Additionally, the activity in that forum is a lot less than this one. So, I'm just continuing with my story in this forum because it's easier to use and members have been more thoughtful and receptive to my posts.

Now, in terms of negative stuff, I have seen a few patients who have had bad conditions, i.e. duck a**, lack of bone growth, wide legs, bad walking, etc. Fortunately, the reasons for their issues are quite simple. THEY DID NOT PUT IN THE WORK OR LISTEN TO DIRECTIONS! If you don't consistently walk with crutches during the entire lengthening period or do too much physical activity with an unstable base, this is detrimental to bone growth. If you do physiotherapy and then do no exercise or stretching on your own, your condition will diminish. If you cheat with your walking, your condition will diminish. If you leave Germany, go back home, and do not continue with the proper physiotherapy, your condition will diminish RAPIDLY. Foolish people take this surgery/recovery lightly, and they put themselves in the condition they ultimately complain about. I have set aside 6-7 months of my life (January to July/August) to stay in Germany, get the best physiotherapy available, and focus on getting my entire condition back to at least 80% of where it was prior to surgery. Some patients are able to do this, while others do not have this luxury and have to go back home/work. For those people, they just have to work harder at improving. Ultimately, we're talking about our legs here. This isn't a breast enhancement or general cosmetic surgery. There would be no negative patient stories if every patient took this seriously everyday of their recovery.

I will answer any further questions you may have, but please do not criticize someone unless you have been affected by them personally. I can say all this because I'm a living, breathing, walking testament to the remarkable skill and ability of Dr. Betz and his surgical practice.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2015, 03:18:27 PM »

Bran is 80% of previous ability the most anyone can hope for in your opinion?

Also the combined input from you and your friend sounds great, I've already been stretching my hamstrings for a few weeks but I'm not sure what else to do or if I'm doing the right stretches.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2015, 03:24:39 PM »

Being in Germany for some time now however, I am aware of who MasterHY actually is, what his situation was, how his stay at Orscholz was, and the things he's avoided disclosing in his posts, so as to craft a one-sided story.

MasterHY never was in Orscholz. You are full of  . If you are really a patient, which i doubt, then write about your experience and shut up about other people you don't know.
Only patients with complications get to know the real ugliness of the character of Dr.Betz. He now seems to send all his patients to Elke. This is in order to isolate them. In Orscholz there are other doctors and nurses who might talk about what they have seen what has happened to his patients. But Elke will keep quiet.
So you are enjoying to live in one of her dog kennels? No gym, no swimming pool?


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2015, 03:25:09 PM »

Sorry to venture away from Bran's story, but have you decided to do LL, Uppland?

Bran, what extent of recovery do you typically see of fellow Dr. Betz patients? Do they usually recover most or all of their pre-LL abilities?

Please ignore Metanoia and be assured that users like myself greatly appreciate your contributions to this forum and welcome your presence here.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2015, 03:30:23 PM »

Sorry to venture away from Bran's story, but have you decided to do LL, Uppland?

Bran, what extent of recovery do you typically see of fellow Dr. Betz patients? Do they usually recover most or all of their pre-LL abilities?

Please ignore Metanoia and be assured that users like myself greatly appreciate your contributions to this forum and welcome your presence here.

No I'm holding off on the decition until I see a shrink. However I'm leaning towards doing it and so I want to be prepared, I also want to save as much money as possible hence why I'm going with a public/state psychiatrist instead of a private one. I need a doctors permit though so the bureaucracy is moving a bit slow at the moment.

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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2015, 03:56:27 PM »

Re: Taller

Appreciate your point about Metanoia, lol, all I have to say is god damn, that user is really something else, dog kennels, wow. I hope people can ignore him or maybe someone can just delete his spam.

Anyway, back to your question, I met a few removal patients during my 2 weeks at the Komfortklinik post-surgery. Two of them were actually my roommates, one at the beginning and one at the end of my stay. The initial guy had a long road to recovery, but he was a semi-professional biker prior to surgery (significant lower body muscle). He had a lot of trouble with clicking in the beginning because of this muscle mass. The latter guy had a shorter recovery period, and he was the complete opposite. Just a normal non-athletic guy, but his starting height was maybe 175 or 176cm. He had stayed 1 or 2 months at Orscholz. They both lengthened about the same, 7-8cm. However, both of them were fully recovered by the time of removal. Two completely different paths to the same positive conclusion. That was encouraging to me.

The biggest detriments to recovery are what I mentioned in the last post: patients not putting in the necessary work or effort for the 6 months after surgery or doing too much strenuous lower body activity too quickly. I think of my approach as that of a professional athlete that has had a major injury. Let's say you play professional soccer or basketball, you need to work your way up to doing your usual things, from walking, running, dribbling, passing, shooting, and then contact drills. What can happen to some players who come back too soon though from injury? They re-aggravate the old injury and need to go out for more time. What can happen to some players who do the minimum during their recovery? They come back out-of-shape and need much time to get to match fitness. It's the same thing for LL, both mistakes lead to a longer and harder recovery.

As an LL patient, I'm just going to be cautious about sports or activities until the removal of my nail. I think that's the best option for avoiding any unnecessary risks.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2015, 04:39:12 PM »

What kind of permit do you expect to get from your meetings with a psychiatrist Uppland if I may ask? Are you doing this to get the treatment in sweden?



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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2015, 05:16:50 PM »

Please ignore Metanoia and be assured that users like myself greatly appreciate your contributions to this forum and welcome your presence here.
So you appreciate him spreading false informations about MasterHY?
You seem to be quite gullible my friend.


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Re: Raisin Bran - Internal Femurs - Dr. Betz - 2015
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2015, 05:43:51 PM »

Please ignore Metanoia and be assured that users like myself greatly appreciate your contributions to this forum and welcome your presence here.

Why should he be ignored while the guy speaks the truth?
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